Party member betrays you

>Party member betrays you

Other urls found in this thread:

How did be betray us?

fuck off phone poster

>companion turns against you whilst you're wearing power armor and carrying a gatling laser and all they have is their regular clothing and a 10mm pistol.

Mandalore really oil's me up.

Meh, he can take a two month vacation if he wants to. As long as he doesn't go full JonTron/CInemassacre and starts to think that his videos need insane amounts of quality to be able to be uploaded and thus starts to upload once a fucking blue moon.

No one gives a fuck if you can photoshop a shitty green hand giving the finger onto a santa puppet. Just release some content and most are fine with it.

At least he says when he's taking a break instead of vanishing for months without a word.

He's not very good at Dawn of War.

His Discord just opened up so expect shitposting threads now

We lost him. No more gachi in the videos, now with more reddit pandering. Atleast we still have Ross (who barely fucking makes videos because he fell for the movie meme)

>No more gachi in the videos

Listen to the moon in the dead space 3 video at the end. They're all still there.

I meant going forward. I'm just pessimistic, this always happens to good content creators.

>when he started talking about why he doesn't use patreon
Why did he sound so genuinely sad?

Probably cause he genuinely loves to make his videos and wants to have people enjoy them for free. Or it's reverse psychology and it will make us want to give him even more money.

Imagine making well produced videos multiple times a month and seeing some guy taking in thousands to jerk off for months and not apply themselves.


He said he saw it happen before, perhaps someone he really liked fell for the patreon meme
Or he wants the patreon bucks but knows he's too pure for that

I'm not bothered.

Mandalore does it as a hobby, the break will be good for him

He probably wants the money but doesnt want to sellout

>I don't want patreon money RIGHT NOW. Maybe later when it would give me more time.

Why is it literally okay when he does it?

>protagonist ends up defeating and humiliating their rival

Who here since his Tortanic videos besides me?

>Wipe at 7% hp left
>I dont think this partyconstellation works
>user left
>user left
>user left
>me and the other guy in team
>user left
i experience true sadness every once in a while

>could choose any youtuber to talk shit about
>chooses Arlo

it caught me off guard and I laughed like a retard

what games do this well?

The fact he took the time to let people know about a bunch of tiny channels he likes was genuinely heartwarming.

You'd sound the same if you knew people in situations like your own often fell into terrible leeching behaviors despite maybe even being better people than you, and while you think you're okay now and will be fine, you don't know if you'll slip over time and you from the future will end up going down the exact same way.

I liked the way the recent legend of heroes games fucked the player in the ass, twice.

The anderson quip was amusing

>"My family isn't real it's just trained pets and actors."

>. As long as he doesn't go full JonTron/CInemassacre and starts to think that his videos need insane amounts of quality to be able to be uploaded and thus starts to upload once a fucking blue moon
Seriously, why the fuck did Jontron do that? He was a nobody making cute little comedy videos focused on games he had, and now every video he makes is some sponsored shit that's way overproduced. Nostalgia Critic went the same way.

When will indie content creators realize that going from making successful videos in your own home with no real budget doesn't require an upgrade to a full team of people doing shitty sketches? I don't click internet videos to watch a poor man's SNL.

That Krael guy is underrated as fuck.

Jontron is way better nowadays, and this is from someone who has been watching him since 2011.

>fresh raid just entered the dungeon
>random dps runs straight in a crowd of mobs
>the raid wipes because healer wasn't ready
>turns out the shitter was just a retard who doesn't speak english

>Why did he sound so genuinely sad?
Maybe was a fan of that Irish Kamiya cocksucker.

Matthew paused his patreon though

What I mean, matthew put out more videos before he went patreon.

Every Tales game ever made.
Nevermind, then.

You are a retard. Even now all the funniest jokes are the off-the-cuff quips he makes rather than the super fancy shit.

i love mandakino

the super fancy shit at this point is just setup for those one-off comments

>His video about Star Citizen
>There is a guy who writes a fucking essay post about how he is not part of the SC cult

Man I've been watching this guy since his meme-filled Tortanic video. I love what he's become now. Legitimately one of the best youtubers on the site.

>you're only allowed on Sup Forums if you're using a PC.

Fuck off.

fuck off phoneposter, I hope Hiro rangebans every cell phone IP