*ruins melee*
*ruins melee*
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That's not Fox.
Fox + Literally only 4 players capable of winning any tournament they play in ruined melee.
Why bother watching a tournament before the semi finals when the results are a forgone conclusion up until that point?
>People got good so they ruined melee
just git gud too
lol @ the stupid melee players that got so butthurt when a guy came thru and beat them all in their dumb fox dominated meta with a pink ball, stay mad losers, the game isn't meant to be competitive
You have 10 seconds to name a more /ourguy/ than Hax$
Hax is a fraud for switching to Fox. Could have been the greatest C.Falcon but decided to cuck himself because he cums every night to the thought of ever winning a major.
Hbox is unironically the true /ourguy/, his presence alone affects the meta greatly, and is a god with the most underused character of the top 5, not to mention the eternal anal annihilation he inflicts upon the community.
It's really only a matter of time before Mang0 doesn't place top 8 in a major, is officially washed up and makes streaming a career, Armada either gets his 3vo or retires because he really can't hit any more milestones as far as melee goes, and m2k runs off to smack scrubs in tr4sh, the gods days are numbered and those slots will have to be replaced, opening a new era for the community.
I guarantee Leffen will be #1 in the world, on my life.
I've got nothing agains SSB just think the depth it has wasn't planned just people taking the game too far, but i think the same happened to most fighters not so much though but i'm sure MvC2 wasn't designed to be the clusterfuck it ended up being
the argument that the game wasn't designed to be played a certain way so it shouldn't be is objectively retarded
why do the creators intentions matter? the game is what it is. that's all that matters
>taking the game too far
it would have been a crime to not push a game like that to it's limits, it's the most strategic and intelligent fighting game in existence, nothing tops it in it's skill ceiling, depth of mechanics, and possibilities of playstyle, you can literally make someone kill themselves without ever having to land a hit if you predict things correctly and bait them into making a mistake, or you can completely overwhelm them and not even give them a chance to defend themselves if your fingers are fast enough and your reflexes are sharp enough.
It gives me a boner just thinking about it, and it accomplishes this with the same number of offensive techniques for every character.
never said it shouldn't be played that way, just that some things are broken because they weren't planned, if you have fun playing melee then it's great dude, just saying it's also perfectly acceptable to play a game like brawl with items and in crazy maps because everyone shits on brawl for not having thigns melee players liked to abuse.
Say what you want about top level play and viewership, but actually playing vs a puff with fox is fun as shit at a low level.
Netplay is so good.
>everyone complains that puff is broken when literally ONE player finds success with the character
dude i understand the depth, there's nothing wrong with liking it, no need to be that defensive, still saying it's the most strategic fightan it's not true, play some VF5 those 3 buttons are deeper than the ocean, hell tekken itself has so many options it makes me sad
>the game is what it is. that's all that matters
tell that to sakurai. every installment after melee he implemented mechanics that hindered any kind of experimentation, quite literally trying to force players to play the game "his way". he wanted a party game, and his favourite game, melee, was a fighter dressed up like a party game. brawl is a true party game, and sm4sh is a psuedo-party game with a competitive scene in mind, which just means nerfing anything that makes waves in the meta.
Bustin' against Peach
Competitive play ruined this fucking franchise. Growing up, we played Smash 64 and Melee for hours, eating pizza and staying up all night, having a great time. Never once, not ONCE did we ever sit around crying and thinking "your character is better than mine!". Grow up faggots. Anyone who takes this shit seriously needs to be gassed.
how could you say any fighter is more strategic when any other fighter requires you memorize button inputs and use the same strings every single time? any hit landed in melee requires the player to predict the opponents next input because of DI.
ok but when it comes to melee, what sakurai thinks is completely irrlevant because he can't change that game now. so why do people bring it up all the time like what he thinks matters
>Never once, not ONCE did we ever sit around crying and thinking "your character is better than mine!"
yes we did, maybe they werent the actual best characters in the game but we always thought like link was the best ect
well maybe not sakurai, but as far as nintendo goes, what they think matters a whole lot, nintendo nearly killed the competitive scene until it gained enough support from the community that nintendo retracted they're ban on any streaming and uploading footage of competitive melee. Now nintendo profits off of tr4shes competitive scene.
my point is, what developers intend for a game can make a big difference, as far as competition goes. and with the advent of online consoles, they just patch the game to whatever they see fit, so your argument can only to melee as a casual game, which is not what the discussion is about, mongoloid.
