One copy of every game with an anime girl on the cover

>one copy of every game with an anime girl on the cover

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw your maid outfit is supposed to arrive tomorrow
Things are looking up.

thanks for the blog post, sperg

That'll be $59.99
plus the tip

ahahah you got him good

>post count doesn't go up

like yo dick

what? is it hip to be a faggot nowedays or what

I would actually fuck the one on the left. No homo

Oh come now user, this wasn't mean to be an on topic thread. I can post about my maid outfit here. Also that guy you're talking to isn't me.

damn, soy makes you look like THAT?

what the fuck is happening to our male population?


I want to ram their butts all the way down to the base and watch tears roll down their faces.

No homo.

Don't tell me you're one of these faggots that don't like boys.

left is a really qt

stop trying actively converting me to gay

Its the only one passable as a girl the asian one covering up is likely ugly

Crossdressing isn't gay. They do it to get girls. Girls love crossdressers.

Me too
No homo

what does it look like? how much did it cost? where did you get it?

Consider the following:
Your brain likes it because they look exactly like girls.

>one copy of every game with an anime girl (male) on the cover

Don't you mean Sup Forumsirgins

If you're not a Sup Forumsirgin you don't belong on Sup Forums desu

$91, Cosplayfu, pic related. I think it's cute.

i'm not a virgin, im a cute maid girl

Yeah so what?

Do you actually want to wear that? Why?

>implying I haven't been fucked by life

Keep telling yourself this while you masturbate to faggots you lgbtqueer

my brain would like it more if they had a bagina XD

Because I think it's cute!

Because I want to be the little girl

Neither of these are me.

One on the left is legit cute.


I am you.

clean that mirror
bad maids

I think he means Sup Forumsermin.

I'll let you know my bf took my virginity!

Anal sex isn't sex. So you're still a virgin.

Best thread on Sup Forums right now

If you have to play the fetish card to get laid with COSPLAYERS, you really are pathetic.

>TFW friends roommate looks androgynous as fuck
>me and my friend always replace things he has with girly pink things
>MFW we replaced all his bedsheets with Disney princess themed bedsheets

Holy shit you should've seen his face, he was mad af

You cant use cute things if you are a male. We are supposed to be strong not weak womens. If you act like a women while being a man you are a literal worthless fucktoy

Please don't pretend you're me. I even called it cute in my first post.

Haha what a fag, fuck him up the ass next time and see how mad he gets

you're wrong, his face was red with arousal, not anger.

Did you cut him and then rape him in the open, festering wound too?

I'm not a fucktoy, don't call me that. I like cute things a lot and I don't see that changing.


I need help. Customers keep thinking I'm a girl. I keep getting stared at by middle-aged guys.

>3 maids in the house
>dirty mirror
just dont go with the costume if you wont commit to it
immersion broken now its gay

That's called looking at you in disgust, soyboy.

>Anal sex isn't sex
How so?

I'm not middle aged, but I'll fuck you.

Do you consider putting your dick into a pillow sex?

Me on the right.


>I like cute things a lot and I don't see that changing.
But why? You are a dude? Did somebody touch you when you were little? I know you maybe like it but its time to move on

>he's a better looking girl than his gf

I'll probably move on when I can't do the whole cute and crossdressing thing anymore. I still have a few years for now.

Do you have long hair? Happened to me very often

But an ass is a boipussy, not a pillow.

>the one on the left
lord have mercy

Ignore him, he's one of those tards who likes to ignore societal definitions and come up with his own.
I had some tard try to tell me it's only sex when you make a baby before.

Woah, v actually being funny for once in a blue moon

Thats sensible at least, don't make the mistake many traps make and choose to make it their lifestyle and get surgery and shit and "come out"

I've come out as gay, unless you mean like coming out as a tranny or whatever.

Thank goodness he got your permission, o mighty arbiter of manliness.

Please stop, you are staying in the pass. Being soft, pretty and cute are things womens or babys do.
When you are born you are soft, cute and weak once men grows he becomes hard, ugly and strong for you see this are the qualities of death. The stronger and hard you become the closes you are from death. Being pretty out of your age is deniying your own death

I'm not that poster he replied to but I'm just warning him of the necessity of keeping a fetish a fetish and not a lifestyle, I've seen too many anons turn it into a lifestyle and then regret it

You sound like more of a faggot than these sissys. Kys my man

Learn to speak english before you start lecturing others you mongoloid.

>tfw no cute twink maid bf

Why not the best of both worlds?

Grow up out of your delusion

>one chance at life
>born short, stocky and hairy, literally no hope of ever being cute

The one on the left would easily make me gay, gotta be careful with these traps

so he can pretend to be a little girl while a bunch anonymous craiglist daddies run a train on him

You cant it wont last.

I have only that one chance, i have to try it. Wish me luck!!!

It's not gay if you do them from behind and say "no homo" everytime your balls touch.

Short is a big plus, hairy can be taken care of by either shaving or waxing. Stocky is fine, you'll just have to get in a good shape.

He's right, learn english you fucking retard.

I've always wanted to do shit like crossdressing but I know I'm too masculine to do it without making a fool out of myself.

I'm not very "hard" or very strong. I'm very soft and weak.

>letting the balls touch at all

>unfitting clothes
>covering most of face

Every ugly crossdresser pic


>not enjoying the smooth touch of her girlballs full of girlcum as you go in and out
What about this one you autist?

Your mind is going to stay in the past

>ree I need a face to get sexually aroused

who cares? he should have his head shoved into a pillow anyway while you pound it from behind.

Literally this.
It's not hard to look like a girl below the neck, but the face ALWAYS gives it away.
That's why literally every "trap" people jerk off over covers their face in pictures. If you saw their manly jawlines and thick noses, all illusion would be immediately quelled.

Melancholy has always been a huge part of my personality.
no ragrets

Then you are an anomaly

Doesn't count because it's Asian you turbo homo autist.
Traps literally do not exist outside of anime and Asia.
Western traps are disgusting manly crossdressers that can only dream of passing by covering their faces.

>that is a guy

Japanese men were made to please other men, there is no other answer to it.

This, I would fuck him.

Based manliness poster. It's sad to see weaklings get coddled.

>ree it doesn't count if it doesn't satisfy my autism