Aaand it's another video game about WW2 from the American perspective

Aaand it's another video game about WW2 from the American perspective...

Anybody else kinda tired of this trope?


when do we play as the good guys?

Do develop your own game then.

they rested it long enough

America did really nothing besides inflate it's own ego in world war two. Russia, hell britain could of handled it alone

I want one from the Jap prespective.
How come that has not been made?
Its obvious a Nazi perspective will never be made since Germans are afraid of themselves.

>I want one from the Jap prespective.
>How come that has not been made?

Because Pearl Harbor was a false flag operation

>Jap prespective.

Screen ratio 16:5

Neither of them could have. The U.S unironically could have though.

>will never be made since Germans are afraid of themselves.
The Japs are in the same boat. They dont talk about WW2 let alone all the terrible shit they did