I have been playing this game for about 19 hours (play time) and I am trying to master one character...

I have been playing this game for about 19 hours (play time) and I am trying to master one character. I am pretty much a beginner. Any suggestions on how to get better at it, I feel discouraged.

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Play, play, play, take a break from online and do single player content, then go back when you are ready. Some days you're just going to get rekt. If I oversleep or stay up late, I can't play well the next day. Play a little every day

Also if I drink coffee I am going to drop all kinds of combos

who did you try playing? I started with Black Adam and it was pretty easy (though his only mixup is doing crossups, completely useless against AI)

Let me break it down for you

Step 1. Stop playing neatherrealm trash

If this is your first fighting game, and you're like "yeah it's time to get into this stuff", you picked the bad ones.

The whole genre is actually in kind of a bad way right now. SFV is ass but people play it because there's money in the tournaments. Marvel is completely dead. Guilty Gear is great but suffers from not being that popular.

Tekken 7 is actually the only thing currently out that is both good and popular, but tekken is ultra hardcore, it's one of the most difficult games to learn and play because of the way that every character has completely unique 100+ move long movelists and the game requires you to be familiar with most of these combo strings so you can anticipate whether the next attack is going to be a high, mid, or low so you can use the hold/parry system to counter, and that's before you even get into anticipating mixups.

Mortal Kombat and Injustice have always been trash. They're designed to seem flashy and have big friendly story modes and lots of single player content to appeal to people like you, OP, who want to buy one of these fighting games they've been hearing so much about but don't want to jump right into street fighter or whatever. The problem is that NRS games play like ass, the mechanics are busted, and then after a year they discontinue support for the game so you've gotta move onto the next one or be playing a dead game. It's completely exploitative of the players and they have no interest in growing the scene.

Drop this shit and wait for DBFZ to come out next month

>talks all that shit about NRS fightan
>to then recommend DBFZ

In what universe is DBFZ not the last, best hope of mankind?

it's beautiful, and that's all, it looks like UMVC3 0.6, and Budokai 3 looked better than it in terms of animation (movement, not drawing)

Thank you
I play with the Flash

>I play with the Flash
I don't know how technical his combos are, but can you
>hit confirm into a combo
>hit confirm into meter burn special into wall bounce combo
>hit confirm into a trait combo
if you can do all that, go farm multiverse gear to practice combos, so you do 2 things at the same time

Anyway if you switch to a game that is actually worth learning, step 2: find someone to teach you.

In fighting games someone can teach you in a week, what it will take you multiple years to figure out by yourself.

This is why you constantly see new tournament winning players come out of california and new york, and also probably japan but most of those guys don't travel to american tournaments so we don't hear about them. The people who live there decide to play fighting games and they have access to learn from some of the best players in the world, they pick the game up fast just by talking with them.

If you don't have access to any IRL FGC, you've gotta go to youtube and look up tutorials for the game you want to learn, but this is drastically less effective because you just get generic pointers rather then playing a game with someone and have them immediately tell you what you did wrong and how you should think about fixing it.

I am doing those now but I can't connect them always.

practice more then, or try what might be an easier character

Black Adam is foward 1, 2, trait, foward 1, 2, confirm into black magic meter burn, back 3, jump forward 3 cancel into dive kick, foward 1, 2, 1+3
easy as fuck to execute, decent damage, and Black Adam can snipe fags from the other side of the arena with black magic meter burn, forward dash, back 3, finish combo, and you can annoy people with dive kicks and that low hitting lightning strike

Also I get nervous and button mashing when I am overwhelmed.
Black Adam is cool but I don't like zoning characters. I also play with Sub zero and the Atom.

>Budokai 3 looked better than it in terms of animation

I'm pretty sure everyone here will disagree with you. Arc Sys' animation is way prettier and is extremely time-consuming to do for each character.

Bottom line is: you're joking and you don't mean what you said.

The gameplay being relatively simple and approachable can only be a good thing considering the franchise appeal. If you compare it to infinite the only real difference is that the game doesn't look like trash, and doesn't have the stone bullshit that everyone hates.

My hero card

does that include PVP matches and CPU matches?

Infinite looks like bootleg UMVC3, unfortunately, and I really wanted to like it
>every voice over is worse
>they replaced most if not all Marvel side themes which were fucking awesome with generic orchestrated music
>do BNB, finish with a special that takes long, call in your partner and do a mixup, repeat over and over gameplay
Infinite gets stale really fucking fast, let's see if they shake the game up when they release the X-Men for it now that Disney bought Fox
compare most moves from Budokai 3 with DBFZ's, DBFZ's are beautifully drawn but the animation is very lacking compared to Budokai 3's because they need to pull off the aiming to look 2D with 3D models


it'll attract numbers to streams and it'll sell a ton, I'll play and enjoy it, but I bet I'll get tired of it faster than most fighting games because the gameplay will be shallow, and I'll get tired of the spectacle way faster than I did for a game like Budokai 3 because it's lacking compared to it

if I'm wrong in the end, all the better for me


But I am not going to ranked sets, I could win 2 sets with sun zero and 3 with The Flash, I mainly play offline in the multiverse event.

