Post vidya related comics

Post vidya related comics

I only got this one.

L o L


Who thought that this was a good idea?

God I want to do things with the Villager


XD my first fallout was fallout 3 too!!


Now the edit

your fucking art sucks you teevo fucking shit
go beg for followers elsewhere


>son I am disappoint
Wrong comic.

Is Dorkly the next Dobson?

I'm not sure if they're that bad.

I don’t know who trevo is desu, but I saw some other anons in the other thread shitting on him. I like his art, so I don’t see the big deal.
Is he another Shadman? I couldn’t find any of his work through Google.


some faggot from the drawthreads that samefags replies to his drawings and begging for fanart commissions. his art fucking sucks and he really tries to make people love em by spamming everywhere. i told him to get a job but he said he's "mentally ill" and he keeps on doing it. its fucking pitiful

All I remember is drama last year on drawthreads or something.



Well...I HAD a boner when I looked at the comic...

Ah, thanks for the heads up.

I don’t usually go into Drawfag threads unless there is some porn that I see and like. I don’t mind his art style, and the jokes is “meh” at best - just curious is all.

Sounds like a faggot though.






I want you to find the nearest gas station, drive to it with a box of matches, purchase gas, and douse it on yourself with a lit match in hand.

Your first lol thread, kid?

sauce of the last panels?



>Sup Forums

I don't get it.


What even happened here?

haha lol

I hope you die


Imagine being so beta you get bullied by a guy in a meme hat by him just staring at you in the middle of a busy street.

This comic is so bad I'm not sure if it's not some elaborate false-flagging to depict Trump supporters as people insecure enough to draw it.

Holy shit Im into incest now

>its fucking pitiful
I say the same about people who are 'in the know' about affairs such as this






I am genuinely struggling to find the point in this one, and I'm very aware of the rest of this guy's comics/mindset

Sure looks like a tough day.

What the fuck man


Please keep posting these desu

It "survived" the election.

sauce now

>Ywn sniff his sweaty balls

I’d like to user believe me
That’s all there is sadly



I can't tell if this ecks dee is satire or not.

Oh. Is that one of those weird trans comics?

>ironic weeb scared of a bit of motherly love

I'm latching onto this thread to ask for Linux vidya booty sites, or just a link to n++ Linux version. Wine won't work.


Well fuckshit.


Sequel never.

>believing anything you read on anonymoose board

Not as good

But literally what did he mean by "leave space for my sisters of color" on Trans Day of Remembrance? Does he mean he's fine and survived whatever oppression trans people suffered, so the day should be rededicated to colored girls specifically?

It feels like the last panel was spliced from another comic with the same construction, but for a different cause. Even if it had ended expectedly it would have been pointless anyway; what the fuck?

I love you





How much of a low self-esteem does the author have?


that page is really fucking annoying

The dude in the maga hat looks Asian too... Them eyes



MAGA chud failson doesn't know what squinting is

lol kill yourself nazi scum


Okay, any tips for these kind of humor and the paneling?
As you can see this kinda got the ideal, but the execution is just too weak compared to the original trilogy.

Sorry, I was wrong from word go; I didn't know there was a day for them, I just assumed it was politics. Now I'm as lost as you.

Inkerton is such a great guy

Go on...

Most of the colored panels are true

>that last panel
Love it.



Even women hated that shitty movie

me in the MAGA hat

user I just appreciate you taking the time of day to reply to those posts


someone is being offensive and everyone treats him as a normal dude. imagine if someone wears a kill all niggers shirt and everyone just walks around like nothing happens and youre the only one bothered by it.


lmao half these niggas look like ultra turbo championship edition fags