Why are good Star Trek games so rare?

Why are good Star Trek games so rare?

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Because Star Trek is largely aimed at an older audience. Games are largely aimed at the 14-29 demographic, who don't give two shits about Star Trek.

Sad but true.

25th Anniversary

These anons are retards

The reason there aren't any good Star Trek games is because Star Trek isn't an action series or some shit, contrary to what JewJew Abrams shits out.

The only good Star Trek game you'd be able to make that was faithful to the series would hardly constitute a game at all, but more of a VN with choices in it like some Telltale shit or something. To most people that just isn't very interesting, and it's already a fading niche after having it's flash in the pan period.

Why would you even want a Star Trek game? There'd be nothing to do unless you turned it into something decidedly non-Star Trek. What, are you gonna make a game about psuedo-sciency bullshit like the Q teleporting you throughout time to fix fake anomalies, or some shit?

This user is a retard

There have already been good Star Trek games that emulate the tone and feel of the TV show. 25th Anniversary, Judgement Rites and A Final Unity. Sure, they're point and click adventure games but they captured the spirit of the show and gave you enough choice to both fuck up completely and get a less than optimal ending.

The reason other Star Trek games aren't made like them is because nobody who could wrangle the licence out of CBS cares. They wouldn't want to put in the time or the effort to recreate or reimagine the genre for a modern market. That, and "modern" Star Trek is JJTrek and Discovery. We don't need games based on those abominations.

>tfw no game where you play as O'Brien killing cardie scum

>tfw no game where you improve bajor as dukat

Star Trek: Bridge Crew no longer requires a VR headset to play, so that's neat. Has anyone played that at all?


I'm glad I dropped it after the first one when they showed the Force.

there was a great ps1 game I used to play all the time. clunky as fuck in hindsight but it undeniably had the star trek feel.

>tfw you realize picard taught Snake how to CQC

because good Star Trek is exceedingly rare.

As someone who has only watched the Jew Jew Abrams movies, what was so bad about them compared to the series? I found them entertaining to be honest. Seriously wondering here.

>no game where gul dukat does nothing wrong

why even live

what the fuck, man

>plays like bridge commander
>multiple shorter campaigns centered around a larger story
>play as different races

I know,
never ever


>tfw no ambo-jyutsu fighting game

>teleports behind you

what is this from?

Because nothing fucking happens in star trek, it's a soap opera taking place on a spaceship

Honestly one of the most interesting parts of ST are how the ships work on a technical level.

There have been various games to tackle this, and the MMO handles ship combat rather well.

But I still feel the ship combat has room for improvement, due to how well designed it is in the show. (Too bad the show actually never actually makes ship combat as interesting as it could be, w/o just being explosions and JJ abrams level of lens flares.)_

Because any kind of engaging gameplay violates the prime directive

I want a guns of icarus style star trek game

wtf, is that Tuvoc?!

Picard really hates those vulcan fucking shits

They really arent bad, but they left out a LOT of interesting stuff, in favor of mindless action.
(The best movie WOULD have been the 1st, if they didnt cut out so much story, none of it made any sense. but it wasnt JJ abrams who was at fault, he was told to cut out all the story, because there is a minimum amount of action he HAS to have, in order to be allowed to send the movie out.)

The action was bland, watered down from how shit would actually go down, and usually dragged on for no reason.

An example, all attacks hit the ship directly, rather than being fully or semi reflected by the ships Shields.

Because he was told, dont add shields, people wont understand what shields are, thats too complex, just have missiles, and blow shit up.

he mentions the shields, and they are always down after 1 hit, but they dont actually serve a purpose in combat, since he wasnt allowed to show how they work, and how they change combat.

Kys yourself

They're basically summer blockbusters. They're not the most awful things, barring Into Darkness, but they were an attempt to "spice up" the property with "modern" sensibilities.

>Kill Your Self yourself
This makes perfect sense.

Though to be fair, Star Trek does encompas a LOT, and not many games can truly cover all of what Star Trek is. Its a world and lore, and almost everything needs to be present, in order to truly feel liek Star Trek.

The MMO almost comes close, but does such a bad job at 70% of the game (plus the RPG elements just dont fit well)


It's not an official star treck game but Pulsar: Lost Colony Scratches the itch pretty well. Flying around with some friends exploring distress beacons and unknown planets. Visiting giant space stations to get missions and rep from the major factions.

This looks promising I guess.


What makes Star Trek good doesn't work in a video game format, unless you make a simulation game or SCUMM style adventure game. Most developers try to make Star Trek into a generic shooting game or a generic action game.

And since Nemesis and on, the actual TV shows and movies have tried to turn Star Trek into a generic action flick as well.

Trek has something of a tradition with extras becoming main characters in another series later.
Tuvok's and Paris's actors both appeared in TNG. Tuvok's even appeared in Generations.

Tuvok's actor was in a lot of Trek

That's from Discovery.
The ship has a Spore Drive (that's literally what they call it) that allows the ship to tap into a network of spores that are all around the universe and literally teleport around.
And then it actually turns out that they're jumping to alternate universes or some shit.

Star Trek: Discovery

Which is why he became ambassador to Vulcan, right?

not to sound negative, but that sounds retarded, and looks worse

looks bad todd

this is the dumbest looking shit, how could they fuck up two Star Treks Series in a row?

