I shall be posting some Steam CD-keys within this thread

I shall be posting some Steam CD-keys within this thread.

A character may be substituted to prevent bots.

Bon jeux.



Video games.

so, what were those?


The characters substituted are usually within the first few characters of the alphabet.

...he says, yanking the horse's mouth apart, for a cursory glance inward.


I think he, and I do too, want to know what games the keys are for.


This one's a numeric.

Actually, that's the lot. Thanks for having me tonight.

probably op is just posting used keys without giving a clue about the missing letters

Why not just say "the ? is the letter '5'" below the code or something like that?

All completely valid (and I assume now used). Just had a spare bit of cash in kinguin, and bought a bag of shite.

Must be. Correctly guessed the last one on my first try and it was already used.

because he's a retard

It was 4 but someone got it

>and I assume now used
the ones with missing letters might yet be valid, but the number 4 one is not, if its real then good job op

OP was a faggot

Let's summon someone cool like Doomz again

tfw doomz added me but didnt gift me anything

no im the one that said they're might be duplicates but i just got nikopot from so i think they're all good

"D0OMZDAYZ: GENERAL MESSAGE: If I added you make sure to tell me what you want (within reason). I have a massive backlog so I'm going to have to pace out the gifts probably over the next day. As long as I have added you I'll make sure you egt something."

This one is B and is claimed...

has anyone here seen MINERAL BRO in ages? has Sup Forums forgotten him?

I told him what i wanted , but didnt get a reply or anything so idk.
I felt bad for doing this because the poor guy must be busy as fuck

Wood is better than rocks

yes just beg you can get experience since you are going to be a neet fato poorfag anyway

>calling someone poor
>on a steam free keys thread
We are all poor here , friendo

I think I have a problem with hording games. I have $300 in steam cards to buy games during this sale, but here I am looking for keys. To be fair though I also post keys, in humble bundle threads.

Someone gifted me Freedom Planet today, and then(I assume, I downloaded Steam like 2 weeks ago, I dont know much) cancelled the gift before I redeemed it.
This was not a good christmas for me... well at least I got to know what the fuck was Tails gets Trolled, that was glorious.


danke schoen, meine freund

shit, man that was fast, what was the game?


user.... i saw someone on one of these threads earlier saying that he gifted a game to some user here and that he didnt claim it , the gifter thought it was rude and he cancelled it.

ok, i imagine or these codes are fake or expired already, isnt it?

and what game was anyway?

They are old humble keys, that game was 140


...how early are we talking, this was like 8 hours ago and it wasnt even a steam gift thread, and my complaint was at another thread altogether like 1 hour later... even then im feeling kinda guilty.

Yup it was aprox 8 hours ago , the thread got deleted by the mods
Sorry user but at least you know why

im the one dumping keys retard

>ask for shitty game you don't care much because it's free anyways
>fill your account with shit games you won't even install
>ask for expensive game
>fucken greedy jew! you suck!

I mean, I know it's greedy as fuck, but it's better to ask for a game you actually want to play than just beg for scraps and shitty games you could easily pirate.


Is Doomz still giving games from yesterday's thread? I replied for his post but he didn't add me.

I miss him

Leave Doomz alone, he's dying and said he wanted his final wish to give poorfag anons video games and now he fulfilled his final duty

he added me and hasn't pmed me so probably not

WHAT!? Is he really dying? Now I feel bad...

He will gift to the people he has added, but he said he may be lurking and adding anons at random

you could also pirate the "expensive" game retard

He's not dying, the guy blowed his savings away , still it feels bad

what is online play

can you gift DLCs like fighting game characters?

>every game is cracked and ready to pirate

>humble keys expired
whelp shit, i could have given these out

But those are only the free ones

i gave out the sega bundle but now a few of them say they disappeared even though i bought them.

there are no bots retards

fuck off bot

>implying there are actual humans in this thread

>dumping keys bought with stolen cc
>looking forward to see all the annons getting their whole steam account banned
>happy holidays for me

this doesn't happen
steam only removes the games you got with this

>ty for making his retards get their steam account banned


>have a power fantasy
>of doing something really lame
>post about it as if you're really doing it

how much of a loser do you have to be, that your power fantasy is getting someones video game account banned? in a way that doesnt even happen in reality?


enjoy you poor fucks

Layers of Fear + Soundtrack


Company of Heroes 2


Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition


BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2:


>too late to get ace combat
shit man

you got something from doomz yesterday faggot, fuck off

plz moreeee user

Please don't get me anything, I hate video games.


post em' pls user

one time i thought i had shit on the end of my dick but it turned out to just be a raisin


Should i buy these or no?

Nickel everytime I had that problem


Seems good to me, though i dont know Necropolis nor They bleed pixels

OP here. That's all for now! Until next time!

Thank you OP, didn't get anything but np.
Have a good day/night

You did nothing but I did get joe danger 2 from an actual nice user

Bionic Commando


Motorsport Manager


we motorsport now, danks user

not even one minute and bionic commando is gone fml

looks like this thread is still going so here is more shit you poor fucks

Grim Fandango Remastered


Borderlands 2


Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition


Guild of Dungeoneering


DmC: Devil May Cry (may god rest your soul for playing this shit)




Gemini: Heroes Reborn



how come i never get nothing, man?

Gems of War – Demon Hunter Bundle


Rock of Ages 2 – Classic Pack


Tyranny - Portrait Pack



kek, thanks for DmC

give me an email an just you some stuff right now

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] ;)

[email protected]

i'm one of the emails here, please do it this way man. some guy always keeps hoarding all the keys, it's ridiculous.

[email protected]

screenshotting my you for you



hold up can give that many at once


[email protected]

Nioh please?

May your soul be blessed user

ok just a sec