ITT: grindiest games of all time

i'll start

get on my level

Every mmo and rpg


just use bots

buyin gf

You are like small child.

I'll be your gf for 2 tbows

Felt like all I did was grind when i played this years ago.

some are definitely worse than others

when runescape first entered development the creators made 99s so ridiculously high because they didnt want people to actually achieve them



KAL Online

Hard mode: Single Player games

Nothing beats mobages.
There is so much grind in this game it will take you single-handedly dozens to hundreds of hours before you get anywhere worthwhile.


Rank 14 vanilla retail


>tfw people complain about "low" drop rates in single-player RPGs, bu they will never know true pain

Grinding was so fun though.

Goddamn it I miss it so much.

is this game worth getting into right now?
it looks kind of destiny ish and I really like that style of combat

It is, personally.
New players have a fuck load of stuff to do and there's plenty of weapons and frames to mess with.

That Yu-Gi-Oh game where they never released the card scanner in american markets so you have to grind against AI that cheats.

>there's plenty of weapons and frames to mess with
Last I checked you're still limited to few weapon and frame slots.

>0 hardcore

wc level?

This or ragnarok online.

>that glass shoe quest around lvl 20
Fuck that game.



Step it up, lads.


>it looks kind of destiny ish
Fuck you, son. It's the other way around.

u rite

Forbidden memories




World of Tanks.

turned into a korean mmo tier grind near the end

The game could have been so good if it weren't for the grind.


BDO. Sadly I started getting hooked on it


What do you dislike about it that involves grinding?
Most likely you can get am od to change it.

Oh please, Disgaea 4 was the worst in the series.

Just play on Radiant.


>"0 Results"

It just takes forever to upgrade your "mains." I could be playing for 10s of hours without feeling like I'm getting anywhere.

The mods stop working each time there's an update to the game

Does anyone here play Torn? Where would I look to find threads on it?

>fulton 1329 things for shitty weapon upgrades

>100k + few metal resources
>gun with scope
>1 billion + shittonne of resources from the rearest category

I think Peace Walker beats MGSV in grindiness

>Any Disgaea
Fucking please. Once you start learning how to get Staticians going, you can easily jump thousands of levels per Item World run. You aren't spending literally days on end trying to go up one level like you wind up doing in most MMOs. I get that the endgame is literally "grind: the eternal experience", but there's a certain point where any progression difficulty plateaus and you're basically making explosive vertical leaps until your head hits the ceiling.

no it doesnt, you only need all staff S ranked, no extra resources or other shit, and GMP is given back after development, i unlocked almost everything in peacewalker cept the coop stuff and the endgame shit like high tier tank boxes. in MGSV i need to grind like a mad man to even get anything level 7 or above. shame that PW has more stuff to develop than MGSV, i miss the MG3 and weapon variety, the equipment was cool too with the stealth mats and railgun.

It's a bitter irony

I feel like I'm the only person, out of a playerbase of tens of thousands, who enjoys playing the game as it was meant to be played



Well there's your problem. It's all about the town and dungeons, heroes are just a resource to spend. You are not supposed to get attached or have mains.

Path of Exile.

A grinding game by Grinding Gear Games where the endgame has no other content than grinding.

>not perfecting Reynald and Dismas


I know what has happened, but a year ago you could just level to get ranked and by that time you unlocked every character.

The reason Scape is on the 2nd line in the logo instead of one word is because Jagex were worried people would think the game is called RunEscape.

Name any of those Korean MMOs that all had the exact same interface. Silkroad Online, all that shit

>back in 2008 i used to go on adventures in the Runescape world finding new things and making friends
>pretended to own a house in varrock that I always logged out in
>thought I was an absolute beast at the game with amazing stats
>log into rs3 to look at my old character
>trash stats
I miss you, innocence.

>You are not supposed to get attached or have mains.

Then why even include mechanics like upgrading and getting rid of negative quirks?

>trash stats
What a shitty meme. Sometimes I think we took the whole "lol n00b" thing too far, and it was that attitude that drove people to become funless autists

To tailor parties for the Darkest Dungeon or get rid of negative traits thatare simply too hazardous to keep.

>implying you don’t have trash stats i they are below like 80 or 90
All the good things unlock between 80-99 in runescape.

>All the good things unlock between 80-99 in runescape.
As a f2p you're kinda done after 50 though.

thank god i had my fun before that and ended up vac banned when fucking around with cheat engine to make weapons the size of maps and machine gun towers

its gotten much better, but back in the day , i agree, it took me and my friends almost a week to get to 30. and the fucking pot drops were terrible. its much easier to manage now.

>not thug2

>All the good things unlock between 80-99 in runescape.
You're kidding. Only the tiniest sliver of the game's content requires those levels. Not even a single quest has a requirement over 71

99% of quirks both are borderline meaningless and just there to add flavor to your guys.




maplestory and silkroad reach beyond autism levels. Allods too if you arent gonna spend $$$


damn that brings me back. Only game I've ever played where more of the population was Chinese bot farmers than actual people. And holy fuck was it grindy, took me a week just to hit 20.

That wasn't even possible to do normally. You had to have multiple people playing on your account in shifts.

fishing lvl?


Actually there are quests now that require 80+ in multiple stats, and thats just to start them

Are you 10? Theres no grind for this game

It's obviously RuneScape. Just like you have a Cityscape when you admire a city's outline from the distance, you have a RuneScape because that's the world of magic and wonder of runes.

Many people account shared but most didn't.
It's just an absurd time commitment and you needed to be consistent for months.


>mfw I make $5000 dollars a day and consider myself rich
>then someone in my faction gifts me 500k and all my work seems pointless

Lol, sorry, You can't top this.

LOL, i didn't even see this.

Are you me?

I fully expected this to be one of the first few posts. I wasn't disappointed.

>tfw hardcore ironman chad

my favorite type of gaming

>be me
>hanging out around perion
>"Get the deed to Blackbull's land!"

My fucking god I killed so many curse eyes god damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Hey son
>You playing "Run Escape" again?

Get ready to grind for Magna II.

>unironic trollface memes

Getting to level 99 in Diablo 2 deserves a mention.