Now that normal PCs can run BOTW at 60 fps, is there any reason to buy the switch?

Now that normal PCs can run BOTW at 60 fps, is there any reason to buy the switch?

Mario Odyssey

Who fucking cares about BotW
Lemme emulate Tokyo Mirage Sessions fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkk

>PCs can run a game that isn't exclusive to the Switch
>Is there a reason to buy a Switch?

PC has been the definitive way to play the game even when locked at 30

>now that a WiiU emulator can play a game that's also on the Switch, is there a reason to buy a Switch?

yes, brainlet. yes.

>been playing the same Nintendo game for 11 months

so much for the "master race"

>can play thousands of other games while waiting for the next nintendo game
>something switch owners can't do
You think emulators will suddenly stop at the Wii U? Switch is next

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that view the switch as a BoTW machine
>these fucks probably wouldn't buy a switch for oddessy or bayo 3

That's great and all, but any time it goes above 30 it fucks with the physics/gravity. Arrows will fall to the ground faster, for instance. Also, even with a cache and SSD, I still find the game hitching now and then. Add chasing updates and using the best ones for the emulator/cache and you get something that works well enough for free, but not exactly ideal. I just bought the stupid thing and the season pass for my Switch. Which I'll likely never play because I burnt myself out on the pirated U version

I keep it locked at 30
I find it the definitive way to play just because the resolution bump makes the graphics crisp and you can fix the fog filter washed out colors
Play it with a DS4 color and I could legitimately convince someone they're playing a polished PS4 game if they'd never heard of BotW before. It's great. I don't think you appreciate how shitty 900p (usually lower) is once you've played at 4k

Old news is old. Tell me when its playable.


BOTW is the worse Zelda game in the entire franchise. Its not even worth the bandwidth to pirate.

Hmm, wow. Let me think.


nintendies before CEMU:
>botw is the best game ever! 10/10 GOTY!

After CEMU:
BOTW is the worse Zelda game in the entire franchise. Its not even worth the bandwidth to pirate.

So what exactly do you need specs wide to run it? I have an i5 with a 1060, good enough?

source: a shitpost

running at 50-60 fps on i3 6100 and 1050ti.

implying nintendies don't suck BotWs cock at every possible opportunity...
What a garbage game.

youre not allowed to talk about emulation or piracy on this forum

im calling the nintendo police

how the fuck did my filters get removed

Could I get 30fps with an AMD FX4300 and GTX 750ti?

>Yay, I can play a game months after everyone else that cares about it has already beaten it, discussed it and moved on!

oh you guys just got that game? Well enjoy it I guess.

>now that normal PCs can run BOTW at 60fps

that article is from august faggot. the 25 dec cemu update lets mid tier pcs run it at 60 fps.

The switch exclusives you can't play?

Sweet punctuation skills, brainlet.

Can it run mh3u and play online?

The never was any reason to buy the wii u 2, user

yes but can it run Crysis?

every other game coming to switch i would assume