XCX thread

anybody else kinda prefer XCX to XB2?

I miss skells, guns, weird JPOP, playing dressup, Doug, online multiplayer, etc.

XB2 relies too much on generic anime cutscenes and the gacha mechanic. I'm still really enjoying it but I miss New LA 2bh.

Other urls found in this thread:

gamereactor.eu/articles/368023/Tetsuya Takahashi Talks Xenoblade Chronicles X/


After playing XBC2, it made me appreciate X more. I complained about X's story, but good grief is the story and characters fucking shit in 2 as it goes on and we had a fucking customizable avatar in X for god sakes.

How well does X run emulated?
I've been meaning to give it a try now that I got my Cemu up and running.

Finding the uncensored version has been a hassle, and if it runs poorly I might as well stop trying for now.

>uncensored version

All you are missing out in is the boob slider and bikini outfit for potato face.

Those are important

It's not perfect by any means.

Weird lightning and garbled textures at times. The sound is also all kinds of fucked up, but you can mostly fix that now. At least it does run alright even on toasters.

why the fuck do you get affinity points with elma and lao for letting alex murder innocents?

Holy shit, I figured this was a scene where no matter what you do you end up intervening. It's hilarious how you get affinity for it.

Not even trying to be shitty but I fucking hated X but love xbc1and2.

Same desu
It's easy to see why given the wildly different focused

I'm trying to be shitty xbc2s sucked ass.

I guess it's thw focus of X that I didn't like.

I prefer X over 1 and 2.


I like all three games pretty much equally, but for different reasons.
I'd say that's a mark of a good series


1 was great for the time. played it recently, it was enjoyable. X had issues, but was a respectable game overall. 2 laid the foundation for something I might like a lot in the future if they don't make another shitty harem game, but was shitty for a lot of reasons.

Fuck I still remember how bad X was

It almost killed my interest in the series

>tfw love X but still hate it at the same time
I feel like the designs in the game deserved better, and the setting deserved better. Better than being the guinea pig for an experiment game. At least when they finally do a sequel it should be amazing considering they won't need to dial down story to learn HD development.

Post ayylmaos

>and we had a fucking customizable avatar in X for god sakes.

and it was the worst thing about XCX, fucking gimped the story so hard

The real question is how would they follow up on X's ending?

Another CAC or do we actually end up with a named hero (and the previous CAC gets the FE:A treatment and gets a name)

The battle we saw during the past in XC2 is actually the beginning of XCX and we just go deep into zohar/conduit land in XCX2

I like almost everything better in 2 than in 1.
The biggest factor is that 1's combat is just untolerably simple after X and 2.
And while 1 has a hugely stronger first half of the story than 2, I think 2's is slightly stronger in the end

>going from X to 2

Yeah I know, that's my point. I hated that shit, but it's the same thing to me if you have somebody like Rektsu as the focal point. Even his design is super telling, they just wanted a super plain and inoffensive character for Japs to insert and be with their waifus.

What is the "2" in the title for if this is not a direct sequel to 1? Why not a subtitle like any other game series would do or fucken xenoblade Z or some shit idk.

t. have not played it so if it is somehow connected tell me to fuck off

Fuck off

I dont know, why dont you ask Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Fallout, and Dark Souls what up?

They're starting a series of games that share a lot of the same stuff in game and are too lazy to name each one something special.

if x2 has another CaC I'm fucking done with that branch of the series, they better learn from that mistake

>mfw the fucking arm blowing off scene while your stupid fucking custom characters opens their mouth silently made it through the storyboard phase

fuck im still so mad

I'm not trolling. Do the graphics from Xenoblade X look better than Xenoblade 2? I've never played X but in Youtube videos it looks pretty sharp and good

About to try playing this again from scratch, Whats the most fun weapon set?

This. there was literally no reason for them to show us another war ravaged earth being fought by flying robots with the United States building arcs to save the human race unless it was connected in some way.

I'm pretty sure Elysium was also very similar to the residential district in New LA

And it served the same purpose as the White Whale. Humans lived there until the war was over. The only difference is they didn't fly off into space. The explosion of the Earth was just Klaus being an ambitious cunt.

I like X better overall but 2 definitely has better characters.

The issue is that whoever wrote the main story seemed outright disgruntled about the customizable main character. The side-quest use them to great effect though. There's no way you'd have all that freedom of choice if the characterization of the main character was set.

The main story needed to be more like the sidequests.

They'll probably never do another game like X, but I'd like a game like XB2's format, but with like Elma and Lin instead of some anime harem characters. Can get a new designer if they want to make it more moeshit if they want I guess. They seem better with the character models now so I'm expecting something closer to Patroka than Lin(in X).


switch port when

Honestly all I want is XCX2 with XCX's combat, but changed so that you can FINALLY change control of your party members during battle and rebalanced accordingly

I think I read somewhere once that they spent their whole dev time building the world and thats why the story took such a huge hit. They made a comment that now that they have the engine and the experience building open worlds that they were ready to apply that to a new story focused game the following time.
Which is why XB2 was so story centric and Breath of the Wild had such a great open world.

