Left or Right?
Left or Right?
right. makoto a shit
right, and really only because it'd be a new experience
left would really just be fucking another girl
> Cherry picking this hard
Come on, OP. I know you are a fag but this is just sad
Both. I'd fuck anything with a pussy.
>squirrel girl
Berry is better than squirrel girl though.
found that squirrel's dad
Makoto is the best and most perfect girl in BlazBlue.
That's not how you spell Taokaka.
Demihumans every time. Dragonkin with humanoid characteristics are the best. By that I mean a human/elf with a tail/horns/wings of a dragon. Reptiles are disgusting but a tail is cute.
her tail probably smells
She's not even the best beastkin
kinda hard
berri doesn't even have a fucking tail!
Her name is Tao-KAKA for a reason: she's literal shit.
What's the hottest animal and why is it the cow?
I dont think you are allowed to dribble that high.
Neither. I'm not a furfag.
because cows are just women with huge boobs, which can be a real thing.
you will never see a squirrel girl IRL
Womens basketball rules are more lenient
It's been an eternity since I last cared about basketball, but I don't remember anything against dribbling high. It's a terrible idea that opens you up to steals, though.
>left is cuter but all the porn sucks
>right is furry garbage but has some excellently drawn porn
The eternal dilemma.
>West on the right and east on the left
I think I have autism because that bothered me.
>right is furry garbage but has some excellently drawn porn
only one of these statements is correct
The original Berry who didn't break DKR's charm.
I want to feed this squirrel a nut
You can dribble however high you want. Resting it on your hand, or "carrying" is a violation, as it leads to traveling. And dribbling with both hands at the same time. I mean touching the ball with both hands simultaneously, not alternating.
Right; better game.
You're right, everything has good porn if you dig deep enough.
squirrel power
It's actually the boy personality in Trinity, morons.
There is something wrong with her leg. I can't put my finger on it
I'll take both, thank you very much.
Oh god, there was a time Sup Forums was good.
It's all coming back to me now.
furry faggot
what a waste having Yamashita draw such a shitty character
>Skirt so short she's always flashing her panties
What a fucking slut.
Holy shit guys, did we just jump back in time? Because if that's the case I would like to stay.
thats a human you faggot
Underboob squirrel is pretty great
You're wrong.
It's just makes it much easier for the other player to steal
Underboob cat > underboob squirrel
You are aware that she never showers, right?
She's fujoshit tier
I always wanted to fuck that squirrel in Sword in the Stone.
>You are aware that she never showers, right?
She's a cat. She's probably licked herself clean in places you don't even know she has.
But fujoshits have objectively superior girls in their shit?
>Eastern Squirrel
>Generic animu grill with kawaii balloon tits in cosplay
>Western Squirrel
>Anthropomorphic animal with naturally developed body and tits.
I'll take the one that's actually a squirrel, fuck off humanfag.
>Monstergirl shit
>Discount Lola Bunny
Western for sure
with me watching from the closet
You mean like there is something good under all the shit?
Come on, you're just projecting yourself there.
It doesn't matter what's "truly inside" someone. There is no deep down, what we are is what we do. Nothing more nothing less.
Christ, Blazeblue has such shit character designs.
In her redesign shes basically Lola Bunny
How can one squirrel be such a sweetheart?
If the question is to what I would masturbate I would say right because left is just generic anime, something I have fapped countless of times to.
Nah, it's just that fujoshi and Shoujo stuff usually has great designs and personalities for their girls.
Literally top tier cute without compromising the character for a fanserivce gimmicks, most of the time.
Of course you've gotta sit through intolerable amounts of shitty male characters, so I suppose it's horrid shit in that regard.
>New experience. Left would really just be fucking another girl
Then you can go with any.
I was trying to find the name of that one guy that only drew makoto but can't seem to find it.
>ITT: wahhh furries do funny things to my peepee and i dont like it :(
Hazel is too good for this shitty thread.
It's pretty surprising I didn't turn into a furry from space jam.
Wow this takes me back.
Deez nut? XDD
Left because underboob
I see you're a man of culture as well.
Give me my cowslutwife to drink a glass of fresh milk squeezed from her huge P-CUP tits everyday.
I meant that she is a fujo
Dude england is east of Canada so how can it be western
Oh my bad, in that case Fujoshi's a shit.
Isn't Sup Forums for 18+
Why not both?
This is the man who understands.
I was never into furry stuff but Lola Bunny really broke new barriers for me.
Left is a human dressed as a squirrel and right is a squirrel dressed as a human.
is this derrick from mega64?
That's a human wearing parts of a cow costume.
Yeah and only the minority of degenerates like animals like you.