Why is the original Silent Hill so perfect?

Why is the original Silent Hill so perfect?

>ywn experience playing it for the first time again

Other urls found in this thread:


>japanese devs
>lets simulate a western horror story but instead of gore we should use psychological horror
>american dev
>lol SAW gore porm, epic blood lmao, wow dood so deep, it was all in your head.

Had the best pace + raw mystery going for it, also the right 'volume' of Akira's music and contrasting visuals.

I wouldn't say it was perfect, but it's definitely a classic.

Good pacing, strong sound design, impressive FMV cutscenes that still hold up despite their age.

It had passion (and overworked developers) behind it and it shows.

The problem is that silent hill doesn't work without having the cult involved, western avoid using it or watered down to the point of treating the cult like a bunch of religious nuts


SH2 proves you wrong.

>the right 'volume' of Akira's music and contrasting visuals
fucking this, the alternate alchemilla hospital music made that level easily one of the scariest in the game

Heather is stupid

It was good, SH2 is better though.

Easy, because subtlety was an important key to this game. Western Developers can't into subtlety and everything is at your face clear as day so the mystery behind it dies

It has a genuine voice acting and one of the best to this day, as a spin off it worked greatly but sadly people ignore everything but SH2, is overestimated.

it needs a remake to relaunch the series.
*tiny guitar playing violently fast*

that's a lie right there.

Silent Hill 2 is objectively the best game in the series, a true piece of art, and does horror and story in ways no other game can touch. It's the best game in the series because it perfectly handles the abstract and bizarre nature of the town in a way that works hand in hand with the human mind; we fear what we don't understand. When you play the other games and see the stupid cult and all the other dumb explanations for how all that bad shit can manifest, it takes away from the imagination's explanation for it your mind works up when playing only 2.

It's like a story analogy to the way old horror movies were so much scarier than new ones. When you leave the monster shrouded in darkness, the mind fills in the blanks and it is FAR scarier not understanding it and seeing it this way. Same is true for the lore in Silent Hill. It completely ruins the mystery and haunting nature of the game. This is why 2 will always be the best by a long shot, it completely ignores trying to explain everything to you and just let's it happen, leaving you to put the pieces together of which there aren't even a full set to complete the puzzle. And thus fan theory is created and you have the most powerful emotional connection to a game and its lore to ever exist.

I'm not reading all that.

The sound design of Silent Hill is out of this fucking world.
>I'll Kill You

I'd honestly like to see it remade by the same team for the current generation. Fix the voice acting and stupid camera and it'd be even better this gen.

Industrial music is the best, I wish Shinya Tsukamoto could be able to make a SH movie and have Yamoaka and Chu Ishikawa work together, I feel like they could play off each other really amazingly

Except that SH2 not only owes everything to the cult storyline in 1 (it's the aftermath of that), but its setup can't be replicated without feeling like a rip off

SH:O, SH:HM and SH:D prove me right.

>mfw played it for the first time and blind this October

That is exactly why the story in SH1 is written to be cryptic, but understandable. There is no overexplaining, at most they just hint at a reason as to why some shit went south

>at most they just hint at a reason as to why some shit went south
This is what I'm talking about. They try to explain the town away.

Imagine this:
>The Shining
>there's no real explanation for why Jack sees ghosts or starts going insane
>it could be cabin fever and hallucinations, it could be genuine haunting
>unexplainable phenomenon like the locked pantry door opening while Jack was trapped inside, keep you from believing he simply went insane
>something is very wrong here, what could it be!?

Now imagine it goes like this:
>"Jack, this place is haunted. There are ghosts that torment the people who stay here over winter. It's because we built this place on an Indian burial ground and they are angry, be careful!"

Imagine how fucking lame that would be. They only ever give you that one slight hint and possibility that maybe that's why shit is so wack at that hotel. But they never run with it. It's more a passing joke than a true theory.

That's the cult in Silent Hill. A joke explanation that they actually run with. And it ruins everything enigmatic and unexplainable that occurs in the game. It is far better to be left in mystery and wonder than to understand why everything is the way it is.

I would just cum from the fact that shinya is making new movie with Ishikawa, I miss their collabs

Didn't they work together on Fires on the Plain? That's his most recent film.

Hopefully they'll be working together for his samurai film.

Konami will never do it properly.

I don't think so, Ishikawa last work was third Tetsuo movie. After that I think all he did was tour occasionally with Der Eisenrost and that's it. Really wish he would put out more stuff, it's the only industrial music that I actually dig and that style doesn't seem to be played often.

Yeah I saw photos of him at venice premiere of it so I assumed he made the OST. Now I really hope he's working on the samurai film with him, would be worth watching for the soundtrack alone.