X is shit and shiuld be forgotten

>At least when they finally do a sequel it should be amazing considering they won't need to dial down story to learn HD development.

Also hopefully they won't be forced to overhaul the plot halfway through to humour the suits' obsession with the multiplayer meme. It's very visible how that affected the game, most of the main story is garbage except for the major parts like getting to the lifehold and all and the underlying/hinted at lore, which are fantastic.

Alll we need is for the suits to learn not to stick their dicks in the development process, and any sequel X gets will have a much better story.

My guess is that it will pick up on Lao's revival with him as the main character, set starting in a desert area that turns out to harbor neotokyo, the remainder of the Japanese ark, and that the plot will start off with a focus on unravelling Mira's mysteries and along the way unravel more about who the ghost are and what they and the Samaar federation were fighting for.

My shoddy reasoning is as follows:
>concept art for MC looks kinda like lao
>game was originally going to be set on neotokyo, which had crashed in a desert area
>lao wakes up on a desert/beach
>the game has post-game plot sidequests, but none of them involve finding lao, confirming that he didn't wash up on Primordia, Sylvalum, or their connecting landmasses

But that all hinges on the idea that they'll want to go back and do a proper do-over of what they originally wanted to do for the first game, which is unlikely all things told.

2 is built around fanservice, that's enough to put it into trash.

This and (for XCX, not XC2 as it is connected) they're just milking brand recognition from the first game. I still contend that XCX should have simply been "Xenocross"

theres more proof now that says otherwise. Especially when Xenosaga is heavily referenced to be connected in some way too. Takahashi just has a boner for having these long drawn out sagas. He always has. Remember that Xenosaga was meant to encompass many more games than just 3.

>XBX party members all shared the same animation, armour, arts pool etc
>XB1 characters had different models for each armour
>XB2 characters had different movesets and animations per weapon
I really want to see them combine all 3 systems so you can have alien party members; different armor models and weapon movesets per species. Rare Blades are almost a perfect example of what they could be.

Honestly I'd be fine with the Chrom/Robin or Elma/Cross dynamic with some tweaks. Sidequests basically need the Avatar who's a weirdo nobody to be entertaining, but a good main plot needs a character you can watch develop. The avatar doesn't need to have big moments in the main plot, that's how you make the set main character seem pointless. If it's Shulk 3.0 doing all the story beats and finding out revelations while your created spaz is solving pizza murder mysteries then players can just do whichever one they prefer.

I'm of the opinion that, it was all Takahashi. He was just in the mood for it, so that's what we got. He said he likes Westashit games and said he wants his games to appeal to people outside of Japan if I recall. Overhauling everything was just a mistake on their part, but let's not act like they're perfect. The games are fun, but good god could they use better testers to give them feedback with some of their mistakes.

2 feels like Nintendo intervened and said, put more otaku pandering shit since we shill Fire Emblem so hard now and Japan is Xenoblade's weakest market.

>Remember that Xenosaga was meant to encompass many more games than just 3.

and that Xenogears fucking ends with fucking pic related

Take that stick out of your ass and try again

>Xenosaga is heavily referenced to be connected
Proof? All I've seen of sucha thing is the kos-mos character, and one fanservice cameo character hardly constitutes such.

The flip side to this is Rex, a character that's so badly designed at least visually that it makes you want to fucking puke. What we're they thinking with that armor

CAC, is this some new reddit term?

The one thing I didn't like from X and I'm glad to see fixed in 2 is how they spread high level monsters. In X, it was a fucking mess. There was always a much stronger monster chasing you at all times, regardless of the area you were in. You never caught a break and it annoyed me to no end. In 2, much like in 1, high level monsters are reserved to specific zones of each map. They mark progression paths and are easier to avoid.

In terms of story premise and all the twists that came up, X beats 2 by a landslide. At least so far, I haven't beaten 2 yet. It's true that X was a bit incomplete, but everything it presented was super interesting. And it had a sequel hook that made me want an X2 over a sequel to the original Xenoblade.

>main duo is /ss/ and the advertising heavily takes the "go on an adventure with this girl" angle
>trash anime tropes out the ass
>vast majority of rare gacha characters waifus

try again.

It's not just a matter of the main story lacking resources. You can see how in side-quests, in spite of the protagonist being mute, they're written as very important and the other characters' spin around them, like a proper main character, meanwhile in the main quest, the mute avatar is pretty much just an observer of Elma's journey.

One of the interviews mentioned that the sidequests weren't written by the main writer, but by various staff members coming together, which explains the difference.

gamereactor.eu/articles/368023/Tetsuya Takahashi Talks Xenoblade Chronicles X/

>In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story. Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat. This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality. In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these. Many people in the development team were involved with these supporting characters, and I think we have been able to give them all strong, distinct personalities.

The game features a zohar as a pivotal plot point, going as far as to call it a gift from god/high above

appealing to the shotafags, for one.

>Everything I don't like or recognize is reddit
Fuck off shitposter.

