Previous thread THE STORY SO FAR: Philosophical nihilist and Rick-and-Morty aficionado Linus NuTron created a soft-fingered, angel-winged robodaughterwaifu named FAGGOT. Over burgers with his friend CHAD THUNDERCEO, a sycophant who only exists to illume Linus's great genius, Linus agreed to a venture to make FAGGOT into a surgery robonurse in short skirts. After FAGGOT failed to dispatch a purple thot, Linus decided it was time to install his robodaughterwaifu with 'MURRICAN VALUES and began taking FAGGOT to the local range and teaching FAGGOT how to fire a gun. But an assblasted anti-military journalist named Mark has been trying to get Linus to give him an interview. Linus has been soundly ignoring him. Yet it seems like that's going to land Linus in some hot water.
Four minutes after posting, I'll tally the votes and pick the option with the most votes. In case of a tie, I'll compare the last two digits of each post for the tied options and use the digit with the highest number, 00 counting as 100. Finally, the first option that attains 4+ votes will be being immediately enacted, to speed up the process if we have a consensus.
Also, make sure that it's clear what choice you're actually voting for. Memes are great, but I'm a brainlet and I got one vote wrong last thread that actually made a difference. You can just include the number or letter ("2" or "C") in your post if you want.
I'll try to be less of a brainlet this time. Tally-hello, world!
Sup Forums plays Choice of Robots II
First, where we last left off.
And a summary of our stats. Just putting these up while Life of a Sup Forumsizard winds down.
And now, we continue onwards, featuring a less brainlet style of posting. I'll try to stitch things together from now on like this, so there may be a longer delay from my first post, but less of a delay in having to wait for me to upload a ton of things.
He will feel ashamed of his words and deeds!
Defend our own reputation.
Time for Linus to make use of all of those years posting on a sumerian hieroglyphics flip book board
H-hello mom?
I already played Choice of Robots and know what that call is about.
Pick up the call from mom
We probably still live in her basement tbqh.
Keep talking with mom
tfw I don't talk with mine that much lately
Give her a call you fuck
Also hug her if you see her
Me neither user.
96 wins out, so we'll switch to the reporter.
May glendale fuck himself, mommy is praising us for the first time in our life
Mind the vote time window lads. Otherwise the game slows to a crawl.
Go to the show
Go to Letterman
Also OP, you should namefag, for orderly sake
You got it my dude.
Looks like we're going to repeat the performance of Miku coming to Letterman! In the meantime, CHAD THUNDERCEO is started to see through our robowaifu shenanigans.
We'll pull through
Faggot is shit at fighting. Pls no
Stupid idea. Faggot wasn't made to fight
61 wins out, so we'll try to pull through. You just gotta believe in your own 'tism! Except that Josh doesn't like this.
3 again
Faggot can't fight pls no
So I went with the second most popular option. Doesn't seem like CHAD THUNDERCEO is much liking the idea. In the meantime, Linus has some STICC religious nut on his ass. What'll we do, lads?
>immediately pull a brainlet again
like pottery
i-is this safe
windows gave it the OK
Just add this to your uBlock origin -> My Filters: Sup, String.fromCharCode)
Kill or be killed, this isn't 2001. E-mail threats carry weight now.
Just in case the faggot from yesterday shows up: A quest thread involves an OP DMing entirely fabricated off-the-cuff content similar to a game of Dungeons and Dragons. This thread is instead the OP entering our answers into a pre-existing text-based video game. Ergo, this thread is not a quest thread - however, it is video games. If you were not a cringe-worthy cocksucking newfaggot, you would remember a time when Sup Forums did this often and usually to hilarious and fun results. This sort of thread is a prime generator of "original content", which is something we used to value on Sup Forums before your cocksucking breed appeared and began shitting on originality and posting ten thousand "epic" wojacks a day.
Ok carry on OP just link that questfag to this post if he shows.
THOT DESTROYER. Seems like Linus is about to get fucked in the ass though. Is purple thot our only way out?
This one's pretty long, so the voting window is 10 minutes just for this one, especially since it's a pretty important choice.
Thanks my friend.
I'll add that the skips are when there's a "NEXT" in the game itself.
We don't need Josh, he will just mark zukenberg us.
If the gubernmint wants to pay us for creating robots, we create robots.
Work for the government, get SS on Tammy's ass
DINER, who knows, maybe we can get a better deal 0w0
If the government want us to make robuts...
Make America great again with robots
Four votes for giving in to the gubmint! U S A! U S A! And now we can backstab that dirty cocksucker who didn't believe in our surgery robutts.
OH SHIT MY SIDES, one of these two
>Sup Forums didn't choose "Goldberg" at the last name screen
what the fuck guys come on.
Linus's Universal FAGGOT(tm)
98, a winner is you. FAGGOTWorks. It Just Works™. Now we have the real question, lads: MIKU or 'MURRICA?
What are her stats?
I'm guessing thats Grace
Sing like there's no tomorrow, this is your only chance gurl.
We Miku now
We have enough Grace for now, gotta improve other stats.
Sing I guess.
Yeah but this is a check, we wont increase stats here
Rev up those Domino's Pizza gigs! Except we were also all retards. Good job, my fellow fags. We also got an achievement for being so awful!
So, what now? Do you want to restart?
You retards
Lets restart, no waifu shit, we war now
Oh my fucking kek. This is great Sup Forums, I've played this game so many times but I've never been able to get that die earliest achievement. This is some gold fuck up, good shit OP
How famous we died?
>killed by the basement dweller autist
Damn, we really fucked up
Fuck this shit. We are going to exterminate himan race this time.
EVA02, to arms. It all comes tumbling down
Make it so all our decisions are the same but we don't die.
Yeah otherwise it will be too long and boring
Plow through the game but politely reply to Tammy, not the retarded "lul letz kill her with our shitty waifubot"
A-at least we got an achievement.
7 (Nationally Famous)
Kek, you're welcome.
Okay lads, I'll replay the game but post again when I get to Tammy. Keep the thread bumped while I'm out, might take a while.
We shouldn't kill Tammy then, either ignore her or try to talk to her. Or shoot things on TV.
Is it possible to successfully kill her if your robot's military score is high enough?
I have no idea, I've never played the game. Can anyone else weigh in?
It is yeah
Yes, with military being above In Beta I think.
Can i get a quick rundown on progress.
ALL RIGHT LADS, where do we go from here?
Call the police
We tried to make our waifubot shoot a lunatic. The lunatic won.
Meet Tammy, and bring FAGGOT with you to show that you are the bigger autist
Ignore her for our safety
Ten minute voting window on this one.
call the police
Meet Tammy to show that Faggot is harmless
No harm
Show her that Miku is harmless