Are there any games where I can be a nazi with a Flammenwerfer and I can annihilate everything?

I’m just in the mood for something like that lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

Day of Infamy

Company of Heroes might have you covered.

Day of Infamy

>Are there any games where I can be a nazi
Yeah, real life.

Day of Infamy is what you seek, it's multiplayer though so if you fucking suck at the game you won't have much fun, especially since playing as a flamethrower soldier differs greatly in playstyle from how you play regularly.

The flames kinda bounce, so I reccommend shooting the walls closes to the doorways of houses you know there are hostiles in, the flames will "bounce" in and hurt the opponents. Flammenwerfers are used to clear rooms and push into objectives. You'll get a pistol as a secondary too, but the pistols are damn near worthless so you're better off just not getting into situations where you cannot use your flamethrower.


woah..fuck drumpf

>dat gif
*German cock pounds deeper*

>tfw you've never used google

how is life at the retirement home?

Literally this. Flamethrower is a patrician taste. It's pretty hard in DOI but incredibly rewarding.

fpbp, Sup Forums pls go and stay go

>tfw you'll never be a yank just in time for the next civil war

you wanna get your ass handed to you and only win because you have superior numbers and manufacturing?

>american alt right guys
>superior numbers

EA WARS Battlefront 2


>fight nation that has both superior manpower and makes your industry look like a complete joke

They assumed they would have foreign support, you would know that if you lrnd2history

>i bring up politics and ruin the thread for no reason

Red Orchestra 2


I got a chuckle out of that.

Search nazi simulator on steam, there're probably more than one, not sure about the flammenwerfer but still worth a try.

you highlighted like 5 messages that had nothing to do with politics fuccin idiet

>"oh you brute, take me!"

he straight up just replied to every post in the fucking thread arbitrarily

your question is absurdly specific, there are several games where you can be a nazi wehrmacht or simply wehrmacht soldier and several games where you can use a flamethrower

angry goy



*speed fastens*

Nein. There are no tps/fps games where Axis has access to Flammenwerfers

Apart from all the ones listed in this thread, of course.



whoever made this image never even fucking played the game

keep telling that to yourself if it makes you feel better

RO2 is fucking shit compared to the original, tripwire loves fucking up games