>04./04. [NSW] Splatoon 2 - 137.607 / 1.668.466 (+95%) Can the squids be stopped?
Angel Rogers
Ryder Jones
RIP in peace Digimon
Adrian Russell
Console war thread?
Oliver Perez
Oh shit I forgot about this Didnt even manage to sell 50k huh
Zachary Cooper
RIP xenoblade 2
John Reyes
I thought the Sup Forums mods banned sales threads because they end up breaking Sup Forums rules
Ayden Gonzalez
Might have sold more if it wasn't lazy cashgrab that just reuse all the assets of Cyber Sleuth just to sell it full price
Jaxon Miller
turns out it just like any other otaku bait game, peaks at first then drops like a boulder.
Andrew Collins
Is he on a mission to kill Sony?
Gabriel Smith
Its ok when digimon does it
Cooper Wilson
user, these are just sales statistics, and the other thread died
Brandon Bennett
so you're breaking rule 6 then. long term recurring sales threads should be on /vg/, theres a media crate thread every fucking week.
Parker Johnson
They only ban them when it's worldwide sales because they show the Switch is losing. When it's Japan sales they allow it because it shows the Switch in good light.
Wyatt Garcia
He's on a mission to make them understand.
Evan Green
>There's a video game thread every week You're right, that's terrible
Liam Sanders
Mods delete worldwide sale threads. Allow Japan sales thread.
Zachary Johnson
Media creates isn't a video game, it's video game culture, hence not allowed on /vg/ but allowed on Sup Forums
Jonathan Rodriguez
these threads usually end up as console war/ flaming threads between ps4 vs switch or in the case of last thread xenoblade 2 vs xenoblade x
Carter Fisher
Because vgchartz numbers are made up
Leo Powell
>november step up senpai
Christian Scott
>09./19. [NSW] Arms - 25.285 / 297.491 (+136%) We can't be stopped, Squidbro
Ryder Parker
Then those specific posts should get deleted, not the thread itself.
Matthew Ramirez
Nathan Nelson
still breaking rule 4 and rule 2. put sales threads in /biz/, video games are a billion dollar business, sales pertain to business.
Owen Turner
They are imaginary, not real, wide ass estimates at best.
Leo Anderson
but the thread instigates the flamewar so it should be deleted.
Austin Torres
>implying /biz/ is about business
Joseph Murphy
and where does comg get their numbers from, does every single retailer in japan report to them?
Dylan Martin
Yes, you dont seem to understand how extremely methodical and insane about numbers and perfection Japan is Japan is also a way smaller country and its way easier to know.
Adrian Richardson
Lucas Thompson
So fucking glad tales of neptunia flopped
Juan Wright
>xenoblade nowhere in sight so did the word finally get out that it's worse than the previous games?
Camden Turner
>Japan is also a way smaller country and its way easier to know. >top 10 most populated countries in the world lol, you sure know a lot about japan filthy gaijin
Aiden Myers
These threads would last a lot longer if blunderfag wasn't hogging up half the posts.
Nicholas Hernandez
As in territory you stupid fuck When 99% of sales are in Tokyo its extremely easy to track shit down to the single digit
Noah Hughes
>Sup Forums keeps saying nip devs should abandon the PS4 and move to the switch only >atelier doesn't even chart for the switch unlike the PS4 version
Luke Cook
user vgchartz once reported sales number on a game that had ben delayed and hadn't even come out
Jack Davis
>vgchartz Now we all know you're new.
Jace Turner
now post smartphone game numbers, FGO and Granblue is shitting all over Nintendo.
Luis Reed
It's hilarious how easy it is to spot him
Nolan Baker
Well what are the ww numbers for XBC2?
Gavin King
>04./04. [NSW] Splatoon 2 - 137.607 / 1.668.466 (+95%) >07./11. [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 35.565 / 738.026 (+83%)
delete this RIGHT NOW I am LITERALLY shacking this is not FAIR
Matthew Sanchez
Switchfags don't buy shit games
Owen Johnson
>As in territory you stupid fuck Looks roughly the same or almost as the UK and you don't get numbers there either, so what then?
Nathan Wright
You had your fun. There's no reason to make this thread again.
Delet this.
Lucas Johnson
>Switchfags don't buy shit games Then why did arms and 1:2 switch sell well?
Jaxson Jackson
The UK doesnt care about doing it? Why is that relevant. We know JP numbers are extremely accurate and vgchartz are made up end of discussion.
Jeremiah Morales
Well, are you going to answer the call to Arms?
Aaron Long
There's also weekly sales tracking for the UK. They just don't post the numbers publicly.
Benjamin Turner
so why did xenoblade 2 sell?
