Why the fuck does Nintendo always screw their fanbase over by not producing enough of their product? Is it artificial scarcity?
Why the fuck does Nintendo always screw their fanbase over by not producing enough of their product...
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i got my switch launch day though? and every single game when it was released? if you're not a total dumbass and at least a little resourceful you can find anything
Holy shit are scalpers really this bad?
It's just cereal.
Scalpers have been buying absurdly large amounts of it to sell the amiibo function of the box. I doubt that's something Kellogg's is used to dealing with on a regular basis.
Imagine being the sorry fuck scalping cereal boxes
So now Kellogs = Nintendo? What?
Isn't it litearlly just a regular-ass mario chip
Sure but is it any good?
nint0ddlers willing to buy fucking children's cereal
>Buy cereal
>List it on eBay
>Watch autists drive the bids up to many multiples of its original value
It's probably pretty funny.
Imagine being the retard that will eventually buy them
What kinda faggot goes outta their way to scalp fucking cereal?
>full grown men live their lives this way
>people will overpay for this
jesus christ how embarrassing
It's not the scalpers fault that Nintendies are willing to pay $20 for a fucking box of cereal.
Any limited offer is artificial scarcity by default.
god we need to make military service mandatory
Saw it at Walmart a week ago filling up a shelf, had a chuckle to myself about the marketing, didn't realize it was scarce and could be worth anything.
Also, you're a fucking idiot child if you think this is Nintendos fault in any way.
Nintendo doesn't make the cereal.
why do Sup Forumsfriends always say things like this when they are just as pathetic?
>We are at a point where people are UNIRONICALLY SCALPING FUCKING CEREAL
How? Nintendo doesn't even make the cereal, it's just some Lucky Charms with Mario's face slapped on the box.
Imagine an "adult" going from store to store trying to find some cereal with Mario's face in it, then complaining on the internet about not finding any and at the same time still trying to make someone tell him where to buy one.
I think the military has enough problems already.
Unless they're just going to be used for cannon fodder.
I'm convinced it's not even a supply and demand problem but just a couple hundred dorks devoting their entire lives to clearing shelves of Nintendo licensed shit no matter how ridiculous the item. Like that episode in Powerpuff Girls with the collector but instead of PPG memorabilia the room is filled with Nintendo crap.
Only retard people think cereal is real food.
>Mfw these faggots are literally just going to sit on scalped boxes of fucking cereal.
>For a Amiibo function.
>For a Costume you can unlock in mario odyssey anyways with coins
Fuckin retards.
They're great snacks dawg.
Man, you know, on one hand Nintendo is the disease that has killed gaming as we know it. On the other hand, I would have been homeless without them, but thanks to their blind fanboys, I make a healthy living just by scalping their shitty products. Oh, and yes, that includes this cereal. I just drove around to the local Targets and bought all they had and then listed them on Ebay. Already sold a dozen boxes of this shit within an hour, all for three times what I paid for each one. I was able to buy a shed thanks to scalping the Wii, I was able to pay off my student debt by scalping Amiibos / NES Classic, and now I am about to buy myself a new motor bike thanks to this shitty Lucky Charms ripoff of a cereal. Holy fuck, this is just too easy.
Thank you Sup Forums for proving what lengths Nintendo fans will go to buy anything with Mario on it. Cannot wait to start scalping tickets to Nintendo Land when that opens up in a couple years!
>Xbox and Playstation fanbase gets 90% of the shit when Nintendo fans somehow go unnoticed while pulling shit like this
it's cereal. it doesn't have a street date where all the stores will have it in a coordinated release. they'll stock it when their order comes.
*walk up to counter*
*turn around*
*put booty on counter*
"1 copy of super mario's cereal please"
and i got it so suck it nerd.
>Says this while in the millionth thread about Nintendo, its fanbase and the dumb shit they pull
>>"Nintendo fans somehow go unnoticed "
I think maybe it might be a combination of both scalpers and your city population size. they might prioritize bigger cities(new York, san fran, etc.) over smaller cities (Jacksonville, foley, etc) so while maybe you won't find it in one city due to scalpers, you might find it in another due to the fact you live in a location deemed non profitable enough to justify shipping to it. but that's my opinion.
I had to get the SS, MM and TP Zelda Amiibos from Amazon fucking Japan, because scalpers are selling them on Amazon UK for 60 bongs. £SIXTY EACH!
>it's not my fault I bought 30 boxes of cereal that I will never eat, the entire stock of a store, and proceed to profit because I am responsible for driving up the price of the cereal
Nice reasoning, brainlet.
Also yall just get some lucky charms. Collecting a cereal box is a bit autistic.
This is Sup Forums there's no need to include a signature on your posts.
Who the fuck even eats cereal anymore what are you 12?
Same reason why Japan produces low quantities of Kobe beef, golden melons, japanese rice etc etc.
Artificial scarcity to drive up the hype and the prices.
>Get called out for a logical fallacy and resort to some ad hominem
Every time.
Adults have children who like Mario.
>things stop being tasty past a certain age
That's not how it works.
It's okay if they do it
Who are you quoting?
