Is this actually fucking worth playing. After hearing sonyfags complain about their awardless game I'd just like to hear the real verdict
Is this actually fucking worth playing...
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if you have a ps4, sure
on the pc there are better open world games, but i would pick this up for a 30 at a steam sale if it was on pc
There really aren't any better open world games on ps4?
It's a good game. The story is a bit lackluster but the actually world is great in my opinion. I found the combat fun as well although i bet a fair amount of people could see it as repetitive after a while. I'd recommend it to most people as long as they don't expect a miracle from it.
I don't understand why people are complaining about it getting no awards or mocking it for getting none. Games don't need to be revolutionary masterpieces to be fun.
im ignoring multiplat, unless the pc release is heavily delayed there is never any reason to play anything on console*
*unless you are a poorfag that only has a console in which case i suppose you can play witcher 3, elder scrolls online or GTA5
Ok, this is just rubbing salt in the wound.
After playing it all I can say is this
Fighting the robots is extremely well done and the game can be really good at times but it's lowpoints really depend on your tolerance for open world game cliches
If you can get past the "Go to the otherside of the map to do this objective" and "Follow this person down a path" quests, the game is good but if you have open world fatigue, it can be bad
If you like SJW politics and feminism then this game is for you. Real men wont like it.
Okay but what if you set aside the ultimately irrelevant politics and judge the game on its own merits, is it worth playing
It's not genre defining but it is very solid. Hunting robot dinos is fun especially on harder difficulties. Human enemies are fucking terrible though.
>SJW politics
>Is this actually fucking worth playing
It won awards though
The story is odd and does reek of some agenda or just a whole lot of coincidence but the game play is fun and it's one of the few games I've platinum'd. Just don't expect a masterpiece of storytelling and characterization like it's claimed to have by some places.
very beautiful , but boring and shallow
man the shilling is on full force these days
Its either this shit or that garbage jrpg on the manchildstation
take your pills junior
Yes. The first hour or two is unbearable. Everything is stupid as shit and looks like it's gonna be like that the entire game.
But once you are free to go everywhere the game starts shining. Hunting shit is really fun, even more if you set a higher difficulty. And the game, aside from the water that looks mediocre, looks fucking great.
Game is good at what it does and there's nothing to really complain about, it's just a really forgettable game.
long version
>Is this actually fucking worth playing.
Get Nier, Nioh, or Bloodborne instead.
I can definitely agree with that last statement. After playing GR2 and BotW, I jumped into ZD and didn't enjoy it much because of too many open world sandboxes at once.
Had to wait for four months before I got into the mood for it. I did end up enjoying the game immensely after taking that break though.
Shallow compared to what?
It is a lot deeper than 90% of western games.
That's not saying much
Go play it soyboy
if you ignore multiplats then there are no open world games on pc.
>I don't understand why people are complaining about it getting no awards or mocking it for getting none
Because it was Sony's equivalent of Oscar bait. They put a lot of money into it both between development and advertising.
>Trying to replicate BotW memes qielth Horizon Zero awards
KEK. Sonybros are pathetic.
>Because it was Sony's equivalent of Oscar bait.
Nah that would be Uncharted
>memes qielth Horizon Zero awards
I think Horizon killed the last remaining brain cells you had
my fucking sides
Aside from the boring as fuck quests, it's a pretty fun game