PC/PS4/Xbone are getting in the next months:

PC/PS4/Xbone are getting in the next months:

>MH World
>RDR 2
>God of War
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves

Switch is getting:

>Full priced Bayonetta port and the first one being digital only
>SJWolfestein II
>Kirby and Yoshi filler games

I'm starting to get buyer's remorse

>comparing 3 against 1
unironically kys

>Comparing a console to other consoles

What's exactly wrong here?

Who could be behind this post?


Bump for truth

Toddler's can't debate the truth. Sad!

Bump again

Mate, if your bait fails, let it die, change it and try again.

MH World is the only one that will be decent.

Fighterz will be solid too

Switch on suicide watch

>I'm starting to get buyer's remorse

Every single buyers' remorse thread.

can't wait for your tears after january's direct.

>I'm starting to get buyer's remorse

You don't own a Switch user that's obvious

>indies and ports
>Zelda that you can play on PC
>Games that won't come out until end of the year/2019

I smell an xbot trying to hide behind the King (PS4) and its retarded court jester (PC) to divert attention from the fact that right now the Xbox has rightfully lost second place to the nintendo soyboy tablet

>Sea of Thieves
You say that like it's a good thing. That game looks fucking awful, and you know it.

I have buyer's remorse too...
My backlog keeps getting bigger.

Switch is only good for Nintendo exclusives, like every Nintendo console since the N64

Try to prove me wrong. Protip: you can't

Okay but really. Why did World have to release on the same day as 3 DIFFERENT GAMES. I know 2 of them are both fighting games and the fanbases don't really intersect but come on, even I could see the downside in that.

Out of all those games only MH and Figthers Z are not trash

Just get a PC then. You'll be able to play most games that way. Contrary to what Sup Forums tells you, you don't have to stick to a single platform.

N64 was better if you weren't a loserless friend, because I didn't know a single Povertystation 1 player who actually owned the fucking multitap or 4 controllers.

Regardless, your point that modern Nintendo consoles aren't much if you don't like the first party lineup stands.

Are you okay?

A.Comparing 3 consoles to one is retarded.
B.You forgot:
>Fire Emblem
>Dragon Quest 11
>Valkyrie Chronicles 4
For Switch
C.There is bound to be more stuff for Switch in the January direct.

>A.Comparing 3 consoles to one is retarded.

Not at all, many of the game that OP listed are available for PC/PS4/Xbone

>B.You forgot:
>>Fire Emblem
>>Dragon Quest 11
>>Valkyrie Chronicles 4

OP stated for the "next months", those games aren't coming anytime soon

>C.There is bound to be more stuff for Switch in the January direct.

I hope so, cause Switch lineup for the next months looks pretty weak