Thomas Bell
maybe next time they don't make a shitty barebones RPG with Digimon skin and actually make a decent Digimon game for one
Jordan Jackson
It sold more than the previous games. It was never going to be a mainstream success.
Cameron Reyes
ARMS in the top 10
Henry Sanders
Because they're good games, better than atelier at least
Kevin Sanchez
>It sold more than the previous games you mean it sold the fastest, not sold more. xc1 on wii+3ds still has more numbers worldwide
Matthew Mitchell
VGchartz doesn't source their data. They use mediacrate for Japan and thats it the rest is them predicting numbers based on thin air. Their euro data is specially made up because europe doesn't even track monthly like the USA, so they can bullshit all the number they want, as seen as those PS4 numbers they are putting for months, because they predicted 80 millions system sold and since the official Japanese and American number don't make it, they use Euro slots to make it "work".
Cooper Diaz
It didn't
Brayden Morales
>18./00. [PS4] Okami HD # (Capcom) {2017.12.21} (¥2.990) - 16.536 / NEW
You know what kills me? Almost every indie Zelda clone or Metroidvania that released on Switch breaks its Steam lifetime sales in like a month, the most recent one being Blossom Tales which according to the devs did it in one fucking day. Capcom seriously didn't see the writing on the wall and couldn't have ported the PS3 version? Capcom of all fucking people are the ones being slow to port shit? Fucking Take Two had LA Noire ready to go with HD rumble before year's end.
Lucas Nguyen
Sequel confirmed
Ian Kelly
because you faggots claim Switch is nerfed version
Henry Hernandez
You kikes kept saying it was gonna rack in holiday sales and be a long runner like every other first party switch game.
When a niche new IP like Arms is still charting months later you know you fucked up with your game
Jose Taylor
better than atelier but way worse than tales apparently. because the worst tales game zestiria outsold xenoblade 2 in circles.
Landon Harris
>first week this entire year when the Switch isn't supply constrained, dozens of Switches delivered to tons of stores >sub-300k It's all downhill from here Jim
Kayden Harris
how many has xc2 done world wide
Juan Rogers
>Switch isn't supply constrained it still is though.
Aiden Richardson
We don't know america but it sold like 13k in EU
Elijah Foster
Why would Japan care what we say?
Leo Walker
You're a retard. COMG is a store itself and the numbers are COMG-only.
Never post again, you know nothing.
William Morris
>wanting random garbage that's been ported to death
It's on PC so it doesn't even matter at this point, rather capcom port other shit
Asher Thompson
no number yet. You' hav to wait for American numbers then extrapolate for Europe unless nintendo make an anouncement themselve.
Jeremiah Morgan
NPD didn't even report xenoblade, that's how bad it sold. unless EVERYBODY bought it digitally on the eshop.
Camden Gray
There was a massive increase in shipments from last week, most investors were predicting somewhere in the mid-300k range for Switch, and it only made it to 270k.
Julian Sanchez
It sold 15k in Spain alone, Eric.
Justin Cox
no, you miss the point
if switch is a crappy* version no one would buy it
*meaning completely non-functional, unlike say the difference between console/pc Stardew
Jordan Williams
based on what source? UK sales ?
Logan Davis
xenoblade came out in november now? you in the wrong universe
Jose Perez
meanwhile in America
Cameron Anderson
>There was a massive increase in shipments from last week, Doesn't meant there's no stock issues. They are still running loteries in many Japanese places.
Zachary Lee
Do you prefer Blunderfag or Ericposter?
Jacob Scott
so which is it?
Jaxson Moore
it sold 15k in Italy alone
Isaiah Jackson
wow, looks like xenoblade wasn't a huge success. I'm 1:1 for these predictions so far
Christian Brooks
eric cartman
Noah Walker
>No security on the boxes Ten bucks says they are empty, both PS4 and Switch.
Samuel Morris
Eli Gray
>Sup Forumsirgins obsessed with how other people make money instead of their own
You're never gonna make it
Brayden Ramirez
Why are those in the underwear section?
William King
what data are you using to make the assumption
Brayden Ward
kill yourself like you promised eric
Jeremiah Wood
Zelda has always been bigger in the West. Splatoon has dominated Japan since it's initial release. What are you on about?
Angel Bennett
You seem to think Media Create is the same thing as COMG. It isn't.
Lucas Lopez
>It was never going to be a mainstream success. Then why did they compromise the integrity of the franchise with a "worst kind of anime" art and story direction along with a "baby's first RPG" approach to teaching game mechanics?
Carson Young
people who buy a switch also need new clothes because they look raggy asf irl
Ayden Powell
In case anyone is wondering, blunderfag's latest thing is pretending that everyone who calls him out is actually blunderfag.