What was it like playing video games with friends?

What was it like playing video games with friends?
What was it like playing splitscreen

Do games even support splitscreen anymore?

I'd split their screen alright

Earth Defense Force 4.1 has local co-op split screen.

Thats no way to treat your elf friend!


I wish I had cute elf friends to play Tales of Symphonia with.

i'm scared


why am I not surprised

>blue ranger hated the rest of the cast for picking on him

>black ranger is african
>yellow ranger is asian
What did they mean by this?

>pink ranger is a girl
>red ranger probably has native american blood
>blue ranger is irl gay
>green ranger is also white ranger and green is the color of money and white is the supreme race

Jews are stereotypers, who knew

>What was it like playing splitscreen
Shit. You can see where the other player is so there's no stealth

Also dividing the screen up looked like shit.

>he never played a fucking splitscreen game
jesus christ, underage leave
>tfw you realize you will still be on Sup Forums in 2040 calling people underage for not having played archaic games

Get a load of this fag, hes scared of elf girls

ToS didn't have splitscreen, you child


Owner must be in heaven

>ywn play with your friend on her lap

>FBI walks in

cursed image

cursed post

>all those expensive as fuck dolls
>still has a $10 blow up doll in the top left

cursed reply

I wish I could just give up on trying to have a social life so I could buy one of those as a replacement without being scared somebody will find out


what about playing videogames inside a farm?

He has a bed for each of them, even the inflatable one

>What was it like playing video games with friends?
Terrible. You have to play a game that people with shit taste like.
>What was it like playing splitscreen
Terrible. You can barely see anything.

The Green Ranger had a rough life.

this looks like that contentration camp photo
were nazis just tsundere?

have you read up on elven war crimes recently?

I'm with him. Nothing to do with elfys, shit's too uncanny. As a kid even those porcelain dolls scared the everloving shit out of me. So pls delete this thread

>umm wow you only play consoles....
Well Sup Forums?

Imagine how lonely the guy who took those pictures is. bought those expensive sexdolls, positioned them, put gamecube controllers in their silicone hands and took a picture just to upload it to an online community probably as shattered inside as him. absolutely abhorrent.

At this point you'd be king of the abyss. Do not fear the dark, and let the feast begin.



cursed combo

>ywn take turns playing a game with someone like this
Would be perfect for fondling from the back desu

Did some nigga just order a box of uncanny cake?

Try playing this
*whips out dick*

Enough of this shit. Post sex vids or stop.

i'm out, screw you fag

some guys are just broken inside

she looks like she has a terrible cold.

>4 versions of the same model
That’s dedication right there.

user, this is going to be your government issued wife, be more respectful to her.

i need this

Playing N64 split screen with the boys was good fun

The worst part was when you had people sperging about you looking at their screen. Like there was anything you could do to enforce this.

You could use the old blanket technique.

What's happening in this thre...

With 4 player that's impossible

Blue ranger got over it and gets tired of people asking about the bullying stuff

he also gives great hugs and nice shoulder rubs

S-shut up, baka juden-san!
Y-you don't eat today and it's not because i l-like you or anything!

>tfw you 1v3 those cunts ez at a game you don't even have on a system you don't own
why wasn't I talented at football or something instead

You can either fuck your robot overlords or be put in concentration camps to run on hamster wheels that Machine AI's will use to make bitcoins.

post doll feet

pretty sure each of the "good" dolls are over a G each, so that's one hell of an investment...

the only one I got of feet.

He could be one of the guys who makes them.
When I make them I put them around the house in clothes to make it look like I'm a fashion designer When people come over, It's hard explaining the Monster girl dolls

All I can think of is the image of the guy talking about how clean anime girls are while real girls are dirty. I think he holds record for longest time spent masturbating.

do these have voice chips in them saying "no no, please stop it hurts!" or something like that?

so easy to act tough and confident when talking to a picture of a doll through an anonymous internet forum
I´m sure you are the one that gets the pussy among your friends

What a pathetic existence

Reminder to not lewd elf girls, they are sensitive about it,especially around orks.

Is Rust a good game to grief people on?

How does this happen to your life? What causes such behavior?

>What was it like playing video games with friends?
It was alright.

>What was it like playing splitscreen
Kind or like that. Also eye strain.

Is this a screenshot from Dark Crystal 2?

Spend a few more years here and you will find out.

Girls always hated me for some reason and found me unattractive, not to mention men outnumber women almost 2:1 in this region.
There wasn't much choice for me. Not that I would be that great with women anyway.

>No one will ever love you as much as this guy loves his dolls

>not screen raping
It's like you weren't even an edgy 13 year old

feels badman



>You will never love someone as much as elf girls love video games.

post more op im getting naughty thoughts

She probably doesn't like Humans getting frisky with her.



I can't fucking wait until we get one of those things with human-like AI

I sometimes wonder if these dolls are weirder than anons who masturbate to armors

>tfw you will never have a loli doll

user your pathetic

show her pantsu faggot!

You know what's pathetic? Your face, also owning dolls like that, now post doll nudes

>Hey user what game are you playing?

not his dolls
these are images from somewhere else

>post doll nudes
so I can get banned? No thanks.

user do you have to much money?
what do you live from?

What are these actually made of?
Last time I checked they were like 1200 each of not more

Oh christ I want all of thse

“And this is our son’s room”

ywn play games with Ryan Gosling

>tfw u will never play mario kart battle mode in 4 player split screen on the gamecube with your friends when you were 12 again
>why live

got more adult looking dolls user the naughty thoughts have increased substantially

Add another digit and multiply with another, famicom.