Hey you fucking nutjobs...

Hey you fucking nutjobs, why aren't you in a mental hospital popping pills that make you incontinent and 100 pounds heavier?


is this that game where your pregnant gf gets raped by horses and dies?

It's also the game where you get your dick cut off and turned into a human toilet

what game?

Makoto > Marika > Marisa

Game really needed a Marisa path. You never got to eat her shit.

>anyone above Marika
Literal soy



Starless ~ Nymphomaniac's Paradise

Anything that distracts us from being perfect little slaves for the elite is a mental illness, apparently.

wouldnt this just make a big mess all over the floor?
his face should be in the bottom of some sort of bowl. this is just impractical

>no new translation projects
Piracy probably fucked it up, but God I want a new Empress game translated.

The fetishes in this game are not my cup of tea, but the girls and boy are.

>psh, I'm glad to live in the shadows, this world doesn't deserve my protection........

>long periods of gaming, and consequently exposure to other cultures, found to foster racism
wtf i hate gaming now


she doesn't have to clean it up. that's his job.

what about the girl (boy)?

t. kike

no vomit? lame.

Yeah, because first it's video games then you'll have to be converted to Christianity in Readers Anonymous

>if only more people worked a soulcrushing job like me

user forgot the bestiality tag

We just went over this, the WHO haven’t actually approved this yet. It was just brought up as a possibility and is being considered. That’s just clickbait.
That said, I’ve already been to a mental hospital, and it was bad enough at 16.

Are you ready to relive your nightmare because you play video games?

Why is Marika's poop green-ish?

I never understood that

Psyche wards are god damn nightmares when you're just suicidal and not legitimately crazy.

She eats a lot of sugary grain cereals.

>there are people who don't know about the second starless expansion

>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)15:25:48 No.401342489▶

This seems like another step towards censorship. They're comparing it to a gambling addiction. We've already seen that government have no problem censoring games because they don't like the progression system.

sweet gibe gibs.
also on another note how much content would i be missing playing with the scat filter on?

Quite alot,i just turn the filter off because i wanna see the glasses girl get raped by pigs

Not much, most of the scat stuff appear after the climax of scenes.

Most of the good scat stuff, along with Bestiality and Dick Mutiliation

just skip the dialogue as soon as the scat starts. 98% of the scat stuff happns at the very end of the scenes, so you can fap to the scene then skip the scat at the end


>Tfw Makoto gave you a dickgirl fetish

Any other games that feature futa girls? Don't have to be strictly futa but damn i wish Makoto had more scenes in general

But I want to see the scat stuff bastard

Sorry but when in doubt I always pick the biggest dick.

She doesn't die at any point of the game.

wait is this real

I’ll be honest famalam, 16 is a pretty good age to be at a psych ward. I actually had a bit of fun, because there were times I could pretend I was just at a summer camp for the mentally disturbed. From what I saw there, being an adult at a psyche ward is just super fucking depressing. There was something so legitimately sad and upsetting about about the grown men and women I saw there that I can’t quite place.

Well for me, the only legitimately crazy kid was an actual autismo. Everyone else was just depressed and wanted to die, accept for maybe that one girl who stapled her arm and another who was a Crip.

please informe us, i don't follow VN for a few years

It sounds like he was referencing Sachie's bad end.

I felt more depressed by seeing the children there threatening to kill themselves

Yes thats the boy i was talking about.

user Makoto is no futa.
He's a bonafide man.
You're a faggot.

>and another who was a Crip
story time

right, right

Yes, its from the expansion that was released for starless two years ago. JAST translated this as a christmas present but due to it having bestiality scenes like the other patch, they had to release it in secret. You can find it at the same place the first patch with the horse and dog scenes was uploaded.

I know who he is referring to and she doesn't die. None of the girls in that game get a death bad end.

Brb downloading now

Stop it user, its too early to start fapping here.

Im the only one weirded out by the girls face in the milf body?

Is there any other human toilet scenes or is it all dick girls?

I got hard just by reading this post.

It's from a special edition expansion a few years back. The most notable thing this one adds are the scenes where Marika has sex with her sister and mother and and my personal favorite, the ending where you get with Marie.

I don't typicall ask to be spoonfeed,but where could i find where this was uploaded?

I can only find the old patch. Does the new expansion have a specific name or something?


>no search tag for this kind of stimulation

why is it so fucking hard to find more of this reeeeeee

Sounds like a lie. not even vndb has this so called original jap "expansion" listed.

>and 100 pounds heavier

Damn how many calories does 1 pill have?

The new stuff with Marie made my heart feel more than my dick. I never expected them to show us a more loving side of marie

He's literally posting Marie images that were not in the game.

It's from the special edition box set with the other games. Starless isn't the only one to get new scenes. though some of them were reused for that gacha game. With how Empress hasn't released a new game since the laziness isn't surprising.

I'm not sure about that "expansion". I think that user is fucking with us. There is no mention of that whatsoever.

Or I'm stupid and can't find shit.

Then why doesn't he update vndb with relevant information?

A lot of the psychiatric pills disable your ability to control your weight, making you gain 100s of pounds regardless of calories consumec

Also is there any other Empress game translated?

Can you deliver a patch? All we got it seems to be the restore cut content patch but nothing more.
If there is, can i install it without having to install the restore patch?


>disable your ability to control your weight

What, they make you absorb energy from sunlight or something?


Is this from the VN?

Because it's not my fucking job to do that? Do you know how many games are improperly tagged on VNDB to begin with? The Makai Tenshi Djibril games became a full on ntr series after the second game but none of them were tagged until people started talking about the girls cheating in /hgg/.

No, they disable genetics which control weight, so if you eat 500 calories in a day it's like eating 4000



It looks they're from the cards they released. They're on sadpanda.

The pills that solve world hunger are being administered to sad bois instead?

>Because it's not my fucking job to do that?
Give me your btc hash. You're on the clock now.

So you eat 250 calories in a day and still land under your TDEE.

I was expecting something awful and got something less awful.

They don't make you any less hungry, just more fat
Yes, eat 250 calories a day, you totally won't die from that

I'd rather rip the game assets and upload to ehentai.