What's your excuse this time, Sup Forums?

What's your excuse this time, Sup Forums?

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waiting for openmw to finish. granted it'll probably be many years, but i'm in no rush. it's exciting to follow the progress

Game sucks

Its a terible game

is of very bad do not buy

Maybe try finishing it first, mate

Great game, not a great price though, considering the game is almost 16 years old.

I already bought it over a decade ago


i own it on a disc

Go away Todd, I already bought it 3 times!

t. skyrimfag

Aside for the less whole ''game doesn't directly tells you where to go'' thing, I don't see why I would play this over Skyrim.

Hasnt been a good elder scrolls since Arena

Man I love falseflagging Skyrim fans so that people think the board has gone to shit

even if it has anyway

what am I doing with my life

Oblivion is better. Allows for more gameplay styles.

Played it on release.
Once was enough.
From what I understand the DLCs fixed some of the flaws but it was too little too late for me.

> It sucks we give it 8 out of 10.
Good to see journalism hasn't changed.

>More gameplay styles
>Fewer weapons and gear
>No spellmaking
Let me guess, you like Oblivion cause it was your first TES game?

last time I modded Morrowind I was still following knots guide
Anyone know a new up-to-date guide? Looking mostly for graphical stuffm, which Trainwiz' doesn't really cover.

Also what's the best mod manager? I used Mod Organizer for Skyrim but that doesn't work for Morrowind.

It's still not a fun game to play. All elder scrolls games are trash.

i can get it for free at any time

This game was $2.50 years ago...

openmw is already at a stable release.

Oblivion does have spellmaking you tard

I already own it on CD and have owned it for 11 years now or so.

played it a fuckton on xbox hueg back then

But what can I do with it? Can I put all the graphical mods into it as easy as regular MW?

I own Skyrim, so there's literally no point in playing this bag of shit.

hi todd

>$7.50 for a game this old and irrelevant

Fucking jews

I prefer Fallout.

You have brain damage

Todd directed Morrowind too, you dope.

Fuck off Todd you greedy faggot

That the game is shit.

I bought all of them as a pack years ago.

I already pirated it
And there are no videos on modding it for a pirate version

Bought it 2 months ago for 4 dollars with the expansions.
I really liked it. I'm glad this one game lived up to its hype. All my life I've been disappointed by overhyped old games like Super Metroid

I have it but I'm not playing it. There was a mod pack all in one thing ages ago that had all the graphical overhauls and bug fixes all in one, the author made a simple installer, and gave everyone credit. Then the mod makers, being the usual autistic sperglords that they are, shit their fucking pants because reasons and he had to delete it.

I got Gothic II for $2.50, which is a better game.