
Master Chief/vs/Doomguy
Who win? and why?

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I think Doomguy because he's survived environments more extreme than MC.

Doomguy doesnt know how to fight against someone who shoots back

>there are people who thinks Master Chief have a ghost of a chance in this fight

>>Nigger what?

guy who shoots animals for fun
guy who wipes out alien armies on his own

Are you retarded?

Master Chief can't even carry enough guns, he's clearly a weak pussy and would stand no chance against Doomguy.


Doomguy died, went to hell, and beat up so much stuff hell gave up. MC is badass, but Doomguy is the Goku of video games, its not even fair how over the top it is and there is no winning.

Doomguy vs Doomguy
Who wins?

There's a chad meme where chief is virgin and doomguy is chad. It's pretty accurate someone post it

Doomguy because Doomguy is strong against demons.

Doomguy landed on planets in nothing but his armor?

But Doomguy has better feats, he can solo Demiurge


However, Doomguy has soloed Hell on multiple occasions


>Went to Mars
>Went to Hell
>Beats up Hellspawn and Aliens
>With his bare hands

>Nyee i need to hide my shields are down
>"Press X to win"
>Only carries two weapons and a few accesories
>"Oh no everything is exploding. Quick we need to escape." (you can stand there for 30 minutes and nothing happens)

I think Sanjuro from Shogo wins.

Chief versus original Doomguy would stand zero chance

From a gameplay perspective Doom Guy could probably kill MC with two firm super shotgun shots to the torso. From a lore perspective Doom Guy wins again because he has transcended his mortal coils and has become an anger fueled force of nature that the entirety of hell quakes in fear of. Master Chief cant even run a city block without getting winded, and he can hold like two guns at most. MC's """luck""" be damned

He went to fucking hell, moron.

You mean guy who wiped out the legions of hell alone. I might add that many enemies have guns in doom, and those that don't have non-firearm projectiles. Also, Master Chief had a ton of help. You run into other soldiers all the fucking time in every Halo game.

>guy who decimated hell the hard way
>guy who jews ex machina everything

"Demon" vs Demon Slayer

always really liked this picture

Is that true that Doomguy in DooM is the same one from Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom & Doom 64?

>Needing power armor
Top kek

>implying they would ever fight
>implying they wouldn't fight hordes of enemies threatening humanity side by side

Rendy already killed you, sorry

>genetically engineered guy in really good armor
>guy whos hatred was so intense that he got personal blessings of power from god, capable of killing interdimensional hell demons infinitely without ever stopping

Power of hatred > Power of friendship

Honestly I've only played nudoom and I've played halo 1-4 and I have to say Doomguy because his arsenal is bigger and more dangerous.

Also he can double jump.

Doomguy has le chosen one plot armor these days so he'd probably win, MC is still just a dude in a suit.

which ones which?

theyre both fags who cares

>MC is still just a dude in a suit
Have you not played Halo 4?

doom 2 doomguy wrecks master chief

being 7 feet tall doesnt stop BFG from evaporating you and all he has to do is look at you after firing it

>le chosen one
Bullshit, he carved his own destiny to the point where the demons write down his journey in hell and got the attention of a Seraphim, a high ranking angel among the courts of god.

After playing DOOM 4... welp, my opinion on Doomguy changed pretty fuckin quick, let me tell ya.

its implied but never outright confirmed

For a game that doesn't care about story, D44M has pretty alright lore. For example, the Hell Knights aren't actually real knights, they are gladiators who fight in the arena for the high lords of hell.

Doomguy>>>Master Chief>>>>>>>>>numale power fantasy doom Slayer.

Although I don't agree with it, I understand you putting Doomguy over Doomslayer. However, fuck off if you think that MC is better than Doomslayer.

>death battle episode
>mention doomguy can outrun his own rockets
>creeps along like a constipated sloth the whole fight

>my action figure can beat up YOUR action figure!!!!

They are going fuck up everything in D22M, like nuWolfenstein 2

Despite the fact that they are the same person.

Nah, I trust Id. After seeing how well D44M did with less cutscene focus and more shooting elements, it'll be fine. Wolf 2's big problems were the cutscene to gameplay ratio and tonal shift from campy 80's action movie to dead serious social commentary. Machine games are fucked.

>Rendy meme
try again flat-foot, DN3D sustains on its own merits, you manlet

Was Doomslayer the betrayer or was that a different person?
Possibly, but I would still split them since Doomslayer is hyper Doomguy basically.

Confirmed in Quake Champions

Doomguy would team up with Master Chief because doomguy's lot in life is to fight evil. If they did fight, Doomguy would win because he's practically an angel if you're going by current lore.

I wonder what the angelic armies are like in the Doom continuity. I could only imagine the weapons they would have for their angel of demon blood.