>I am poor and nearly homeless
>but thanks to nintendo I made money
>so now I'll waste it on a bicycle with motor
Lmao here's your (you)
A better question is why are you so obsessed with Josh Thomas?
>What kinda faggot goes outta their way to scalp fucking cereal?
a cereal scalper
Imagine paying 50 dollars for a box of cereal on ebay
Damn sonnnnnnn
>Nintendo are at fault for their partner under shipping a product
Buddy, if you want the cereal that bad, just visit my ebay store. I still got four boxes left, so get it while the getting is good. I will give you a fair price, I swear ;^)
What is up with numales, cereal and Nintendo?
Who are YOU quoting?
Hoard boxes of cereal that can be manufactured like nothing.
Not to be that guy. But isn't that all on Kellogs? Like whenever they made cereal for Dreamworks or Disney properties and whatnot.
I doubt Nintendo had a say in this, nor much reason to intervene since Kellogs usually do their usual thing for profitable returns.
I do. If you're for real, which I doubt, post it.
>i got my switch launch day though?
No one wants a Switch they want SNES classics and the special edition shit the Japs keep for themselves.
To be fair I'd do it if the cereal was 2B's butt
>scalping what is literally a reskinned Lucky Charms with a generic amiibo function
>drinking milk from plastic jugs
Xeno AND regular estrogen, extra large servings!
You're right but scalpers should be gassed anyway
>mfw I paid $10 for like 50 NFC Cards and pirated every Amiibo I ever wanted for their in-game items
>Soyboy trying to make everyone hate regular milk too.
Nah, we don't all drink fag milk.
Uh yeah it kinda does
>nintendo cucks being this buttmad about not grabbing their fav company's cereal
The tears are delicious
The grief,
It is good.
Grocery store wagie here.
Unless we get distributed by a company, we handle the ordering of a product. Usually handled by the computer that keeps us in stock until the next truck so we don't get stuck on shit. So there's no way we're going to have, like, a pallet of that shit in the back much less an extra box.
We don't give a fuck if some Mexican with coupon comes in and buys all of a certain hair or laundry product, so I doubt anyone is going to raise any eyebrows if someone autist comes in and buys a bunch of bing bong wahoo cereal.
Your tastebuds change in your early adulthood causing your perception of certain flavours to change. I award you both partial credit.
EU doesn't allow to put toxic waste in our cereal.
I think advertising is against the rules. If you want the link to my Ebay store though, the one where I am currently selling the cereal just look up the Ebay user: realcutstore
I got just one box left, so if you are serious, better slam that buy now button, my man.
Some faggot on Twitter couldn't buy cereal, are you such a loser that you perceive this as some sort of victory?
>scalp scalp scalp xD
Supply and demand, faggot commies and socialists.
>>For a Costume you can unlock in mario odyssey anyways with coins
They don't even unlock any costumes.
Even though I'm enough of a faggot to have bought Amiibo's for every Smash character and max them all out, I'll likely do that when I buy Botw as I'm not spending $30 just to get a Fierce Deity costume.
This. Based China and their cheap as fuck nfc tags.
>haha you're a loser for insulting a faggot crying about kid's cereal
Fuck off, insecure little faggot
What the hell do they do then?
>Ninten.drones attacking honest businessmen
Why are they so childish? There is nothing wrong with profiting from a fad.
>refurbished cereal
You can only use each card every 24 hours in BOTW (resets at midnight). You're also not guaranteed to get the exclusive item. It took me a week to get my first OoT clothing item from the OoT Link "amiibo".
Mark the location of a power moon you haven't found yet. 5 minutes after scanning the amiibo.
The same as any other amiibo.
I hope niggers break into their house and torture them to death
Don't even have a switch, this shit is has got to stop
>Being this upset people are making money by selling cereal to autismos.
>eat cereal
>shit it back into box
>sell it as ultra rare rocky road edition
So it does literally nothing different from a cheap ass Mario line Mario you can buy at non retarded prices?
Oh, yeah baby shoot that projection
>eat cereal
>sell it on Ebay as "Cereal box"
>fans jump on "cheap" auction and snap it up because they don't pay attention
I was just at the store earlier today and there tons of mario cereal boxes.
Whats so special about em?
I just wanted to give the cereal a try. The amiibo doesn't even fucking do anything.
Even less then you think it does. its goddamn hilarious that these are getting fucking scalped when the actual value it brings is so LOW that scalping them is pointless. Regardless if it unlocked a costume or not anybody buying these in fucking bulk to scalp is a genuine idiot.
Nintendo collectors are a special breed..
You know you just reload the save and then rescan the card.
I got all classic Link gear in a an hour.
Does Nintendo manufactue the cereal in the same factory as the Switch?
it's literally lucky charms you stupid weeb
No it's licenced to Kellogs to make. It's just Lucky Charms with different shapes.
Though to be technical. I think the related NPC comments on how your amiibo is "sweet" or "tasty" or something like that. But it's like a two word alteration from the usual comment and has no impact on the game whatsoever. With the end result as you said being the exact same as any cheap amiibo.