What made overwatch take off while lawbreakers didn't?
Why is this girl not dressed in lawbreakers great!?
What made overwatch take off while lawbreakers didn't?
Why is this girl not dressed in lawbreakers great!?
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I guess Overwatch is a trillion dollar IP.
Because people want attractive characters, those soyboys, landwhales, whatever name you give them are the ones that complain the loudest. Yet those people don't even play games and won't even if things get changed to suit their needs.
she needs a breast reduction pronto
waifu bait
simple concept the company will act like they are sjw but they know in their hearts that fan service makes them money
the amount of overwatch porn, lewd skins they make (mercy foot fetish skin and widowmaker in general), and using the company name will rake in the big bucks.
Mm yummy mummy. Name?
no, seriously, big breasts are not desireable anymore. Plus they hurt llike hell carrying those big mounds of flesh all the time for no reason.
Yea, people like eyecandy. I don't understand stupid people's issue with "oversexualizatation"
flat chest ass blasted jealous roastie spotted
Wow kill yourself.
have any pics of your big breasts pre-op?
>non-white cosplaying a white britbong
Pretty good considering the current fate of the United (K)Caliphate
>that nose
>that angle so we can't see how fatty her face reall is
You know how Sup Forums will cry out "SJW" as if it is an adequate excuse as to why they refuse to so much as try a certain game? As if SJW invalidates every other quality of the game, erases music, other forms of art, the plot, characterization, elements of the setting, and more importantly than anything, all of the gameplay? This is the normie equivalent of that.
bathrooms for trannies
>improved confidence
Ha ha, breastlets are easy to spot.
1. Waifu
If you're trying to make a game don't pander to SJWs as they do not play video games. Make that fucking game have some waifu to reel in the waifu fags like a fish. Then add lewd skins. If you've been around the internet you should know waifu bait and lewd skins bring in the big bucks.
2. Company
The company Blizzard is already a big name so with them announcing Overwatch you know its gonna be big for a year.
3. Characters
The characters gotta look good. Lawbreaker characters doesn't really appeal to anyone. Again appeal to the actual gaymers not fucking sjw retards.
4. Casual
The game is casual so it appeals to the females. The females in the game look good so that'll attract dumber females like Mercy mains.
Overall, if they had a mindset of a gaymer and know their audience then you'll have a successful game. If you're trying to make a political statement with your game (lawbreakers) and pander to SJWs then you will end up like Lawbreakers. Blizzard did this AFTER reeling in the waifu fags and the casual players. I give them props for that because they know how to reel in some players properly.
>memorable fresh game
>boring clone of said game
Rocket science.
this is your brain on soy
It's just a butthurt breastlet
Polish, waifus, and just enough character lore to draw people in but not enough that the audience can't make spergy headcanons.
really made me think
this is the dumbest shit.
TF2 was already old news when Overwatch released. Fresh doesn't mean original.
Well of course. Big breast on a manbabby like you is disgusting.
i couldn't resist the urge to shitpost. i enjoy overwatch ocassionally, zen is pretty cool. it sucks when people threaten to report if i don't play mercy when they could easily switch themselves though.
>they hurt llike hell carrying those big mounds of flesh all the time for no reason
>big mounds of flesh all the time for no reason
>for no reason
>le game failed cuz sjws
Anyone who believes this is underaged
her name is
>buy Overwatch on sale
>join in game
hello friends
>get banned
great game btw, really 10/10
too big
-Good character design
-Clean, visually appealing art direction and HUD
I'm more of a DFC guy, but holy shit, what a desperate image.
>big breasts are not desirable anymore
Are you fucking high?
Not only do I want a gf with giant tits, I want implants for myself! Jesus do all straight guys have shit taste?
>play d.va
>don't ever say anything in chat
>use salt spray when you know you're going to get play of the game
>use is this easy mode, gg ;) voice lines
>get reported
*winkie face*
1. What a joke, if anything small breasted women are laughed at and treated like girls since they will never truly be women. This hurts self-esteem. Breast envy is just as much of a thing as penis envy, except women (being the jealous cunts they are) have multiple envies such as hair, clothes, butt, etc.
2. So worthless as a reason its not worth anything more.
3. Actual problem, good thing there are creams for this shit. Problem solved.
4. Look at 2.
5. Another actual good point. Genuine problem but big fat cat tats attract more of the opposite sex than itty bitty kitty titties, which hurts the titlets self-esteem as they lose out in the sexual marketpalce. 1 was so fucking stupid.
6. Working out is just as much as a problem when you have a dick and balls constantly tangling themselves up and as well, doesnt mean you should mutilate yourself to alleviate 30 minutes to an hour of inconvenience.
7. Another nit pic in a desperate attempt to add something to this ever increasingly depressing list.
This list was almost as funny as it is pitiful when seeing a B-cup """woman""" and lower trying to be sexy when their C-cup+ friends are there as well.
Blizzard could literally sell a box full of shit and people would buy it while claiming "I know it's shit, but it has that Blizzard polish to it so it can't be bad"
Well first off, I knew when Overwatch was coming out. Meanwhile Lawbreakers died when I realized it was out.
The sheer hilarity of this image is beyond great.
>big breasts are not desireable
I would disagree, but get your point if you said "big breasts aren't comfortable to women", but milkies will never ever go out of fashion. Even when women complain about big breasts what they are actually thinking "look at me flaties, you'll never have hopes and dreams as big as these"
>I'm a cock loving faggot
that's all you had to say man.
Lawbreakers came out after Overwatch was already dominating. Couple that with the in your face marketing, generic character designs, lackluster gimmick and you have the failure that is Lawbreakers. Doesn't help that Randy is an idiot
My dick gonna ascend soon from those images.