I mean, you must be really special to ruin good game right after good one, that even have really good expansion

Growing up is gay user

Angels do fuck all in Doom because they have a champion to keep Hell on the run for them.

Then explain to me how I died so many times and never beat a single Doom game.
I will never not be mad at this

I thought his armor was created by archangel and in the end one of the angels betrayed Doomguy and all his knights

Thankfully I wasn't born retarded, so no.

Nah, you got it wrong. The Praetor suit was designed by a demon called "the wretch" who Doomguy spared on his murderous rampage. The angel (A seraphim to be more specific) granted him the powers to heal from demon blood (Glory kills has a lore reason to exist). The big debate at the moment is whether one of the Night Sentinels (Protectors of the Wraiths and the inhabitants of the Argent D'nur before it was absorbed into hell) betrayed the order or it was Doomslayer himself.

Then you shut your mouth and try to learn something once in a while.

Sad is shit is publishers are not learning the lesson. Nobody fucking cares what agenda you want to portray, just make a good game.

>all halos after ODST are bad meme
Go fuck yourself, bungie cock sucker. Go play Destiny 2 with 90% game behind the DLCs

One can defeat gods and the other can only defeat demons, who do you think would win?

Doomslayer is a manlet with shit feats.

This, they need to go back to /reddit/.

Anything after ODST is not canon.
Reach was also Bungie too and the signs of their downfall were there. Shame, Forge was the best in Reach.

Doomguy wins the fight.
MC survives because of plot armor and wins the whole thing for the same reason.

What "shit feats" are you referring to?

Oh, I really need to reread all stuff again
Also knights design is so good

Doomguy wins because he was in actually good games

ODST and Reach were both shit, if you didn't see the signs of bad management at Bungie with ODST then you were already a lost cause. Bungie's last good video game was Halo 3 when Microsoft were making sure they didn't fuck it up. As far as I'm concerned, ODST and Reach aren't canon.

tippest toppest kekku my fellow kind gentlesir xD *does secret channer handshake*

Stop being biggot

why can't they join forces instead?

No but he killed the lord of hell.

Doomguy without question, he's unkillable power fantasy incarnate.

>I've never played Doom, let alone the original games, here's my uneducated opinion

The dev videos that came with Halo 3 showed the downfall of the studio, which became clear with Halo 2. It's a shame, I've been with Bungie since a demo of Pathways Into Darkness, and remember Marathon's worldbuilding being better than most RPGs today.

Doomguy is like Hercules with Guns he literally traveled thru dimentions and time for eons.Master Queef doesnt stand a chance

True, I think Microsoft were the ones keeping them afloat which is why Halo 2 and 3 didn't turn out shit. After Bungie went independent you could tell Microsoft weren't helping them with Halo ODST and Reach.

Man, Marathon era Bungie will never come back will it? I'm still waiting for a modern Marathon, but not made by nu-Bungie

People will undervalue MC, specially here. They're both pretty OP on their respective universes. MC is a Spartan II, arguably the best models, wearing the best tech, who exceled in pretty much everything in his training. He's also apparently lucky as fuck.

Doomguy frightens even the Devil himself.

I think they'd just bro-up.

This, add Samus and we'll make an unstoppable trio.

That ship has sailed. I know Staten and Jones are still around, but so much of the old Bungie is long gone. I wonder how many of their employees even know about world domination and such. I was just hoping they'd find a way to bring Durandal into a modern game. Now he'd be a compelling yet sympathetic villain for Cortana and Chief to match up against.

Didn't some guy do the math based on relative measurements to figure out he can run at like 200mph or something crazy like that? Ontop of all the shit he can be carrying.

The battle droid wins

So Doomguy wins?

One fights demons from hell. The other is a fag. Take a guess.

How, he's literally a soldier in the UAC army in the original games, not some angel deity thing.

Staten went back to Microsoft.

On top of being flatout wrong they fucking switched the thumbnails even tho the video itself is outdated; Gaylo 5 wasnt out and D44M wasnt even announced

> Can't break glass to stop old lady.

Doomslayer is not an angel or a deity, he is Doomguy who has been noticed by the heavens and blessed with demon slaying powers. So basically, he was slaying demons as normal, an angel blesses him with powers then went back to demon slaying except much more powerful and basically immortal.

Usually when Sup Forums has these threads gaylo fans come out of the woodword and they get told immediately. this time they didnt even bother getting btfo'd

Ok, that was stupid but you are undermining his achievements throughout the game/lore (Killed a Titan, killed a resurrected demon that just so happened to be called a Cyberdemon, killed the Hell Guards, killed the Spider Mastermind, released the souls of the Wraiths and the Night Sentinels, survived VEGA's meltdown, survived pure argent energy pouring into him etc etc)

Jesus, did Jones piss literally everyone off?

Its a great thread to be a chad doom fanboy