>your argument can only to melee as a casual game
what the fuck does this even mean you fucking sperg. in what way does my argument only apply to casual melee? i don't give a shit about casual melee and neither do you.
dude if you think VF or Tekken just boils down to executing some dumb target combos you are insane, melee is deep i understand that much but fuck man, you need to be able to react a read in this 3d fgs a lot, plus with the ammount of moves the possibilities are mindblowing.
>it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about melee
>nintendo realizes melee has a competitive community
>lol streaming and uploading footage is illegal now
>a petition with over 100,000 "signatures" needed to sway nintendo's decision
>but for real, my argument holds water, it doesn't matter what anybody thinks
holy shit dude, learn to fucking read.
>Link's up-B out of shield when you're just a 12 year old shitter
Fuckin rough.
but the melee community is alive and thriving so NONE OF THAT MATTERED.
none of that speaks to the quality and value of the game itself, just like i fuggen said desu
I never said VF5 or Tekken weren't deep, nor did i say they boil down to target combos, i said that melee is more strategic because of it's lack of target combos, meaning almost any kind of string can be interrupted or downright avoided with proper timing, speed, or prediction. JIgglypuff's upthrow>rest? swift DI = possible escape if your opponent doesn't predict correctly. Even wobbling, the inescapable death pummel, can be avoided if you mash out of the grab, which takes some insane input speed but it is possible.
the only actual unavoidable string is fox's waveshine, but it takes extremely precise timing and inputs to pull off, so it's impractical and very hard to be consistent with.
One hit in Tekken and VF5, Street fighter and MvC, they can all lead to inescapable strings with pretty much any character. In melee this isn't so
>pichu is f tier taunt
>literally has TWO taunts
>falcon has 2 taunts
>only A
>Falcon's COME ON better than foxes
>Not SS rank
Falcons come on taunt wasnt in melee
If you wanna watch a tournament were there's no skill involved and the outcome is uncertain go watch a hearthstone tourney.
Gods win consistently in bug tournies with these.
Small state level weeklies are much more player focused. My meta has a shitton of Luigi players for whatever reason.
Kage destroyed a tournament with Ganon when there werent any gods.
For the vast majority of players the game is incredibly balanced. It really depends on how autistic you want to go to git guud
>winning any majors
>not gimme the easy combo city
There are more gimmie links then most 4 button fighters out there.
>but muh di
Dosn't work for 90% of meta combos unless you have one of the one in four defective gamecube controllers that lack deadzone.
You want to see a real joke? Check out the Melee prize pools.
>muh huge majors
>muh $10k 1st place prize
Melee's been ruined the moment a manchild wanted to start a tourney scene for this game.
>tfw most of my friends don't play video games
>tfw those that do only play mainstream PS4/Xbone shit
>look into tourneys/clubs and they're filled with turbo-autists/memekings
>tfw literally no one to play melee with
>he's never played Fighters Megamix
your mom is objectively retarded
he got their name's mixed up
name a more underrated stage
oh wait
At the very least, Hax contributed majorly to C. Falcon's tech chase game.
Never sleep on the kid.
It's because puff is very boring and her playstyle is anti-melee.
tfw have a local arcade where fun people show up to play Melee with
tfw have played way too much DK Ness than anyone should
I'm sorry you can't experience that friend. You should come on by!
I don't care about players, I just want to watch good Melee
>But le always same up-throw up-air
The games are different even if they use the same tech
>Why people watch soccer when it's always el Clásico and the only thing they do is to kick a ball into a goal?
This taunt tier list is all out of whack.
Mario's should be high tier for how awful is is, Fox's and Falco's should be lower (Fox's especially), Ness' needs to be higher, and I have no idea why Ganon's is i bottom tier. Get your life back in order before you try to order these taunts.
>caring about sportsball
>Not knowing surface level shit
>Posting weebshit
Oh the ironing!
>Roy's taunt is him flexing on you
>this is somehow worse than Marth's
>C. Falcon's taunt not S tier
>Fox in S-tier
>Falco in A-tier and not lower
>Bowser that low
This list is trash.
>caring about muh e-celebs and not appreciating pr discussing the game itself
>S - DK, Luigi, Mario, Young link, ICs (during desync combo)
>A - MR.GW, Capt Falcon, DR.Mario, Ohhkay!
>B - Kirby, Peach, Ganon, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Samus, Bowser, Pikachu
>C - Yoshi, Mewtwo, Space animal #1, Space animal #2, ICs (standing)
>D - Marth, Roy, Peach
>F - Sheik
fix 4 u bro
*D - Zeldawas peach
same character anyway