What was her fucking problem?
What was her fucking problem?
You tell me. What problems do people have with velvet?
too perfect for this world
She was a brocon
She does what she wants
What really pissed me off was the sheer hypocrisy of laphi v1
not Magilou
I want to adopt Laphicet
It's pretty fucked up that he agreed to Artorius's plan to turn his sister into the embodiment of wrath and grief.
Is the PC port good?
Did he even know what would happen though ? It's clear he knew he was gonna die anyway, but wasn't Artorius himself surprised when Velvet re-incarnated as a therion ?
I want to bully Laphicet
Yeah and then velvet became the bad guy somehow, because wanting the person who murdered a child to be brought to justice is an evil emotion.
You mean Doggie Doo?
You monster.
I want to push in her Doggie Doo
I want to fuck magilou
>brought to justice
Just killed, preferably by her own hands.
It's good
Better than Symphonia's port
Is that the mobile game? How is it? It's been on my radar but I haven't tried it yet because it's gacha.
Everybody wants
Basically this. Based artorius, every jrpg villain should be as good as him.
Her brother got shanked by her not Dad and she had to live in a hole for years eating monsters and shit. I'd be annoyed a bit too.
Because it was never part of the plan for Velvet to even be there- Laphicet was supposed to incarnate into Innominat and that was that. They'd find other people to use as therions. He wanted to keep Velvet safe but he didn't have the time due to his terminal illness, which is partly why he agreed to it all.
After all that though, I figure Laphi's consciousness was too melded with Innominat's and that's why he started outright fucking with Velvet's mind, since he was already out of his and they needed the therions to keep the plan rolling.
demon who wanted the bbc meme to end
It's pretty fun. The event dialogue is great. It scratches the itch of how the characters would talk to others from the different games. Edna amd Jade talk to shit to each other constantly for example.
she couldn't taste and therefore enjoy semen
I want to lick her armpit
Eleanor was best girl all along
That sounds quite hot.
I know right?
Her hat is stupid.
Your hat is stupid. And it stinks.
Really? I think her book-skirt is what's stupid. I loved that skit where she took them off for laphi
I don't even own a hat.
Bullshit. Everyone has a hat.
Found the Canadian
Why would I need a hat? I'm not bald yet and I stay inside as much as possible.