Is Steam a spyware?
Is Steam a spyware?
All proprietary software is spyware
everything is
Why don't you like spware user? Do you have something to hide user?
Everything is spyware. Steam, Windows, Netflix, television, penguins, your clothes, strangers, you, me.
>strangers, you, me
... are you not a stranger?
It's not the spyware you should worry about Steam (although it is), it's the fact that you're renting games and not actually owning them. So if Gaben decides to pull the plug say bye bye to all your games.
not as much as you'd appreciate
He's in your house.
Should I make coffee?
isn't steam like over 80% chink userbase now?
it's gonna get fucking hacked again. wait and see.
Gaben won't pull the plug. The problem is that he won't live forever.
Why would he do that?
That's still a dumb argument. Steam works fine in offline mode and there are fake versions of steam that come with pirated games that work fine. If you got games that you don't want to lose then burn the folder and the directx shit it needs to a disk or throw it in a sd card or something.
The only thing preventing anyone from making permanent copies of their shit is being dumb or lazy.
Yes he will because he just will, I know it
Just pirate your game from now on
Who knows. Conspiracy nutters love to wank themselves dry over doomsday scenarios no matter how trivial. He's got this horror story cooked up in his head about the evil mean corporation taking away our video games and how crushing that will be when the truth is they don't care to shit in the bed, and if they do we'll all just go do something else with our time.
It's video games. Who gives a fuck?
>Who gives a fuck?
This type of attitude allows corporations to become big, powerful and evil in the first place.
go spend a few hunderd on games.
send gabe a pic of your mum's penis via steam account.
post results.
Yeah, through deregulation and erosion of anti-monopoly statutes. Not through ambivalence towards products. You conspiracy nuts kill me, because you spend all your time screeching about evil faceless corporations and government entities and are somehow completely ignorant to what public figures are openly doing in broad daylight.
The truth is that you're not really upset, and you don't care about any of this more than I do. This is a pastime for idiots. It's why you're here mad about somebody hypothetically taking your video games away instead of worrying about the fact that ISPs are very literally 21st century railroad baronies and all your food is controlled through single, multi-national entities.
preach on Sup Forums
Spyware is something that gathers info without your consent. Steam gathers info, but with your consent as you've accepted the EULA when installed it. EULA is a legal document and this does not break the federal law.
legitimized spyware is still spyware.
people with common sense know this.
If you are worried about steam being spyware then i have some really bad news for you. Everything on your computer is spyware.
How do you deal with that? Do you just accept it as something completely normal and just carry on?
Yup. I really have nothing to hide. So the government knows what i fap to? meh don't care.