>post your favorite game released in 2017 >if it gets approved more than five times (replies), it's on the list >24th - 28th: candidate >29th - 30th: vote on Ranker >31st: final list with results
Already on the list:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Cuphead Hollow Knight Nier: Automata Persona 5 NIOH Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Metroid: Samus Returns Sonic Mania Resident Evil VII Prey Night in the Woods Nex Machina Divinity: Original Sin II
Angel Lee
Etrian Odyssey 5
Joshua Williams
OP here.
I forgot Super Mario Odyssey also got the votes, so it's between the candidates.
Michael Morales
>Nex Machina actually got on the list
Michael Rogers
Call of Duty WW2
Jose Nelson
Rivals of Aether.
James Perry
I approve
Alexander Gonzalez
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Henry Walker
Colton Moore
Tekken 7
Kayden Brown
Gravity Rush 2
James Collins
These were shit. I cancel out these two votes.
Jose Rodriguez
battlefront 2
Jace Miller
Jordan Taylor
Bentley Phillips
up boated
Nicholas Hall
downvote again
Sorry lads, they're shit.
Chase Wright
Mason Rodriguez
Mario Odyssey
Samuel Harris
A Hat in Time
Nathan Foster
That's not how it works.
Jack Taylor
It literally is.
Eli Perez
Puyo Puyo Tetris P5 got into the List so le's put the Best Buzzle game in 2014/7
Jeremiah Clark
Asscreed Origins
Nathaniel Sullivan
Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Ian Jones
1. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen 2. A Hat in Time 3. Gravity Rush 2 4. Persona 5 5. Pokemon Ultra Sun&Moon 6. Super Mario Odyssey 7. Yakuza 0 8. Puyo Puyo Tetris 9. Sonic Mania 10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
Ayden Cook
Samuel Hall
25 is too many imo. More of a highlight than a top pick, unless it’s ranked.
But Nioh is on there so it’s all good
Benjamin Lewis
also Night in the Woods and Little nightmares
Parker Peterson
That list is really trash. Pls kys
Logan Peterson
>1. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen >10. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition >2017
Kevin Miller
The Evil Within 2
Oliver Gray
Cooper Sanchez
Well, they got re-released. And if they're better than a bunch of new games, why not put them on the list? It only seems fair.
Juan Perez
>Sup Forums thinks my thing sucks. >that means it's good!
Ryder Flores
Vote already there senpai
Evan Garcia
I don't see mario there
Cameron Johnson
Goto 2nd post.
Christopher Miller
Ah okay
Brayden Garcia
Horizon Zero Dawn
Adam Price
>Little nightmares
Oliver Martinez
>ending with tony hawk
I have several questions
Lucas Walker
Nolan Baker
>no Yakuza 0 yet
Logan Williams
Aaron Jones
This is my GOTY
Jace Williams
Total War Warhammer 2
Owen Hall
>Night in the Woods >Cuphead > Yooka & Laylee >Persona 5
sorry you might not like it but these are gonna be goty
Wyatt Morales
online is dead
Benjamin Price
Voting for these
Thomas Rodriguez
Ryan Martinez
Jonathan Young
Bentley Gonzalez
All agree
Jordan Walker
Ryan Russell
Zachary Ortiz
Anyone have the link to Sup Forums top 100 vidya characters?
Jayden Perry
Jacob Lopez
Hunter Green
I can't decide between Nier Automata and Persona 5.
Dylan Bailey
Released Mar 24 2015
Justin Phillips
Isaac Rivera
Still waiting for the Sup ForumsGAs.
Henry Bell
And HZD.
Sebastian Cox
Nathaniel Russell
Hahahaha no. Gravity Rush 2 was complete shit.
Oliver Lewis
Adrian Thompson
Did Dark Arisen come out this year? I thought it was a couple years old at this point
Grayson Wood
Aaron Gomez
Lucas Jones
Connor Davis
this 100x
Jacob Wright
garbage thread
Colton Watson
vote for Gravity rush 2
Also nominating pic related
Aaron Ortiz
Camden Bailey
Colton James
>5. Pokemon Ultra Sun&Moon Have you thought about getting some taste? In no universe are 3ds pokemon games good.
Adam Carter
Benjamin Green
Seriously. This list needs to contain PUBG. Not that I'm a rabid fan, but saying it's not good is just pathetic. Typical Sup Forums