What's wrong with fanservice in video games?
What's wrong with fanservice in video games?
Nothing at all.
I love lewd games
aren't jrpgs the things were you use a text box to fight like in pokeman?
They're both shit
if it's pandering to Lost Pause audience it's bad
if it's cute and traditional its good
that fucking neck holy shit
depends if you define as any RPG from Japan, or just 'Japanese-style' RPGs that are turn based with a shonen protagonist and aparty that follows you around
copy that
I really want to fuck peebee.
one is an adult, one is a child
>b-b-b-b-but she's a robot
>b-b-b-b-but she's 100 years old
cool, you're still a pedo
Men like it = Bad
Don't think too much about it, they certainly don't
Not a damn thing. Anyone who disagrees is likely a NeoGAF refugee.
It triggers immature people.
Better ban Romeo and Juliet then
>Purple Heart
Look at this child!
>Purple Heart
Did you even LOOK at the picture?
u mean USRPGs
Japan is perverted because the girls don't have blocky manjaws and preach current events bullshit.
Imagine being the Pathfinder in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Peebee, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I totally enjoy having sex with you, both my character and the guy playing this game."
Nothing except for the fact that people who don't even play games are going to scream about it.
>damn, Peebee, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I totally enjoy having sex with you, both my character and the guy playing this game
Wow she is a 1000 year old dragon xD
>a budding romance between two young people in an era where you were lucky to hit 50
>vs fan-service of a 13-yo in a bikini, produced in a country known for rampant sexualization of under-aged characters
I remember everyone posting that quote in every thread, then ponyfags started using it too, so that meme died pretty fast
i r8 8/8, m8.
A well placed quote.
>in an era where you were lucky to hit 50
If you didn't die as a baby, you lived almost as long as people today
Not to mention that logic is retarded. How is it okay to fuck a kid anyway, just because she'll die ten years earlier, you sick fuck?
Anime/CGI tiddies are fanservice for plebs, the fanservice for the thinking man is characters from earlier games making a cameo.
gtfo Jason
this is a perfect 10 in western standards now, get used to it
I like if it's not overdone.
Say, walking in on the ultra hot female character once is great.
Ultra hot female character being nude 24/7 is trash.
I'd rather play Neptunia than Mass Effect any day. It's colourful, fun engaging and has quirky and memorable characters. Also wasn't Andromeda a massive flop? I don't like space RPGs anyways so it's a no brainer for me. Also there is purpose to Neptunia games. It's simply to have fun and be amused by engaging characters in VN setting.
>13 year olds look like that
You should get out of your basement at least once or twice a year. Though I'm pretty sure this is bait.
It depends. If a game is made for ecchi shit I can tolerate and even like it if the gameplay or ecchi stuff is good enough. But fanservice in games that weren't previously about fanservice and ecchi stuff gets old really quickly. Like movies, I don't always want softcore porn. Softcore porn is great, but sometimes I want something of substance as well.
That said, most Western shit tries way too hard and ends up not being substantive while also looking fuck ugly.
why do you hate women so much, Sup Forums? was mommy rude to you? did girls back in middle school "friendzone" you?
>Sup Forums appreciates a quote
>/mlp/ uses it once and Sup Forums drops it instantly
Read the quote again and tell me if you appreciate the irony of this?
No one has mentioned women yet though.
i don't hate women but i wish they liked me more
There is an exception for every rule.
Mass Effect are adult scenes in an adult game with a serious and mature tone.
JRPGs are generally just obvious excuses to show anime girls in skimpy outfits doing cute poses. Most of these games have, instead of adult dialog, preteen girls rapidly shouting in cartoonish tones.
>cameos is patrician fan service
brainlet detected
Literally nothing.
>why do you hate women so much
I don't. Why do you say that?
but WRPG girls are outclassed by IRL girls in every way around :/
Why does Persona 5 get a pass?
If you think sex scenes in "mature" works don't primarily exist for the titillation you're seriously retarded.