2 becomes a pretty wild ride by chapter 7 or so, so you might end up preferring 2

X would have been literally perfect if they spread the story better instead of 80-90% of the game being random MYSTERIOUS exploration of Mira and the last 10% being thermonuclear infodump followed by multiple final bosses and the big TWEEST at the end. It has ALL of the right pieces, it just fucked up the placement.

Is XCX playable on an emulator? Would it be significantly crippled by playing without WiiU tablet?

Only in that the fucking map is a god send in that game when it's on the tablet

"create a character". It's a fairly old term but not common here.

that's just another example of takahashi reusing inspirations and plot devices from xenogears though. Xenosaga borrowed way more from xenogears, yet it still remains unconnected to xenogears.

>that final cutscene that basically boils down to Doug asking "Want to discuss the human condition?" and Elma replying "lmao no"
Wasted plot potential, wasted scenario potential. I wanted to see NLA flip their shit when it finally leaks that their bodies were never being transported, and see the Black Knight stir shit up for whatever his dumb agenda would've been.

Emulator has texture flicking and audio issues. You also need at least a 4.0ghz CPU. There's also no online features on cemu

At least the character designs weren't a mess of different artstyles

That's becasue the game's story and main character got scrambled some time into development, partly because the suits wanted multiplayer in the game and supposedly also because somebody with executive oversight over the project didn't like the direction it was initially taking. The "right pieces but fucked placement" you mentioned is because they had at least part of a good story, but were forced to trash it and scramble something new together too late in development to manage anything good.

Well it sucks, although I do like the lack of online features, I prefer my games completely solo-focused. I really want to play XCX, as well as couple other WiiU games, but I can't bring myself to get one, even if it's a cheap owned one and I jailbreak it.

>3.1 GHz AMD FX-8120
well shit

The designs were on point. All the alien-looking aliens, the monster design, the mechs and armours. I don't think there's a single game whose designs I love more than X, besides maybe something like TF2 at launch.


The orpheans, zaruboggan, and many other antagonist/sidequest alien designs are great but most of them were really little better than furball mascot shit or rubber mask aliens. L and celica are pretty disappointing as alien designs, and don't even get me fucking started on goetia and ryyz

For betas sure

Yeah, almost every "story" mission felt like it was just going to a new place to find a new group of sentient aliens being attacked by the bad guys. Very little of it had any bearing to the story

Also the big twist of people just being brains in a computer really confused me because I thought from the beginning that that was confirmed and not a secret

2 is better. Just accept it.


>its not connected because I say so
okay dude

regardless of its metacritic score, its selling much better

>Switch vs Wii U
>The Switch game is selling better
Ya don't say.

I do say, actually.

>W-who cares about if the game is good, look at the sales!

The critics have spoken and confirm that X is better than 2.

I never disagreed with that.


X is nothing more than a technical experiment used by monolith to figure out how to made HD games, nothing more, nothing.

it is more, even if that was it's purpose

You get hung up on "le anime" meme when xenoblade 2 is the closest the blade series got their own xeno franchise heritage, absolutely kys yourself.

The "twist" is that 1-

1-They didn't know the computer with their brains had been lost and was on a limited battery.

2-The computer was destroyed at the end, but they're still alive somehow.

Anyone else get Phantasy Star vibes playing X? Never really been Xeno series fan but I love the older Phantasy Star aesthetic of X.

you fucking retards, ever heard of naming conventions?

xenoblade 1 and 2 use the same kind of structured narrative

X is its own thing, that's why it has a different name, use you god damn brain, it's like saying iPad and iPod, it's not the same shit, but it's the same KIND of shit.

There's some truth to that, but I feel like they accidentally struck gold with the core gameplay. That exploration, that mobility with the speed and crazy jumps, and the world/creature design is surprisingly top notch. Story seems kind off ass so far but who gives a shit when the game plays this well? It's like the MGSV/BotW of the Xenoblade franchise, which is a good thing.

i always figured that it had nothing to do with the planet, as elma thought, just that mims were never human to begin with. just androids with artificial memories

> that one sidequest with the mim who kept having his memories rearranged

Well X is the best Xeno-game of all, so that's not fair. Blade 2's a respectable second though.

>look at all these Xenogears plot points that we put terrible 2010 anime twists on!
Instead of giant robots we get tittyswords and instead of a main character whose alternate personality is used for drama and conflict we get two flavors of waifubait tittysword.

Not an SJW, but the anime artstyle, generic characters, and dumb jap tropes in 2 are turning me off completely. I've seen so much of this garbage in hentai, anime and kusoge like Neptunia, it jaded me and I stopped being weeb, and it's not something I want to go back to. Can someone tell me the characters aren't just walking tropes and the story is actually good? Like fuck, I don't even hate all anime, but they used the most generic looking artstyle of all time, jesus christ.

>Complaining about anime cliches in a Xeno game, a quasi-series built on the concept of stringing together anime cliches

That said, the story is great in the sense that the world is super interesting, same as all these games.

the critics have also spoken and confirmed fallout 4 is better than new vegas