Sup Forums-Sup Forums Minecraft Server

Hey Sup Forums, lonely over the Christmas break?

Come play some autismblox, and shitpost in real time with other Sup Forumsacks and Sup Forumsirgins. This server is a political server, so you can represent any ideology and form of government and wage war and do diplomacy and all that jazz.

Server IP:

Upon logging in, type /register 'password' 'password', to confirm a password on your account.

If you don't own the game, here's a cracked version that you can use to play on the serb:

>Sup Forums
no wonder you're alone lol

merry christmas faggot you earned it

go back to your shit board, fuckstick

sounds postitively horrible.
head back to your containment board, kiddie. this board is for when you turn 16.

mommy buying you a fun Christmas present this year, squirt?

sounds like projection.

Hes just trying to have a bit of fun. Hes not even bringing up any specific politics.

T. 16 yr old

Heres a bump op. Merry christmas

god bless
Merry Christmas young user

how am I not surprised Sup Forums is a bunch of children

Nobody cares, go back to your containment board.

nu-pol as the most popular board here is a blight and a plague killing Sup Forums

go die in a hole

Call me a polack but last time I checked Sup ForumsIrgins were able to bring a half assed argument to the table, at least tell them their cancerous or some shit besides “go back to your board you lonely, kissless virgin”, besides on Sup Forums any (you)s help the thread.

>Sup Forumschild doesn't know sage
Advertising is against the rules, go back to your containment board.


Sup Forumstards are not worth arguing with.

I'll open the door for you

Applies to you too
Well it’s better than no argument, hell I’d could even call it a good point

>70% = all of Sup Forums

Cool, people who participated in that voting pol agree to have a containment board.

Whats your point?

If you dont like it when somebody has differing opinions than you, you can go back to your containment website >>reddit

>Sup Forums-Sup Forums Minecraft Server
This is it. The endpoint of autism.

>I am silly

Be the bigger man next time and bring something new to the table, I really don’t want to be apart of the board that uses poorly constructed arguments seemingly so often

There is no argument, advertising is bannable on all boards.

>there are idiots ITT that don't know how to sage

Here comes barneyfag

Its not advertising. The secret hitler people were allowed to do it. Until they got moved to tg

most players are in their mid twenties.

imagine explaining to your co-workers that you browse an imageboard website founded by a cuckold weeaboo, full of virgin autist, dedicated to posting about niche video games.

minecraft isn't a far cry from the dumb shit everyone else posts daily.

reminder that this poll was posted on Sup Forums

does he even go for spoiler images?
god bless barneyfag

Those are the same people who play super mario, zelda, and doki doki literature

There's nothing wrong with playing games, but wanting to play with Sup Forums is a sure sign of severe mental dysfunction.

Nice try, but nope ;)

that's what I'm fucking saying.
pot calling the kettle black.

newsflash, you're all retards.

fuck you dude, playing with Sup Forums has always been fantastic
as long as the game never becomes too big here


>The very mention of Sup Forums makes leftists shit themselves and scream to go back to Sup Forums.

Really makes you think who's worse doesn't it.

don't see him, so you may be right

That's the thing, you either get a genuinely great niche group or the meme spewing retards flood the place like BRs. Mostly the latter.


>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
prime autism

>posts Sup Forums related posts outside of Sup Forums
>gets yelled at

Gee I wonder why.

Definitely Sup Forums.

Had some fun on some Sup Forums minecraft servers in the past, but if I got back into minecraft I'd probably like to play on something like civcraft again.

Does the server use faction mod?
citadel mod?

The methhead adren isn't running the server right?

>post Sup Forums related posts in Sup Forums
>gets yelled at

really makes me think

That's the thing, you're fishing for Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums when you're much better off playing with Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums

factions, and plenty of other cool stuff. We might be implementing colored ideologies soon for player's names.

no idea what citadel is, nor who Adren is.

So THIS is what its like to argue with a Sup Forumstard.

>because people don't cross post on boards

Played on a great server with Sup Forums once, we were up to almost like 100 people that were online at the same time at one point, building a city.
Like a hive of ants with no leader, people just working on their own stuff close to eachother and sometimes building on eachothers stuff.
Like one guy makes a road, then another guy starts building a house connected to that road, then a third guy digs a sewer under the road and a few other anons jump in and assist the sewer
it was magical to see it all happen

terraria with Sup Forums has also been fun at times, cancer at other times

That actually sounds awesome.

They do, but having played on these kind of crossboard servers before, they are definitely different demographics.

Holy fuck what is that character design

>forgot password
>temp banned until yesterday

If it were any other board /v wouldn't have a problem, I wonder why Sup Forums makes them so uncomfortable?

as I see it, i'm inviting people to play a video game, so i'm posting on Sup Forums and /vg/.

if I wanted to talk about news, it goes to Sup Forums.
that's it, really.

Sup Forums is filled with newfags, specificly stormfags, T_D and reddit in general
people hate crossboarders of any kinds anyways so I don't see your point


this is literally what is happening

also Sup Forumsandcraft is like a 5 year old tradition dont be party poopers come be bros with ur bros and a few sisters senpai

Because Sup Forums is now the designated board for newfaggotry. No board wants to be associated with Sup ForumsThe_Donald.

"wow, just, woow. I can't even."

you right now.

Fuck off, aged

lol no bump