Why do the Japanese game developers model their video game characters after Caucasians but insist that the characters are of Japanese ethnicity?
Why do the Japanese game developers model their video game characters after Caucasians but insist that the characters...
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Pretty simple really they know caucasians are more aesthetically pleasing to look at and have more variety in looks (different hair color, eye, skin color, etc.) so they create anime characters and videogame characters with Caucasian features but are too ashamed to admit it
TLDR: asians are ugly and boring looking and secretly want to be white
This guy is totally Japanese right?
Is there really no female party member? How the fuck did anyone think this was a good idea?
>Realistic ethnicity
>final fantasy
pick one
Why are you obsessed with race?
But Japan isn't a country in that game.
>no females
>no demihumans
the lack of a Bangaa PC in FF12 was the final nail in the coffin.
only ignis looks white
noctis and prompto are modelled after kpop/jpop boys, and gladio looks middle eastern
Because japanese people tend to look very similair. It adds more variety if the characters dont all have black hair and look the same.
you could just post this anime
>high nose bridge
Those are Jews, Chang
not every white person has an angled face where their forehead sticks out.
Guys, the reason you see those characters as white is because white is the default in your mind. Ask a Japanese person what they look like and they'll always tell you they look Japanese; that's the default person to them. White people have features like large noses and square jaws that stand out to them.
>two best girls
Was it pottery?
where does it say they're japanese?
He's a human with normal testosterone levels.
>blue eyes
>Japan doesn't exist in their world
>not a single character has a Japanese name
>hurr, why do they insist that the characters are of Japanese ethnicity
Stop talking with the voices in your head, OP.
because Noctis is such a Japanese name and not related to any european languages
european aesthetics are exotic to Japs
also why are yous using anime examples when OP is highly detailed cgi
>noctis is literally the manlet prince
Retard whats Cors fucking weapons called?
>wide nose
>unpronounced eye folds
Other than the beard he looks Japanese
Lol. Just lol
Show me 1(one) single japanese actor that is even close.
By that logic, the overwhelming amount of Latin names means the game takes place in Italy.
Other than the beard and the tan
Ok serious question guys, what is good about this game? If play it and enjoyed tell me why, please.
Go see an ophthalmologist. You really need it.
Damn, they're almost identical!
are you legit retarded user?
Being a cripple fucks you up.
All the characters with English and Southern accents look white.
Extension of the same animation principles that in no way resemble life drawing and instead just re-enforce century old techniques.
It's like asking why cartoon lions are unrealistic.
>If you played it and enjoyed
I need to sleep.
Cartoon lions ase closer to lions than anime characters are to actual japs. Cmon, they even have huge as fuck eyes, how can you say they look like gooks?
What about Nioh?
>huge as fuck eyes
Yeah not even mentioning the fact that a lot of anime characters have blonde, light brown hair, and green and blue eyes like cmon man nobody can be this willfully ignorant
The Lucian nobility seems to speak both Japanese and English (with Latin roots), with Japanese being the outdated, rarely used language. Insomnia has both English and some Japanese signs and the anime shows Noctis reading reports written in English while making personal notes in Japanese.
Clearly replying to yourself
And they also have pink hair and red eyes
You’re lucky I’m on mobile or else I wouldn’t screenshot this. Here you go faggot happy?
>but insist that the characters are of Japanese ethnicity?
Full set.
Shitty overlay but they have the same bone structure. The ears and nose are slightly though
forgot the original
I totally see it
Then it's settled then. Good talk user
dont bother with those idiots, they only see the skin color instead of actual features.
>not every X
I'd understand blacks but Japanese have the same skin color as Caucasians
Do they think white people are called white because only they are literally white
>they were spics
Bravo Japan
I never like FF15 designs in the first place, but when did Japs say FF15 characters are Japs? Are you deluded?
>actually thought that post was agreein with him
You are so far gone user, are you asian or just delusional?
Never, obviously. And Prompto is from a different country than the other three.
Because they would be considerably uglier if they were flat faced midgets
Or simply white/slightly mixed.
Anime characters are their own race.
They normally come from fantasy lands anyway.
Hell, they're so blank slated when it come to race the author of Naruto said he'd want a young Michael J Fox playing Naruto himself, a NINJA in a JAPANESE inspired setting.
CGI is easier to tell.
Noctis is clearly asian but for some reason looks more Western when he ages and his dad is clearly Western so don't know what the fucks going on there.
Promto is Western, as is Ignis, and Gladio.
Noctis is only Asian as he'll be another Nomura self insert, like Squall and Tidus.
>even more spics
Mexico and Japan 405 year friendship.
Fucking mongrels.
Cor is pure!
>99% White
>1% ???
What could it be?
And Prompto is almost pure.
Latina waifu
>Japanese ethnicity
Aranea is Asian
so much autism
As is Regis.
>men are white/spics
>women are Asian
>yfw SE were /ourguys/ all along
Truly the best combination.
They used motion capture
>Noctis is caucasian
Noctis is the most anime protag of an FF since Cloud Strife.
nice try
Have you seen how ugly Japanese people are?
Let them dream.