"Fuck obisoft and their DRM bullshit dude!"

>"Fuck obisoft and their DRM bullshit dude!"
>uses steam for almost all of his games

Other urls found in this thread:


who says this

>"fuck SJW's and their anti-white bullshit"
>plays japanese games

Yes thats the point, I already have a shitty drm software installed I dont want even more of those

japs love white people u mong

white dicku yaay
yellow dicku booo

>whiToids believe this

>video games are shit, fuck them all, can't wait until they are gone
>continues to play them

yeah they sure love the people that dropped nukes on them and prohibited them from having an actual military.

japs love germans tho

They deserved it, they were being retarded and all.

But user I haven't had internet for my pc for a while and I can still enjoy my games

Weird, right? I think it's because when they look back at the Japanese empire, it really was an impractical monster that would require the efforts of multiple generations just to keep itself operational on the home islands. Thankfully America put an end to the war, otherwise it's very likely being Japanese wouldn't be a thing today.

When Ubisoft was giving away Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch Dogs for free, every reply of every thread on the subject was
>lol no thanks
Meanwhile, Steam threads can exist with only the occasional "I hate Steam" reply.

It doesn't take a lot of brain power to deduce that Sup Forums hates Uplay more than Steam. And there's nothing wrong with that, because Uplay is more annoying to use and has fewer reasons to put up with that (i.e. it has fewer features and fewer games).

they actually do though

the only ones left that actively hate the US are old people living outside of large cities, in the same way no one in the US hates japs anymore for pearl harbor

As a white guy in Japan right now, they actually do seem to like white people just fine. They don't even care that I'm Jewish

>As a white guy
>I'm Jewish
user-kun plz

Do you fear the samurai?

>I'm Jewish

Steam, for its early faults, improved on the overall formula and now the base service is generally pretty good despite the general constraints that some object to.

Uplay is fucking garbage and there is no real reason for it on top of the base steam DRM. I used to badmouth origin but at least EA has made some modicrum of effort to continue their market and justify its existence. I can't say that about the trash that is Uplay, and I fucking hate EA.

The Japanese know they were in the wrong and deserved the nukes. The Japanese government was suicidal and getting nuked saved more people than it killed. If we didn't stop them, the Japanese race would probably not exist anymore, at least not in the current numbers.

i wonder when the GOG fags will come ITT with their extremely limited supply of games

user there is literally something called "Paris syndrome", which is where a Japanese person idolizes France so much, that when they go there they have a mental breakdown when they discover it's nothing like they thought it was.

>buy game
>can play offline as long as it it downloaded
>did it during internet outage
without getting all "VIDEO GAME JUSTICE! FIGHT THE MAN! YEAH!" what's the real problem with steam? PERSONAL ISSUES?

i'm a gook and i had this my first week or so. even in 2008, there were way too many filthy niggers and arabs

That's the joke. They don't even know what Jews are, really. So they think I'm white.

No, I fuckin' love it here.

Hitler tried to kill my great grandpa in a concentration camp, but he failed. And you aren't as dedicated as he was.

I use steam and I'm fine with it, but you don't own the games you buy. Technically you only own a license, which can be taken away.

You can just grab those oranges for free or is that autoservice?

True, but same with consoles -- only they're locked behind a disc if not digital copy.

Steam isn't DRM. I can literally launch Civ 4 right now without having Steam running. Steamworks is the DRM and it's not obligatory, not to mention it's much less intrusive than Ubi's bullshit.

Why aren't jews white again?

maybe if uplay wasn't "lol works on my machine" tier of garbage I'd use it.

>posts one of the biggest jews ever

I work at an agricultural school, so sometimes if they harvest extra they give some to teachers. Usually they just sell them to us really cheap, though. Its awesome.

Because they are different, and therefore bad. I think it has to do with anti-semites being tricked, like "This cool white guy is actually an evil Jew". No wonder there are so many conspiracies when it can be hard to tell who is actually white and who isn't.

Kill yourself

>Hitler tried to kill my great grandpa in a concentration camp
Did he use the pedal-powered brain-basher, the masturbation machine, or the holocoaster?

Joke's on you. I get games on DRM-free alternatives like GOG if I can help it and skip Steam.

*bong rips over mic*
>I'm so BAKED right now
>Yeah I'll cap just let me get BLITZED

>White= have origin in Europe
>Jewish= be descended from one of the 12 tribes of Israel (i.e. THE MIDDLE EAST)
I get that there's a lot of brainwashing nowadays, but how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand this?


Then why call european ancestry white when there are plenty of people with fairly dark skin, like people from the iberian peninsula? And how do you know those jewish or european people don't have mixed ancestry? Does the jew blood overlap the "white" blood then?

No, the Jewish blood taints the white blood. Are you really this new to understanding racism?

That's why racists freak out about race mixing. Because muh pure blood.

I could never make sense of it, to be honest. How can you be sure your blood isn't tainted?

top pilpul

You can't be.

That's why it was really funny when white supremacists started getting their DNA tested.

>Typical Amerimutt thinks chinks like the white race

23andme already admitted to adding in african DNA values listed as

Holy shit that can't be real

Where do you even proceed from there? Do you just off yourself for not being white enough in your genes?

It's only because Steam has the monopoly. People don't want to avoid uplay because it's DRM, people avoid it because they already have all their games on Steam and don't want to deal with another client and having their shit split up.
Please fuck off

>Hitler tried to kill my great grandpa in a concentration camp, but he failed. And you aren't as dedicated as he was.

source? that's fucking hilarious


>it's still technically correct even if the value is an extreme fraction of a percent
Not quite. Their heebsplanation was that 0% is technically

>gog fags
Do they even exist?

I don't have one, I just remember reading a long interview done between a few of them. I wish I saved the image.

The article itself is actually interesting.

They usually either ignore the test and claim it's obvious they are white, or claim the test is a Jewish trick.


Source? That would mean it really was a Jewish trick.

Again, that's the joke. They usually only know what Jews are if I mention ホロコースト (the Holocaust).

Doesn't verify which one, but I always see 23andme profiles with that

>willingly giving your DNA to a company you don’t know and paying money for it

almost as stupid as buying glorified spyware like alexa or google home

I was in the military. ZOG already has all my biometrics.

> almost all his games
Should have just said all. Adding "almost" breaks the flow of the sentence and softens its conviction, outing the speaker as the weak-willed soyboy that he is.

>no American hates Japs today