Gul Dukat was the first ever Cardassian on TNG, as well as a Romulan

Quark was the first ever Ferengi on TNG

Don't be rude

It's very retarded. What's worse is that the show runners maintain that Discovery takes place in the prime timeline, ten or so years before The Original Series, and they're basically doing exactly what the Abrams films did: changing whatever they can for the sake of change, completely disregarding established lore, and making shit look more advanced than things were at by the end of show's timeline at Nemesis.
Remember that one episode of DS9 where they used the cutting edge holographic communication system? That shit was apparently standard accros the Klingon Empire and Starfleet. And speaking of the Klingons.. They're basically a brand new race that are Klingon in name only. Also they look alien again, never mind the fact that they should have looked human at that point.
Although that's something I can get behind because I think the explanation in Enterprise for why they looked human was the stupidest shit ever.

It's great how the Enterprise writers took a joke line from Trials and Tribble-ations and made it canon, when even Roddenbury said "the Klingons would've looked like they do in TNG if I'd had the budget"

The joke was great and all, but I think they missed a better opportunity to just change Dorn's make-up to match ToS Klingons and call it a day.

Thinking about it, that one little change would have completely changed TNG

Eh? How so?

whats the point of the saucer being cut?

"It looks cool."

>can we make the space battles even stupider than the ones in DS9?
>yes we can

>how could they fuck up two Star Treks Series in a row?
The people who made Star Trek good left during TNG or DS9. THe people who took it over were literally Star Wars fans and SJWs who have said over and over they are just making what they want with a few Star Trek ships and characters on top. This is a group of people who completely remade Klingons to be a political statement about Charlottesville.

>Federation ships
>blaster bolts
Not my Trek.

You were supposed to start thread with Gul Dukat posting you stupid TAHQEQ


fuck you ds9 was good

But why are there no good Star Trek games


The mods snipe those now.

The best part is in context he's forcing her to go through an unwanted pregnancy too.


But I fucking hated the Bajorans tho, especially the ex-Bajor ackbar bitch Kira
Literally Space Pajeets



3 Star Trek Series in a row. Don't forget Voyager

Not much into Star Trek but STV: Elite Force was really fucking good. Like it was an actual good FPS at the time and the multiplayer maps were really good too.

>borg level
>deactivated enemies come back to life

True terror.

whoa, I've never seen anime trek art before
that's kinda freaky

Do I actually like Bashir more then Crusher or is it just because DS9 is fresher on my mind?

>ctrl f "armada"
>no results

Fucking plebs had no childhood playing custom armada II maps

Also this:

I've always kinda preferred the DS9 cast over TNG.

DS9 has the best characters, everyone in TNG was too perfect and nice.

I'm liking O'brian a lot more in DS9, I don't remember a damn thing he did in TNG.

Remember when Riker murdered two people and got away with it?

Miles and Julian are fantastic.

Trek even shows up in actual anime sometimes.

He was just a one dimensional support character in TNG that somehow managed to survive.

Remember how Harry Kim died and was replaced by some guy from an alternate universe?

Didn't he come back as an alien zombie? Or was that someone else?

Extra question. Did the Ferengi undergo subtle design changes to make them less of an eye sore? They seem much less obnoxious overall in DS9.

Remember how Miles got replaced by a time clone?

O'Brien didn't become a prominant character in TNG until basically season 4. Then he left for DS9 around season 6.

You will never taste the finest kenar.

>the MMO handles ship combat rather well
All I can think of to improve it off the top of my head (besides balance changes) would be making movement truly 3d (and adding dorsal and ventral shield facings to match) and making damage more compartmentalized instead of just having a single generic "hull" bar. It's so close to being great, and yet still so far.

And while it's not combat related, more ship customization would be great too. If I have to start yet another new character just to join a mercenary or pirate faction purely to justify the level of customization, so be it.

In the series it was someone else.
In Star Trek Online, it happens to the Harry that got spaced too.

FTL is probably the closest thing to actual Star Trek imo

It just needed more quests/interactions/random things happening

That was in Star Trek Online, his corpse was found by a race that can only reproduce using the corpses of other races, or some shit like that.
They also fucked up the writing, as the whole storyline made it sound as if it was Alternate Kim that got sucked out into space and Prime Kim continued living on.

Nah. Two separate voyagers were getting fucking wrecked by the organ people but one was better off than the other. Kim died on the shit up one along with some newborn that doesn't survive birth. The Organ stealers boarded the good voyager and janeway started self destruct and ordered kim to carry newborn through some portal to the wrecked but safe voyager where both had died.

I watched it recently and i keep thinking that this Harry is from another universe

The best star trek game is FTL.

The Ferengi in TNG were suppose to be the big bad enemy. Literally a replacement for the Klingons. But after the first two episodes they were in, the writers realized how much of a mistake they were and slowly morphed them into being joke characters. When DS9 rolled around, they kept the comedic look and mannerisms, but gave them depth as characters and a culture.

>*teleports to the sun*
>*saucer stops spinning*
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
Captain's log, you're probably wondering how we got here

In what way are the Ferengi similar to the Yankee Traders? The YT were known primarily for their puritanicalism. Was it just that they were traveling merchants? Plenty of people do that.

Jesus Christ. Someone put a description of this on paper, many someone elses took that description and animated it in CGI, and even more someones gave it the greenlight to be aired. How in the fuck did so many people think such a thing looked remotely cool in any way?

I've never watched Star Trek, where do I start?

Reminder that Captain Kirk is /one of us/.

The beginning.

I have no idea about that. I was just answering your question about why the Ferengi changed. The only other thing I know from interviews is that Ferengi were suppose to be an example of capitalism taken to its extreme. Kind of the opposite of communists.

In the order it released, like anything else. The original series, then the first 6 movies, then Next Gen, then DS9, then the Next Gen movies, etc.


For what its worth, it works in the context of the show.

But then, this is Sup Forums, nobody here is ever satisfied.