Senran Kagura

New Link is having a Christmas event along the inauguration of the pvp mode, hope you all got the apologems.
Also, reminder that Murasaki is gonna be DLC for Refle in February


Its surprising she's the third senran to become available in Refie.


Why am I feeling all excited at that?

>Still no PBS for PC
Do they hate money? The more they wait the less it's worth.
>Meanwhile this shit is on a children's toy



I feel weird for saying this, but I think I prefer the less exaggerated proportions, outfit designs and character poses of these New Link artworks despite that being the result of the game having to be toned down for smartphone release.


Where is Yomi?

I can see why people enjoy this series after seeing these images.

What an odd choice. Is Murasaki even that popular in Japan?

They're way more toned down compared to new wave cards or the artbooks
She's like 11th or 12th on the polls.

Go figure. So its Asuka, Yumi, Murasaki, then what?

Maybe a Crimson, I bet either Yomi or Hikage.

If its Yomi then they need to include a beansprout farm for you to help her tend to.

Hopefully Homura. Or Haruka.

Homura is not that popular anymore, same with Haruka.

>Not popular
Fucking Japs and their shit taste.

Stupid Japan.


>not poplar
>any non-newfag knows that haruka is the true face of senran kagura, homura was always a living meme so who cares

Stinky, sweaty Christmas NEET!

Haruka is only popular on the west, and that's mostly because all her fans are deviantart degenerates.
>Living meme
she was great in Burst and DC, EV completely ruined her character.

Hey her tits grew back

nah she wasnt