>spend entire day modding
>play for 5 minutes
>get bored
>repeat after a few months
Spend entire day modding
user i have done the same shit on pc installing requiem. Actually playing for real when i got the switch version.
Planing 3 play throughs warrior, mage, thief/assassin
>me every few months
I stopped doing this after i realized that it's just impossible to make Skyrim good with mods.
>Combat is impossible to fix and will always work as pure button mash and "who has the bigget numbers" balance. Not to mention any "dodge mods" are waste of time since Skyrim hitboxes aren't made around that.
>Magic system sucks and even the best magic mods out there just add spells with cool fancy effects but it's still just "HOLD/PRESS LBM" gameplay.
>Stealth mods are fun for a moment but levels/cities/dungeons aren't build around big stealth gameplay.
>You can't fix boring story and characters.
>You can't fix boring fetch quests.
It's just impossible. Game gets boring too quickly.
I hate modding games for this reason. I can't ever get into playing the game. I go off and play something I didn't mod. It's great that people do this, but I can't get into it.
this, the game is shit and might as well move on
Play as a sex slave attempting to raid bandit camps with nothing but her fists.
>know how to mod the game with sex mods and fine tune it to my exact specifications to make the ultimate porn vidya
>can do it easily and quickly just because I've been modding for so long and know my way around LL
>each time I get it all set up, I play for a few minutes and feel utterly disgusted with myself and uninstall all the mods
>get the urge again and go through the whole process every few weeks
porn addiction is a hell of a bitch, lads. trying to do noporn/nofap but years and years of relying on porn for a quick mood boost has fucked me up
No fap is a meme. Fapping is completely natural porn is good for you.
>trying to do noporn/nofap
dont do it, user, thinking about your sexuality too much is EXACTLY what causes excessive masturbation and self-hatred. just masturbate when youre horny, and dont go out of your way to look at "sexy" things
>Skyrim's hitboxes aren't made around dodging
Isn't that what Attack Commitment is for?
This so much. You don't lose weight by moving to somalia.
>Still playing Skyrim.
I think he means the animation isn't synced with the damage, when you or an NPC swings a sword the attack connects a few ms before the swing visually hits.
So why is it one of the most popular single player games to date, released 7 years ago. Considering that there's still a lot of people playing without mods
Give young boy and nu-male Skyrim as their first exposure to a video game and story and they will believe it is Shakespearean quality because they have no reference level. One who has read the greatest of greats will play Skyrim and chuckle at its uninformed, unrefined nu-male attempt at a story.
People on Sup Forums aren't always just bitter neckbeard. Experience is king.
>warrior, mage, thief/assassin
you can do all those playthroughs in one because Skyrim is made for babies who are too afraid to be locked out of something so they need to appease to them so you can be anyone
i just can't be arsed to install 200 mods to begin with
Just quit. This is not 4u.
Go okay persona or some other gokk sgit
Because it's basically a sex/waifu simulator.
>tfw I'm doing this exact thing right now
>Give young boy and chad Skyrim*
Nu-males spent their childhood playing Morrowind.