Do you browse twitch?

Do you browse twitch?

No and I don't really understands Sup Forums further and further obsession with e-celebs and watching people play vidya

It didn't used to be like this

literally only for autistic children or thirsty virgins

Why is Freddie Mercury Streaming?

No. Cause I have pornhub.


i truly never understood watching untalented people play video games and donate (REALLY DONATE) money for doing nothing. The streamer thanks you but thats fucking it. Nothing else. He wont repay you in any way, he will reappear to steal some more money from you.


I only have one friend so I watch twitch all the time as a friend simulator. It helps you stay less depressed and can stabilize your mood.

Yes. I'm watching Asmongold at this very moment while browsing Sup Forums and playing WoW.

I just think of them as digital age street artists. People give money to the dude playing Stairway to Heaven at the train station and those goddamn fake Inka pan flute troupes too.

Yeah I like having stuff in the background.

Miss when this manlet played vidya. His neir gameplay has been pretty gud though.

Yes. But I'm never gonna give them money.

I usually watch streamers who are good playing and gives technical tips about their plays, without cam, without shouting about everything.

It can be competitive multiplayer games or speedruns.

Sometimes because it's there on a second screen and I'm doing my things, sometimes because I'm interested.

From time to time I do watch streams like timthetatman and people like that, who scream and it's more of a show than anything else, but they're nice people. If the streamer is a jerk I won't give them any more views.

if you haven't been permabanned from your favorite twitch streamers you are doing it wrong. idc if he cheated. he honestly sucks at bideo games

>donate to Pewdiepie
>he calls me a fucking nigger

Occasionally when there's no good speedruns to watch and you're not in the mood to play vidya yourself

reddit spacing





No i dont need an online babysitter

I leave a stream on in the backround while I play world of warcraft so someone is talking and I can pretend i have a friend.

Underrated post

Thanks man


"current donation goal: this months alimony payment"

>liked that mordor video
>hey lets see what else he made since then
>entire channel is retarded political shit and debates no sane person should ever listen to

I only watch forsen and clint stevens


Yeah, sometimes, I just use the streams as a background noise on my 2nd monitor.