>What made overwatch take off while lawbreakers didn't?
When Overwatch came out, it was the NEW TF2 that everybody had been waiting for. It hit a market that was starved for a good new game by a major company.
When Lawbreakers hit, Overwatch was getting GOTY awards left and right and was still growing. It tried to capitalize on a market that was still excited about the last new thing, without doing anything new itself.
Then PUBG hit and created a black hole over Asia, drawing in millions of players from all over the world with it. Lawbreakers couldn't appeal to TF2 fans, or hardcore shooter fans, and was left without anybody to give a shit about it.
>the absolute state of the eternal roastie
I'm a 100 percent straight man and I would love to be a futa with huge titties
>That chart
It's not often you see something from the mind of a female incel.
>tfw no cosplay gf
Breast reduction is not healthy
Same. I really like flat chested women, but there is a lot of things that need to come altogether on a petite body that make it great. A good pair of breasts however, usually are excellent on their own, considering that most people in the world aren't perfect ideal models.
Dude that shit happened with dragons crown and it was the most frustrating shit on the planet.
An entire game written off as low brow sexist trash simply because of a pair of tits that made sense inside the context of the art style.
Typical chestlet
Small tits is superior actually. Why would you want some fat girl tits? THEY ARE FAT FUCKING LUMPS OF FAT. Have you ever seen the ones with like the vein and shit? Absolutely horrid.
Breast reductions ruin promising careers.
This tranny is still around? I thought she disappeared awhile back?
Its made by Blizzard
Its got a wacky/cool pixar esque artstyle and characters
It got so much porn, some of the most quality porn for a videogame in fact
>they are fat fucking lumps of fat
this literally one hundred percent confirms that you are a roastie or a tremendous faggot. Some men prefer flat chested girls, but they understand the appeal of tits, it is something beyond roasties.
how does it feel to dislike the #1 indicator of femininity?
i don't think you can really get gayer than this
Breast reduction can also leave you unable to breastfeed or feel pleasure from nipple stimulation. Same thing goes for breast enhancement. I don't know why people pretend like invasive surgery like breast modification has zero negatives, or that surgery is a healthy course of action to take when it comes to self-image.
I've seen a girl with perfectly proportionate D-cups reduce down to B just because she thought it'd make her happier, and a couple of grand and one major surgery later she was still the same person and not one iota happier.
Breastlet or tittymonster, people need to be happier with who they are.
Quit telling me what to like you fucking bum. Big breasts are best and no amount of contrarianism is gonna change that.
some girls look good with flat chest but you have to have a petit, cute body. She looked good with big milkers but without, she looks like a fridge
That's the opposite of what he said you idiot.
It's only good on very young girls (12-16) after which it is just ugly.
Her left tit is pretty clearly photoshopped
>No guys, tits aren't seen as something attractive by most of the world's population, I swear.
user, it's ok to have different tastes, but there's no point in trying to tell anyone that big tits aren't seen as sexy or desirable
>#1 indicator of femininity
>I don't know why people pretend like invasive surgery like breast modification has zero negatives, or that surgery is a healthy course of action to take when it comes to self-image.
Thousand times this. I literally don't get it, why would you ever view cutting your own body, putting implants in there that body will almost always reject or sucking something out of it pre-emptively not as the absolutely worst choice you can make. Plastic surgery should be a necessity not a luxury. Like when your face gets burnt in the accident or tit is falling off.
>cake face
>tits as flat as a young boy
>"lil anything"
Purge it.
yep, that's more feminine than a woman with no breasts
But yeah, having appealing character design really helps a game. Lawbreakers looks like ass, the aesthetic is a visually cluttered attempt at something that teenagers might have thought was cool ten years ago.
Exactly. There are people who get mastectomies when breast cancer runs in their family, to reduce their chances of getting it when they get older. Or, when women had breast cancer and lost a breast, they have an implant put in to feel and look like their old selves again. That's what plastic surgery should be for, not as a fucking band-aid for broken self-esteem.
>this is a 16 year old girl with big tits
>you think this is hot
I love me some dfc, but this is just delusional.
No I'm saying small tits are only good on young girls, big ones look good on all. Older girls with small tits just look like skeletons.
Thank god for German laws of consent making this fap legal.
>big ones look good on all
Oppai-loli is fucking shit and you know it user.
>Why would you want some fat girl tits?
You dont have to be fat to have big tits. Also, I fucking love fat girls. You dont get to tell me what I find attractive you fucking mouth breather.
>Have you ever seen the ones with like the vein and shit?
Yes and I fucking love it. Christ, I thought you had to be 18 to post here.
>people need to be happier with who they are
But people don't know how to just 'be' happier with themselves. That idea in their head doesn't just go away. They could try to get fit, or change their diet. That is hard and takes time though, and if it doesn't work, coming to the conclusion that there are some things you have to accept and move on is a scary thing, so they willfully ignore that path and choose the easy way out. In the end, it doesn't make them happy.
It's really not. When I was in middle School I loved the big titty girls.
i want you to take your own life babe, I could easily give you flack for liking flat chests, but you don't see anyone doing that do you fucker
Because Based God Emperor Jeff Kaplan knows how to make video games and soyboy numales do not.
you guys are dirty as fuck you know that? these are teens. ILLEGAL
Wrong. Big tits sag as they age. DFC can look good at any age as long as she looks relatively youthful anyway.
Oh for fucks sake.
It's a man.
Not even kidding on trying to meme you guys here.
"She" was a ladyboy prostitute before.
I'm going to have to agree. If you find this attractive at all, then you're going to have to off yourself.
t. buttblasted 200+lb landwhale roastie who shows off their "big" (fat) tits
I see through all of this. Whole lotta virgins in this thread