Did you know that Bomberman was known as Don Pepe y los globos in Spain?
Did you know that Bomberman was known as Don Pepe y los globos in Spain?
Fucking spaniards they always pull this kind of shit.
What was it called in Latin America?
No, but now I do.
Argentina here, we always called him Bomberman, what kind of retard calls Bomberman "mr pete and the balloons", I knew I was right about hating spaniards.
Actually this became a fucking meme in the Spain of late 90s.
Shit was hilarious as fuck because it was one of the few translations of a vidya title in Spain, and it fukken became the norm of why we shouldn't translate titles.
Hablemosenbits were fukken based.
Eric and the Floaters is better
Let me continue with the joke, OP.
Thank you
Lmfao why would you do this? It sounds so forced why not just try a different title altogether?
This is the best one.
I don't know user, I didn't made 'em
I just went to the site, found the article(which is a joke, by the way) and got the pics so I could dump them here.
Y esta es la historia pongan atención
de luz, fuego y destrucción.
Cambió a todo gas, lo que nunca pensé
Y llegué a ser Lobezno de todo Bel Air.
En la jungla de cristal yo nací y crecí,
con las Súper Nenas y Agallas era feliz,
siempre tranquilo sin prisa ni nada,
viendo Historias Corrientes instalado en la fiaca.
De pronto una Patrulla Equis yo no se por qué
buscaron problemas y me les enfrenté.
Don Pepe y los globos muy serio me dijo:
"¡Te mudas a todo gas con tus tíos de Bel Air!"
Llamé a un taxi y al mirarlo noté
que decía "Onda vital", yo no sé por qué.
No le di importancia y lo abordé
y me dije a mi mismo: "¡A todo gas a Bel Air!"
Al fin llegué a una onda vital de lo más elegante
y le dije a Jomer "¡Ponte desodorante!"
Mirando mi reino finalmente pensé:
"¡Ha llegado Lobezno de todo Bel Air!"
>why not just try a different title altogether?
I know right? Try something like "sed de velocidad" or anything that doesn't scream google translate.
Based. Only missing the eyes cover.
Hostia puta me muero.
idk, this all sounds like it was edited
This shit wtf I need to hear it now with the spanish voice. “A todo gas” is retarded
Worst thing is that if you grew with the spaniard va of the Fresh Prince then you can actually imagine fukken Will's VA singing that parody.
I grew up with the Mexican dub and for fuck sake I just listen to the castellano dub and it sucked balls that song is forever destroyed.
You have shit taste then.
Will Smith literally said it's the 2nd best version of the song, lmao.
And now...
Ahora escucha la historia de mi vida
Y de cómo el destino cambió mi movida
Sin comerlo ni beberlo llegué a ser
El chuleta de un barrio llamado Bel Air
Al oeste en Filadelfia, crecía y vivía
Sin hacer mucho caso a la policía
Jugaba al basket sin cansarme demasiado
Porque por las noches me sacaba el graduado
Cierto día jugando al basket con amigos
Unos tipos del barrio me metieron en un lío
Y mi madre me decía una y otra vez
¡Con tu tío y con tu tía irás a Bel Air!
Llamé a un taxi, cuando se acercó
Su molonga matrícula me fascinó
Quería conocer a la clase de parientes
Que me espera en Bel Air con aire sonriente
A las siete llegué a aquella casa
Y salí de aquel taxi que olía a cuadra
Estaba en Bel Air y la cosa cambiaba
Mi trono me esperaba, el príncipe llegaba
Why not changing bel air for “campana del aire”? This lobezno subnormal onda vitales Pepe y sus globos a todo gas gente have Shit for head.
Big and unfiltered dogshit in its purest form right there. Spaniard dubs will always be the worst.
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre.
>Pepe y sus globos vitales a todo gas
Fabada Litoral 100% Asturiana.
spics fucking leave. This is an american website, we need a Sup Forums wall.
Ohh shit look at this, just look what they have done.
eop translation for burgers?
The Crystal Jungle(La Jungla de Cristal)
That's the Spanish name for Die Hard.
Crystal Jungle?
They couldn't just call it
Muerte Fuerte?
>he has no shoes
OHHH shit here comes more.
>When Spaniards decide to call the movie the same but with some different wording.
It even sounds similar, but lmfao.
>Muerte Fuerte
Godammit that is a billion times better name
i know it translates to Strong Death if my spic is right, but why Crystal Jungle?
Also speaking of spanish dubs, nigga/nigger is usually just translated to friend, or brother in movie dubs from what I remember
Depends of the situation.
If they're niggers they usually translate it with literal meaning(negro/negros)
Brother sounds very, very Cuban for spaniards
not as good as Reluctant Hero
Nigger has connotations very specific to us culture beyond language so it's tricky to translate. There are equivalents in Spanish but depends a lot on context. That said, every country or region has its own variant/dialect/slang so it's even harder to convey in real life as a foreign speaker.
What does Die Hard actually mean? The Latin American translation is Duro de Matar which means something like Hard to kill in my interpretation. Was that title accurate?
usually its "Negro" but yeah as thew other user said its a very difficult word to translate
>Die Hard is still titled
Bomberman. Here we keep the original game of anything that arrives, except Argentina sometimes. And well, if the name is in complete japanese too.