>game has tutorial
Game has tutorial
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>Tutorial is a separate option in the main menu or in the options/help menu somewhere
This is how all tutorials should be. Forced tutorials are cancer and should either be under a menu somewhere or have the option to be skipped.
>tutorial is an integral part of the game and doesn't feel like a tutorial while still making you learn
The patrician way.
I agree, I like to jump into a game and get my ass handed to me a few times. It makes learning everything alot more satisfying, although it's best to do that with strategy games I think.
>can't skip tutorial
>just do the tutorial
>12 hour long tutorial
The PS3 era was a mistake.
>tutorial doesn't teach the single most important mechanic in the game
>tutorial is three hours long
Pokemon for 8 generations. Literally made for children.
Definitely agree with you on this. Good tutorials do not feel like tutorials or the game teaches you as you go, unfortunately most devs don't bother with this because they probably feel it's too difficult. Many older games were great at this the NES Megaman game's being a notable example.
>tutorial is C O M F Y
Just have an ingame manual for fuck's sake
Forcefed tutorials are not needed
>tutorial is 30 minutes long and has a boss fight
>if you die you have to start from beginning
Thanks nier i instantly refunded
Actually they are. especially in multiplayer team based games
literally name one game
metal gear rising
Oh, sweet child.
I recently got MGSV on sale for 7 bucks.
Back before it came out i played through MGS 1-4 in preparation for MGSV, but MGS4 was not that great, and then all the MGSV shitstorm made me decide not to buy the game for full price
Anyways, MGSV has a like 1h on rails tutorial and i seriously got fucking bored of it despite all the shit that was going on.
>if you die you have to start from beginning
Who actually thought this was a good idea? It's absolutely fucking retarded on higher difficulties. I switched to hard after the tutorial because of this, Nier has a really bad difficulty curve on hard as it is and becomes relatively easy after you get enough chips.
What? The parry? It's not the game's fault that a lot of people are retarded, and that tutorial in fact teaches you how to parry.
votekick and voice chat fix that problem
KitN actually has an amazing exhaustive tutorial AND you're not forced to partake at all. Sure, it'll take you about an hour to read all of it but that comes with the territory. Most people simply need a "learn by doing" tutorial.
>tutorial is the most difficult part of the game
Y'all niggas don't even smoke crack.
>tutorial is the most difficult part of the game
Nier Automata
Fuck off /biz/
>forced multiplayer tutorials
This needs to be a thing so people aren't so fucking clueless all the time. Battlefield 4 is 4 years old and fagots will still take the fucking helicopters and then immediately crash them since they don't know how to fly them.
>game doesn't have tutorial to teach you the basic mechanics with which to apply to the rest of the game via your own intution
>instead game just tells you exactly what to do every step of the way
Tutorials belong in the manual.
>tfw usually start on highest difficulty
>this shit happens
switching to Normal difficulty really made my nuts secede back into my body.
>skip tutorial
>die a minute later
>go on Sup Forums
>"guys how do i play game"
i completed the nier introduction in hard IN 6 FUCKING HOURS but i made it, JUST BELIEVE IN THE ME THAT BELIVES IN YOU user
now restart that shit and complete the tuto in VERY HARD.