Aaand it's another video game about WW2 from the American perspective

Aaand it's another video game about WW2 from the American perspective...

Anybody else kinda tired of this trope?


when do we play as the good guys?

Do develop your own game then.

they rested it long enough

America did really nothing besides inflate it's own ego in world war two. Russia, hell britain could of handled it alone

I want one from the Jap prespective.
How come that has not been made?
Its obvious a Nazi perspective will never be made since Germans are afraid of themselves.

>I want one from the Jap prespective.
>How come that has not been made?

Because Pearl Harbor was a false flag operation

>Jap prespective.

Screen ratio 16:5

Neither of them could have. The U.S unironically could have though.

>will never be made since Germans are afraid of themselves.
The Japs are in the same boat. They dont talk about WW2 let alone all the terrible shit they did

>this was a better nazi killing shooter than wolfenstein II

what went wrong?

Europoors can make their own game

cus no one wants to play as brainwashed emperor cultists and okinawanian soldiers who commited sudoku in their hidey holes and starving to death

mate, britain was getting it's sorry ass slapped up and down the street like a two-bit whore on collection day by the time the US got into the war, and the germans had made as far as stalingrad. russians were sorry skinny farmers dying by the barrel and climbing over each other's corpses. they only reason either britain or russia survived was because of multiple fronts for germany and poor strategic german leadership. as far as infantry, armor, airpower, small unit tactics, soldier discipline and fitness go, the germans had every advantage save for numbers.

I disagree, playing Wolfenstein II on easy after already beating the game on a more challenging difficulty is pretty damn entertaining. Just trailblazing with a Shockhammer and hatchet is goat

>russians win the war
>retarded muricans only get rekted like they do in every war
>murican jews get rich as fuck selling weapons and raping\pillaging germany after the war

Murica is a fucking joke LMAO

Jap perspective would be too difficult to do unless you do it from either a naval or airforce perspective. Either that or you could do a chinese invasion campaign but then chinks would sperg out because of "muh rape of nampkin" and western audiences womt care because over half of them didnt even know china was in the war


Both of which would have fallen without American help. However, "American Military Logistics Officer: 1943" sounds like a very boring game.

What are you 15? Another edgy underaged poster staying up late on Christmas break?

Are you retarded, America was the only winner in ww2.

We made money off you yuropoor selling you are old and broken tows.
Established world wide dominance and fear with the development and use of the atom bomb.

Joined in while victory was ensured and took credit for the most pivitol fights in the final years of the war.

As you a result we established are position was the head of the world, are spear of influence grew immeasurably, our world image had never looked better the entire world, wished it was in our position, and besides pear harbour there wasn't a scratch on us.

The economy bloomed and so did the population, a massive influx of europoors coming to the great USA.

And we been riding off the coattails of ww2 everys since, even now in 2017, 100s and thousands of amazing stories about are heroric envolment only greater improved our image.

America, won ww2, everyone else lost.

>lose every battle
>win because germany is stupid and stretched too thin
yeah, good work Russia
you totally won the war

It was made in american so that's a given, if you play Jap games then they're played from a Japanese perspective, if you play Russian games they're played from a Russian perspective, if you play Chink games they're played from a Chink perspective, stop wasting our time by being a little kid that's never left his country assuming he has something to contribute to the rest of the world.

I'm american and yeah I'm sick of call of duty. modern warfare and modern warfare 2 is where the series should have ended.

lmaooo we put in not even 1/16 the effort, yet we reaped all the benefits in too many ways that they can't all even be mentioned.

holy shit, the govt back then made such amazing power plays, i'm especially impressed by our sphere of influence, all you brain dead cucks do is absorb america pop culture and media, you cucks think the american accent is what english is supposed to sound like.

I could go on and on but are completely and total fucking of eurofag lag is soo deep and systematically grinded into the minds and psyches of all of you.

Europe is quite literally americas bitch, as is most of asia, wow.