>appreciates a quote
It was CS Lewis sperging out, that despite being the leader of the literary club, that he created, Tolkien and his Lord of the Rings was praised as high art, while narnia was considered a children's fairy tale
So he went "f-fuck you real maturity is not caring what people think!"
>what is fade to black
>serious and mature tone
>Sex scenes
It's fine in small doses. It's terrible when it's the only driving force in a game
Typically fanserivce becomes the video game. I have no problem with fanservice games but just call it a fanservice game instead of pretending like it's anything else
come on, i hate animepedos too but look at the fucking picture first
Have you not seen Ann's poses?
Fuck off and hang yourself, roastie
>sex is always sex no matter what it is the depths of depraved
Why do you faggots never have any fucking nuance?
thighs shouldn't jiggle
If it's a game with fanservice, it's no big deal. Like how Attack of the Clones constantly had Natalie Portman's midriff showing.
If it's a game where the game part is an excuse to be nothing but fanservice, like those shitty Senran Kagura games, then it's pathetic. Not because the game is pathetic, but because you willingly spent money on it. Jerking off to anime is only okay if it's free, dumbasses.
Why do Neps still trigger Sup Forums?
I was going to call you a faggot but I like thighs too so I guess you are alright.
t. gator
>thighs shouldn't jiggle
Ironic weebs like Nep apparently.
>Not supporting anime tiddies
Because the games are kind of shit.
Ironic weebs are a myth.
its Sup Forums the kids find this place everyday, this place will never change, youre deluded if you think this place ever could.
Shit like Bayonetta is fine because there's substance to go along with Bayonetta's ass. If you took away all the provocative shit there would still be a combat system of value left.
If you took away the tits from Senran Kagura you would be left with fucking nothing. A sub-musou brawler where one dimensional characters (with sappy backstory(tm)) spout their one or two jokes at each other over and over again. Masturbate to the art online and save your time and money.
>Senran Kagura games
I saw some videos of it and the gameplay doesn't seem so great but HOLY SHIT they really nailed the sexy anime girl models. I mean it was nice to spend some time watching it. Could be nice to play it too.
It's different when it's interactive. It's not like just watching porn.
So you like manly men?
I'm getting sick and tired of weebs on my Sup Forums
>Jerking off to anime is only okay if it's free, dumbasses.
t. third worlder
Just because I don't want them here doesn't mean that I hate them.
>No purpose
Nothing has a fucking purpose.
Sup Forums loves shit though. That's why they're always buying licensed games like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Batman games, and ilk
Both are fanservice, but regardless, the question still stands. Why is it wrong to include fanservice elements for the sake of it?
Well then I have the perfect site for you.
Those threads are always off-topic. Licenced games are used as a weak excuse.
I support anime tiddies like a push up bra.
I'm fine with anime games with anime tiddies.
Just don't pay for it, unless you can justify that you would still be paying for it if it didn't have anime tiddies.
Florida Gator and proud, cunt
Stay mad Sup Forums
thanks doc
Those massive tits say otherwise
>blue shrek actually had a fucking romance
Holy shit, I kind of regret not following Andromeda closer at release, that's hilarious.
>Sup Forums hating women
>implying they are not thirsty as fuck of them
>implying it's not women who hate them who being this thristy
>implying they have not to like 2d instead since 2d don't hate them
Keked new friend
Well Shinovi Versus is fun at the very least. Estival Versus can fuck off and Bon Appetit is a disgrace.
That's not the problem. The problem is that those games are shit.
Most license games have shit gameplay, simplistic storylines, tons of bugs, and loads of DLC and other crap, and sell solely ont he fact that people buy it for the license characters
DBZ fighters look to have promise, but already they're adding tons of random DLC and stupid shit modes that reek of bad game design
Cassandra is cute!!!!!!!!!
There's a difference between having a sex scene in a game and a game where half-nude cartoon girls is part of the entire experience from start to finish.
I unironically want to rub my dick on her scar
well the difference is that neptunia and senran kagura use tits to hide the fact that they are trash while mass effect andromeda is just unapologetically bad
am I a pedo for liking big anime tiddies?