>Infinite looks like bootleg UMVC3

For sure, but the thing that everyone agrees is good about infinite is the gameplay. "It has good gameplay" was the only thing holding the game up until release.

Try playing with the d pads instead of the analogs. Makes combos more natural and easier in this game.

Not OP, but the animations in DBFZ look like trash. Injustice 2 one look better.

I really, really don't like the hate of NRS get around here. I understand why it happens, but i don't think it's fair.

woops, I forgot to mention
>characters without the cel-shading from UMVC3 look like they copy pasted their models, and they look like plastic

UMVC3 was really a unique thing to happen
>that weird fucking roster with Super Skrull in to replace the Fantastic Four, Sentinel and Storm are in primarily because they were memes from MVC2, Magneto too to a lesser extent, but he'd likely be in anyways, SHUMA FUCKING GORATH MANAGED TO GET IN despite not being in any recent Marvel movie, at least thus far, Firebrand, how did fucking Firebrand get in (I'm saying all this, and I would probably not change the roster except maybe for Hsien Ko for Demitri)
>we ended up getting DMC3 Dante and DMC3 Vergil despite DEE AM SEE being out by the time
>almost every song in the game is fucking awesome
>cel shaded look went fucking perfectly with the tone of the game and comic book characters
>as usual, Capcom did a fucking great job porting moves from characters to the game (look at Wesker's special moves and compare them to Wesker's attacks in RE5's mercenaries mode, for example, or Haggar and the Final Fight games, and you can see that in so many more characters too)
>most characters are, if not straight up unique (Firebrand, Arthur, Amaterasu, Phoenix Wright, Rocket Raccoon...), at least they feel different enough from most cahracters

well, if you care about the single player then you shouldn't be too hard on yourself, just learn to fool the AI, for that I suggest Darkseid jump, air teleport, 3 cancel into dive kick, meter burn it, back 3, jump 3 cancel into dive kick, most AIs get fooled by that, specially the ones with projectiles

>praising NRS animations



Meanwhile DBFZ is hand crafted frame-by-frame to look exactly like the anime

I like MVC2, but
>the 3D stages look meh
>no character themes, and it's obvious why: that fuckhuge roster
>those colorful air slashes look too generic
>sound effects infinitely inferior to the previous games in the series, specifically the hitting sounds
>the 4 buttons with medium moves in between was weird as fuck
>shitty narrator
I'm gonna risk my neck here and risk saying that the only thing that is really really good about MVC2 is the roster
I have never played MVC2 to a decent level, and watching it is fun, but after a while it ends up revolving around 2 super jumping and invincible assist spamming over and over to farm meter, then get 1 hit and chain supers until enemy is dead, repeat

>western dev
>main focus on being shameless fun with its over the top violence
>gathered decent success despite being western dev
>did I mention western dev?

Again, Injustice 2 looks fine in the animation department, i never said anything about MKX.

Yeah, that's the main reason, it's from a western dev. It makes weebs biased, it maks them look for things to dislike.

Just Ass 2 has the same animation problems all other NRS games have though

use deadshot and spam everyone like 90% of the playerbase, injustass is trash pick up tekken 7 if you want to play a real fightan game.

the only good point that that video you linked makes is what he, in fact, ended up calling a "minor pet peeve": they made a whole bunch of X-Rays and Fatalities that don't make sense in their structure

The video is 17 minutes long and that post was 10 minutes ago

even if I hadn't watched that shitty video before like 6 months ago on a thread simmilar to this, what makes you think one can't skim through videos on youtube pressing forward after seeing how dumb a point the guy made is and just going on to the next point?

I think it looks fine, and DBFZ looks boring and not fluid. Maybe it's all about our biases, i don't like DB that much anymore (and i was obsessed with it a few years ago) and i like DC more nowdays, so i prefer Just Ass 2. It doesn't help that there are a gorillion DB fighters already, why being hyped for yet another one?

Except for the part where every part of the video is true and effectively explains why every game NRS have released looks so weird, stiff, and unnatural?

at best those complaints are nitpicks since you see the characters do the "I'm doing nothing and still dancing" stance for the first 3 seconds after loading before the word FIGHT jumps on screen and you'll never see that stance again until the next match

I can see room for improvement on the attacks, but saying they have no impact at all is just pushing too hard to shit on NRS games

I'll watch it later, but based in my own experience by watching the game on Youtube, i think Injustice 2 animations looks just fine. DBFZ is the one that looks off in the webms posted here.

>but saying they have no impact at all is just pushing too hard to shit on NRS games

It's really not. All those animations look weak as fuck, and the key poses section explains why they look weak as fuck.

Almost every single animation in the game, whether it be standing, walking, or attacking, looks like it has no basis in physics, no attachment to a human skeletal structure, and no momentum, like a lazy cartoon.