How can I convince my brother not to buy an Xbox One X when we already have a PS4 with a bunch of games...

How can I convince my brother not to buy an Xbox One X when we already have a PS4 with a bunch of games? He says he wants it so he can play with his friends that have an Xbox One X, and when I told him to get an used Xbox One for cheap he said no because "it's too slow and bad". This seems like a huge waste of money because he already has the games he likes for the PS4, as well as some accessories.


Playing with friends is worth the money. I have stingy fags like you.

Nothing to do, your brother isnt only a Console Peasant, he is the stupidest one.

its his money let him spend it on what he wants and stop being such a faggot op

Meant to say hate.

X is still in its infancy, get a base Xbox for cheap and wait to see how the regular works on bigger exclusives; if it's large enough then trade it in for the X
What I really mean is wait for the next Halo to be revealed

I know that but he could just buy a used Xbox One instead of an Xbox One X because we don't even have a 4K TV. Also only some of his friends play Xbox, some play PS4.

I know but I can't stand seeing people waste money like this

I'm guessing he wants to play PUBG. I'm sure it's all his friends are talking about.

If There was crossplay your brother wouldnt need to buy an Xbox. blame Sony

> I can't stand seeing people waste money like this

Why? Any of us could die tomorrow. If you can trade money for satisfaction, do so at every opportunity. I spent $350 on a shirt today.

You know what they should copy? They should copy how to get good games. They should copy how to get good games

How about you just sell your Soystation and get a Chadbox X instead?

Peer pressure among close friends is a very real thing.

I'm betting his friends wanted him to play PUBG together.

Let your brother be a retard. It's his money, not yours.
If you're young and your parents buy it from your shared pool of gift money (this is the only reason you should be mad) then you have to be banned from this imageboard for being underage.

All of that being said, despite Xbone being the worst system of the past 20 years, if not more, despite it being a completely useless piece of shit paperweight, playing with friends is what matters the most. If his retard self is happy playing with his retard friends then let him.

>X is still in its infancy
What? No. It's in its deathbed, and has been since launch. Next gen is 3 years away at best.
The only thing X has that could keep up is the RAM, maybe. But the GPU would get old fast and the CPU is pratically the same as the original model (much like PS4pro, it's both of their biggest bottlenecks). XboneX won't be able to run a single next-gen game - at best it can run cross-gen titles for the first ear next-gen comes out, but it'll run the last-gen versions, not the newer ones.

I really don't like seeing my brother waste his money though. How can I convince him not to buy it?

You can't. Xbone is self evidently bad, there's no better bad PR than the system itself.
There's no saving your brother's retardness and his firend's peer pressure. Let him waste it, why are you so worried about his money anyway?
Spend $500 on expensive restaurants the following week and take photos to make him regret burning money on that piece of shit.

Or... you know.. just..... don't care. Like a normal person would.

I don't know why I care, I guess I just want to help him out

OP cannot spend 500 at nice restaurants because he's obviously a little kid. Nothing else explains his obsession with his brothers finances and his hangups over "wasting" what amounts to a few days salary.

Help him out by getting him Halo 3 since it's enhanced and he may get pubg for free if he buys the console before the new year. All the Horizon games are great and Gears 3 is cheap and enhanced as well. You may end up enjoying the system as much as he does.

you're helping him out by letting him make this mistake. He must learn this lesson himself to grow as a person.

3 years from now you'll buy the 6x more powerful PS5/NextBox at $100 less and show just how supid he's been.

>do so at every opportunity
This is how you go broke.

We don't even have a 4K TV though so I don't understand why he wants the Xbox One X instead of the original Xbox One

A man does what he wants right or wrong. Be a man and mind your own damn business.

I meant that there aren't very many X enhanced games out there right now so the jump in quality for first party games is unknown
If it's a PUBG situation for like every first party game then obviously the X would be worth it over the base Xbox

print out a load of shit about frame rates and wave them smugly in his face

>so the jump in quality for first party games is unknown
Microsoft literally closed down 80% of its 1st party studios this gen (there's a creenshot of their website from 2013 and 2016, by then over half were gone) and those who remain don't make good products, namely 343i, and Turn10 has been going down the shitter this gen, with the last objectively good mainline Forza game being 4 (on the 360)

Also PUBG runs like absolute shit on every Xbone system, you're kind of implying it's a good example. My point is that all of XboneS's advantages aren't worth it since they will only last for 2 to 3 years tops anyway.

Heads up kiddo the PS4 and Xbox are both huge wastes of money. If you really cared about their library you would have gotten a PC.

Also just let the kid buy his shit with his own money.