>wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle
Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle
What is Warframe
op's dick
Metal gear solid V
>every open world game
Skyrim is bad you child and no amount of meme posting will change that.
>deep as an ocean, wide as a puddle
How does that work?
You're walking down the street and all of a sudden you fall a mile under water with nothing but walls around you.
Doki Doki
Literally best answer, the metaphor is prefect.
>black kid jumps into puddle on the street and falls all the way down into the abyss.gif
You know the one.
did you fall into op's anus
>babbies first psychological horror VN
>only thought-provoking stuff can be good
I forgot toribash existed and it is, in fact, the correct answer
>someone else who knows about Downwell
>le turn of your le brain
>style over substance
That would be a terrifying thing to fall into
Deep as an ocean, wide as an ocean, blue as a fire
You gained Brouzouf.
I gotchu fambrotizing fasciitis
>the Great Hollow
Games that do one thing, but very well. Focused, mechanical games that have deep tech / narratives.
First post best post as usual
How do I get into Myst? My only experience with it is the 3DS version
So a game with a meta where only a few characters are viable, but you can do a lot of different things with those few characters?
>open world is good
It worked for Borderlands
What is there to talk about in Downwell? The gameplay is simple and concise. Games like these don't take a lot of discussion or understanding which is why I'm disappointed that nobody talks about it