Meet Shepard, your new Commander. Say something nice to him!
Meet Shepard, your new Commander. Say something nice to him!
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I liked male Shepards voice acting. Only numales prefer femshep.
Renegade FemShep is cute.
>There are people on this board that will claim that Sup Forums didn't love Mass Effect 1 and 2
it's sad that this character wouldn't have been possible in today's SJW cuck world
>we should bang
I don't think you live in today's world. I think you live in a bubble full of Sup Forums buzzwords where imaginary feminist nazis (but not the kind of nazis you like) constantly deride you for having white skin and a penis.
Meanwhile the rest of us see a howling lunatic drooling in a corner by himself.
I should go
>2007 was ten, almost eleven years ago
I should go.
You'll bang, okay?
I love you commander!
Honestly, you're a pretty good character in ME1 but in ME2, after Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
>remembering people typing in >2011 clear as day, and 2011+X for the few years following
Why the fuck am I still here?
Just to suffer
Shepard-senpai pls notice me uguuuu
Are you still able to enjoy anything in this world when the SJW boogeyman keeps on hounding you? Poor soul
Seriously who the fuck was that guy?
Default femshep in ME1 and ME2 was so cute, she was a straight 9/10.
Then came the ME3.
>Evil edgy prick
>Wimpy faggot care bear
Quick! Make a decision!
Are males really this desperate for attention?
>Then came the ME3.
thats not default
Femshep from ME3 official art is hot as fuck, though.
Wish she looked like this in gmae.
Sheploo is handsome. I'd fuck him
You got a great dick
Report to the ship as soon as possible.
We'll bang, okay?
Ryder was such shit compared to Shep, like Shepard was always kind of a generic military dude but he actually got respect and stayed focused, Ryder is always treated like the loser he/she is and has that terrible Disney Marvel thing where they feel the need to sound witty
I know people love to shit on Mass Effect 2 for changing the series and for having a weak plot but honestly nothing in the series will ever top the Suicide Mission for me, and I wish Mass Effect 3 had done something along similar lines rather than just "you got enough points, you get the Red Plus Ending"
suicide mission was very good, but i prefer the ending missions in mass effect 1, they're just more engaging to me