So, how do you live now with the fact one of the very first internet memes have been confirmed to be a scam all along?
So, how do you live now with the fact one of the very first internet memes have been confirmed to be a scam all along?
Other urls found in this thread:
people knew it was staged from day 1
Welcome to 2006
>confirmed to be a scam
But who was scammed? And how?
>one of the first
Fake or not that shit was funny
>op just realized it was staged
how are you just now realizing that the video was staged
fucking retard thought it was real until now?
>very first internet memes
>very first
How new
>ITT: OP realizes hes a retard
Jesus christ.
What part of it sounded genuine to you?
It's easy to trick kids into thinking things are real at young age. So it's okay if you were fooled, you were probably very young then.
By the way. Santa is inb4 underage ban
You could tell it was fake from the fucking beginning. This isn't shocking or interesting. People only liked it because it was loud and funnier out of context (Imma firin my lazar, this is sparta, etc)
No one actually fucking watched the whole video with the guy going "Our chances of survival are about...33.3% repeating" and the other guy going "good enough for us, I suppose" and thought it was real.
where is the proof
>people thought the other was real
proves nothing other than they made that after the meme
t. i was just pretending to be retarded for more than 13 years!
>being in this much denial
what? user where the fuck have you been for the past 10 years
you can hear the snickering and shit eating grins in the video
>one of the very first internet memes
Underage, go and stay go.