Nintendo 3DS

So is there anything worth coming out for this piece of shit on 2018 or is it over?

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since switch is portable it means they will no longer release underpowered portable consoles?

Your pic is wrong. They're supporting it through 2018(which means until 2019).

Switch is too big.

Monster Hunter lol

Since this thread is already up, is this the definitive way to play DS games? How about the VC games?

I got my switch 3 days ago, i just happened to buy a game that also has a 3ds version as my first game

i have to say, as soon as a new pokemon comes out for the switch my 3ds is dead to me, the switch just has a way better screen , the 3ds had a good run it is time to slowly let it die

Buy it cheap. dumbass

I think they looked horrible, specially on N3ds

Atlus is making a couple of remakes (Radiant Historia and Strange Journey).

Switch mini could be a very reasonable excuse to discontinue the 3DS.

How cheap is cheap?

I can't let go of my 3DS since the Switch only has one screen.

Agreed, hope it happens, also when do you guys expect to see Metroid Dread on the Switch?

The cheapest rookie.

reminder that if you haven't gotten into Animal Crossing, this is your last chance, since you can still use basic online functionalities without having to pay extra, i.e paid online or mobile gaming paywalls.

If you want to get a chance to experience Animal Crossing i would suggest doing it sooner rather than later, because Nintendo WILL shutdown the 3DS online service quicker than you think.

Yes. It's pretty much the definitive portable console if you homebrew it. Plays GBA and DS games natively.

Yeah I'm sure Nintendo is going to shut down the 3DS online when the most recent Pokemon games are on that system, as well as Pokebank.

Don't worry Bill, the day after that I'm hacking mine wide open.

The DS went 6 and a half years before the 3DS replaced it. The 3DS will be 7 years old in a few months

13 and a half years of content available and playable on a single portable console

you've just made me a pretty convincing argument for someone mulling over getting a switch or a 3DS.

Radiant Historia and Strange Journey remakes look great. Not sure about anything else.

The Alliance Alive!

Is it safe to play online on a hacked console nowadays? Last time when I wanted to play online there were ban waves every week and nobody knew what to do, so I decided to stay offline ever since.

How to play ds games on a 3ds? I have RXtools and yakareando. I bought the 3ds hacked so i don't know shit about hacking or hombrewing.

I just got a N3DSXL after never having a DS, already have a huge list of games to work through

The only thing I'm looking forward to. Who knows when we'll get it in English though, it had already taken them a whole fucking year for 5.

You can't. Just buy a DS lite from a yard sale or something. I found one for $10 and I got a r4 card too.

It should have died a long time ago, but Nintendo just refuses to fucking kill it already.

Not really. A huge portion of the DS and 3DS libraries consists of shovelware and shit. There are really only a handful of games each actually worth playing.

What are those handful?

Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Persona Q2

Don't buy a 3DS unless you love those shitty grindy JRPGs. The circle pad is terrible even discounting the fact the whole thing is designed for handlets. I'd say it's worth $50 tops for the free library of puzzle games.

What year does anyone expect Metroid 5 to appear on the Switch?

I don’t think they really can’t since it’s all connected to Nintendo Network which goes to the Wii U and Switch as far as I know

>only one screen
>no 3D
Switch, more like shit