So has it been confirmed that this shit was a social experiment to see if retards will sit and do nothing for half an hour?
It's camping in an abandoned house: the game
So has it been confirmed that this shit was a social experiment to see if retards will sit and do nothing for half an hour?
It's camping in an abandoned house: the game
only if you choose to do that
Cool story bro
the moments where you happen to land in a house that gets centered in around while waiting for everyone to close in on you so you can ambush them are the most tense and most fun
sounds like someone needs to git gud
It's a containment game for children, chinks and normies. I don't see the problem here.
wow, l2p shitter.
shit tier player
I came to this thread to laugh at how autistic you are
>can play the game however you want
>call people who sit around and do nothing retards
>you did the same thing
>for literally over half of the planet
If you don't make the goal of the game to have a mad Max murder gang on cars with your buddies, you aren't playing it right.
then why you keep dying, change your strategy
>he can't win
>not having friends to roam the hills hunting down everyone you come across
Last night I'm playing duos with my girlfriend. We come up to a couple houses deep into the white zone. We're crouch walking around checking for loot, and I see a door is open on the other house. I go inside the main 2 story building and hear 1 footstep upstairs. All the doors inside are closed. I go up the stairs and wait, having my girlfriend run around and make a ton of noise while I'm fixed on the door. 3 minutes straight of her running around outside, shooting at random things in the distance. Nothing. Not a single noise is made, no movement at all. She is convinced no one's there and I'm being paranoid. I say "okay let's see if I am paranoid." I open the door and two fucking niggers are sitting there staring at the door in ADS.
These are the people you go up against when you play this game. Absolute shitters. I even managed to knock one and my girlfriend stormed the place and killed the other. Truly this game has the worst playerbase of all time.
>does an obvious bait strat
>surprised people noticed
>american education
I’ve started to just land in busy areas and shoot at everyone I see instead of hiding. Much more fun.
This. Just because youre a retarded faggot doesn't mean other players are. You also forgot to mention the two players in the room absolutely destroyed you, and then killed your retarded gf
>TFW top 500 player with over 50% winrate this season
>haven't played in days because it's just too addictive and I know if I play one game I'll be playing it nonstop
>see threads like this and remember my initial impression of the game was that it was a boring, bug infested walking simulator that ends with you dying to someone offscreen whose location you don't know after about 20 minutes of running around
thx for the nostalgia OP
git gud
What's the secret?
>get outplayed
>get outplayed
>I managed to knock one before dying to 2 niggers camping a door for 3 minutes straight
>girlfriend killed the survivor before he could revive
Whatever faggots you're probably all 3rd world BR niggers anyway.
you were camping the same door retard
>just play aggressive bro lmao just rush
Too bad 99% of the playerbase plays hide and seek so even looking for a fight can take fucking forever.
I rushed the door, they camped it like faggots. It was a 1v2 camp scenario and I still managed to kill one with their guns aimed at the door. They're absolute trash.
you did the same thing they did.
They could tell your fat bitch of a girl(male)friend was trying to lure them out to you.
user was later discovered to be a nascent rogue AI and was swiftly terminated before it could take over the US' infrastructure.
Experts scoured its databanks trying to find its source code, but the only thing they could find was this folder.
You make it sound like every other fps game isn't about camping. It's the most effective strategy.
If you want to be a hipster faggot, at least grow a brain.
>you did the same thing they did.
I breached the house.
I rushed the door.
I was a lone.
They had a fixed point of entry to monitor.
They still failed to take me out before I could enter an unfamiliar room, acquire targets and take one out.
In the end they both died and my girlfriend continued the round.
Yes, that is correct.
Sure thing sweetie
After playing a couple games and winning one I decided to return it. Sure it had maybe 1 or 2 exciting moments but the rest was boring. The technical bugs also made it very annoying to play. That being said, it's probably the perfect streamer game. Just enough downtime to interact with chat and games last long enough to keep people watching
>tfw I'm both shit at this game and fortnite
How to get gud?
the first step is the hardest of them all
it's getting a better taste
God, imagine being this angry at what other people enjoy. I can't even begin to imagine what your life must be like.
You're playing the game wrong.
i want to get pubg or overwatch but they both sound shit.
>run for 20 mins
>camp hill or building
>get shot die from who knows where
>team based
>shitters on team
>ranked based off team
>just as frustrating as league of legends
im leaning towards overwatch or prob just not get either lol
You can act like a reckless retard and still make it to top 10. Everyone's imitating the streamer "stay in house and do nothing for an hour" meme so most of the world is pretty safe.
Purchase Rainbow Six: Siege. Do not buy the starter edition. Either buy the normal version of complete version.
wtf im not buying a ded game
>want to play squad
>don't have a mic
I won 4 games so far
squad and duo is casual mode and that win means nothing because its always someone on the team that carried you.
Single player is the real mode.
>try this shit because the internet is creaming over it
>start match
>land in some village or whatever
>find like 3 weapons a shit ton of ammo
>find a buggy
>keep moving to the centre
>hide in some bushes
>kill a few people
>get killed by some guy a while later because of bullshit aiming
>finish 8th overall
>never want to play again because don't see the fun in it
I really don't get it
Unless you get lucky with circle spawns, camping in one spot is a very bad idea most of the time.
Forgot to mention that my biggest problem with the game is that there really isn't any incentive to attack other people since the shooting is all over the place, the best strategy is to just keep moving and avoiding contact if you want a chance to win.
you dont have to get it the game just isnt for you now move on
Solo FPP is pretty damn comfy really. Especially if you're going full tourist mode in the countryside.
>Instead of pusrchasing something that may or may not be shit just purchase something that is shit for sure
Pure evil
I have a hard time finding other people to begin with
FPP is the only way to play since chinks and hackers only play TPP
The best strategy is being proactive though.
>land in popular area
>die immediately
>land alone
>don't find any guns
>survive for 20 minutes but then die to the first guy you run into
>find good guns but no scopes
>get sniped
>find good guns and good attachments
>circle closes on the other side of the map
>survive until the end but get trapped in the open
>get gunned down by guys in cover
>survive until the end inside the only building in the circle
>get killed by grenade shower through the window
>Be garbage
>Consistently lose.
Sounds fair to me.
how are you supposed to win?
>There are LITERALLY over 3.8 billion people playing PUBG right now.
Here's your (You)
That experiment was already conducted two decades ago.