he's finally getting the disdain he deserves
Hideo "hack" Kojima
He had nothing to do with the development of that game
Bullshit. He had a hand in destroying all IPs that he had nothing to do with. Seeing him get the same treatment was a joy to watch
You're delusional for thinking one guy who wasn't involved in development somehow made it bad
Kojima has nothing to do with Konami destroying their IPs. They gave him a symbolic position inside the company so he could keep chumming out Metal Gear games.
By the way, Castlevania was doomed since the very moment gaming got into the 3D world; there is just no way to translate such an arcade-ish title into it.
First Lords of Shadow was decent though. You must be thinking of the sequel.
>there is just no way to translate such an arcade-ish title into it.
There is, it's called [spoile]DMC1[/spoiler]
Devil May Cry is anything but even remotely similar to Castlevania. It's more like a descendant of beat-em ups like Final Fight. Same with Soulsborne.
No hand in making the game
So why his name on the wiki page
He's the one who told MercurySteam to make it Castlevania. It was going to be a new IP until that point.
Why's the box art on the page if the box art didn't partake in making the game? Answer: Because you're retarded
Do you have actual proof?
Not wikipedia articles that everyone can edit or conjecture. Something concrete, like interviews with Konami's head employees or leaked e-mails.
>H-he was the producer but he had nothing to do with the game
Just admit it
This is how I know you've never played DMC1 shitter.
I did; that's why I'm confident on what I'm saying.
He had nothing to do with the development. Also, first Lords of Shadow isn't bad
haha yeah man i remember shitting out endless midair combos on bulletspong enemies and getting style point in sotn. Shit was really cash
The first game was ok though.
The second game however..
Which is weird for you to say that because the first DMC have the makings of a castlevania game, or at least the metroidvania ones, you have a castle and surrounding grounds that you need to explore in order to find itens or gain abilities that will allow you to proceed through the game or acess previously inaccessible areas to find hidden. The only major differences being that DMC has beat'em up combat, doesn't have RPG elements, and is split into 'missions'.
Turning their backs on videogames is a decision Konami's president and shareholders took, not some developer / producer (a position low in a company, when you think about it).
OP is a mad autist who has no way to know for real whose of those no-name suits took said decision so he focus his anger on someone who's actually visible, like Kojima. Probably OP hates the Metal Gear series and that helps his bias.
The funny thing is, Kojima itself was a victim of said suits too, because at the end of the day he's a nobody like all developers.
>you have a castle and surrounding grounds that you need to explore in order to find itens or gain abilities that will allow you to proceed through the game or acess previously inaccessible areas to find hidden
By that logic The Legend of Zelda is a Castlevania game.
>"It's the same, it just has a different progression structure and gameplay"
Nah, nevermind. You're just an idiot.
He's probably the only reason the first LoS was good.
You did not play DMC1.
That statement is wrong
Kojima was one of those suits
>shitting out endless midair combos on bulletspong enemies
No, i'm not. The first game hardly has mid-air combat, and the enemies themselves are not tanky. You clearly did not play it, or seem to think of DMC3 as DMC1.
I did play it albeit not long enough to have any meaningful opinion on it. The closest 3d game to a metroidvania is dark souls for me anyway so no point to argue really. I only want an castlevania mmo that is alive and isnt locked to a dead platform
It wasn't bad at all. For me, it was fucking great game. But the sequel...
>I did play it albeit not long enough to have any meaningful opinion on it.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>A dishonest man judges a man who speaks truth. I have no quarrel with you worm
You weren't speaking truth before however, merely making false assumptions. And you wonder why anyone would jump your case? At least you admitted to as much though.
The truth lies in the eye of the beholder. reality is subjective to a point where only sciences can prove anything, if at all to be objectivly correct. DMC 1 may be slower than 3 but it doesnt change the fact that i may or may not been exaggereting about the airtime which in itself, isnt a lie, since i may have percieved it differently than you. You had all the time in the world to say something about harmony of despair or the idea of an mmo but you choose to bant. We both need to work on out personalities dmc fag
>DMC 1 may be slower than 3 but it doesnt change the fact that i may or may not been exaggereting about the airtime which in itself, isnt a lie, since i may have percieved it differently than you.
It may not be a lie, but it's simply not the truth. Anyone who's played DMC1 for a playthrough knows that game's combat is far more grounded than what's come before. Sounds to me that you've seen some webm or something of a DMC3 or 4 player being ABSOLUTELEE CUHRAYZEE, and made your judgement of the series as a whole based on that.
>You had all the time in the world to say something about harmony of despair or the idea of an mmo but you choose to bant.
Because that was a deflection of the subject at hand, and I don't have anything to contribute on it personally. The first DMC is something I enjoy very much, and I just don't want to see anons getting the wrong idea about it is all.
>We both need to work on out personalities dmc fag
It's a neverending cycle. You're ok though user
>Sounds to me that you've seen some webm or something of a DMC3 or 4 player being ABSOLUTELEE CUHRAYZEE
nah, i played it but way too short unfortunately. The ps2 emulator runs not exactly great on my system. I wait for ps3 to drop in price/saving up money for a backwards compatible one to emulate properly.
>he first DMC is something I enjoy very much
Ill think about you when playing the game next time user (no homo)
>It's a neverending cycle
Life would be so incredibly boring otherwise. Have a good one user
It's actually rejected version of Resident Evil 4 that funnily enough became too strange and action oriented for the series.
>nah, i played it but way too short unfortunately
Can be beaten in sitting, about 2 hours. Yeah. Wouldn't exactly consider it a flaw though. If anything, I feel it promotes mastery over the game. Less padding outside reused boss fights.
>The ps2 emulator runs not exactly great on my system. I wait for ps3 to drop in price/saving up money for a backwards compatible one to emulate properly.
Look forward to the HD collection on PC in March.
>Ill think about you when playing the game next time user
If you do, just remember that I recommend replaying the game at least on hard before dropping it entirely. Dante Must Die is a challenge for sure, but will take a little dedication on your part. I've yet to beat it without items on the last 2 bosses myself thus far.
>Have a good one user
u2 m8
There was an anonymous letter from a developer from MercuryStream who outright said that Kojima had no involvement with the project, outside of confirming some shit.
NeoGAF thread with a translation: neogaf.com
Original thread in Spanish (the dev team are Spanish): meristation.as.com
As a note, the NeoGAF thread does have a confirmation that the information is correct through a Spanish video game site who has contact with developers. Other than that, here's an article in which it says that Kojima "doesn't seem to have any direct input in development, but is sort of sitting back and sharing nuggets of wisdom to push the project in the right direction". His suggestions were things like getting them to make "the main character's face look more "heroic."" The article seems to just be a reupload of the original, but I can't get to the original anyway.
All in all, Kojima seems to have had no involvement in the actual development from a worker's point of view. He wasn't there telling the workers what to do, he probably just signed off whatever came his way from the team, and gave some slight pointers on where he would take the game.
A remake of Catlevania 64 could accomplish that. They just have to get the camera right this time. The original n64 game concept was the right idea, the technology and experience wasnt there yet. I never found the beat em up route Castlevania took, to be very interesting and fitting of the material.