Buy one of these

>buy one of these
>homebrew it
>can literally play any 3ds game i want

this is amazing. literally why haven't you done this yet?

>>buy one of these
>literally why haven't you done this yet?
Because it's a handheld.

You can even watch porn on it

because my firmware version needs a second, already hacked 3ds to do it
that or buy a flash cart and i dont play it enough to justify buying one

How long does it take to homebrew

I've done it twice now. Fuck off.

I wish Puyo Puyo Chronicles's DLC worked.

It's like $10, user.

Depends on your version. If you haven't updated since March or so, about 5 minutes. Maybe less.


cause i'm stuck on 11.6

i have plenty of consoles with cfw that collect dust
i wish i was

>Depends on your version. If you haven't updated since March or so, about 5 minutes. Maybe less.

Is Nintendo pretty good about keeping their shipments up to date? Or would I be likely to find an older firmware on current stock?

32gb sd card is another $40 on top of that though

cos there's like 2 games worth playing

just a reminder that new love plus has now been englished patched. those of us without moon skills can now waifu sim on our 3ds.

Post the guide

>these disappoint me every time
>I still look at each one
pls share more senpai


I have, but I just keep playing Ace Combat

Got a hacked n3ds. Enjoying snes and gba games on it, also the library is fucking great. The port of xenoblade isn't that bad either.
Might pick up Tales of the abyss or keep playing pokemon super mystery dungeon
Sucks to be both of you

does this work with a 2DS?

$10 to $13, actually.

>do this
>download 10 games
>finish 1
>haven't picked it up since

sweetie, it hasn't been $40 in years. you can find 32gb under $15, easily. if you're paying $40, you could find a 128gb when it's on sale.

>hur why haven't you hacked a ps1 yet
because it's fucking old, get with the new times old man

>buy PC
>install pirated Windows 10 on it
>can literally emulate any 3ds game I want

oh can you emulate the 3DS well now?

my a button doesn't want to press correctly anymore

you can't see 3D on a 2DS or it would be called a 3DS instead

Fuck you you can't tell me what I can't do

where do u go to see more?

beta loser cucks.

i hacked the shitsole then the shit games coz theyre grindy and i actually have a life, then i got bored and sent it back before the 30 days refund limit.

shitsoles never again.

post the thicc mexican dragon one pls

I don't own a PC.

What does it mean to homebrew?
I bought a r4ds and added some games on there but is there a way to get games from the Nintendo store online or do I have to get roms for all the games I want?


yeah, you can use the Freeshop and download all the games directly from Nintendo's servers because lol

>what does homebrew mean
Accessing the homebrew itself

Yes, you can pirate stuff with freeshop, or you can download .cia files of games from wherever.

from what I see it's only 28% done ??

Can't Nintendo detect your hack and permmaban ban your shit?

unless you play unreleased games online like a retard, no.

look at the bottom right hestia
twitter com / DGW666

im afraid ill get banned from online games
im afraid ill ruin my saved game files
im afraid it'll break the 3ds, i heard some bad stories about ppl shitting up their 3ds trying to homebrew it

i looked at the guide and it looks like a fucken headache , i need to buy some sd card reader for my computer and download a ton of shit and its a headache

ah twitter. never used it before, thats why it looked like jibberish lol

>literally doesn't happen unless you play games before release
>literally doesn't happen
>only happens if you're a retard who decides not to follow the guide
stop being a brainlet

i did it back when /hbg/ was just renamed from gateway general
there's still only a handful of games i've actually enjoyed

nvm twitter doesnt load on the 3ds. so do i have to get the address to every pic?

>im afraid ill get banned from online games
this one's possible but unlikely if you're careful. if you're paranoid, you can buy another system to hack, a cheap 2ds should work fine.
>im afraid ill ruin my saved game files
you won't, and in fact homebrew lets you back up save files to your computer in case something ever hapens
>im afraid it'll break the 3ds, i heard some bad stories about ppl shitting up their 3ds trying to homebrew it
possible if you're retarded and don't follow instructions correctly. it's much more likely you'll get stuck in the process because you missed a step or didn't read everything somewhere, though. that's an easy fix, just ask around until someone pities you and take the abuse people give you for being retarded.
the process is much easier than it used to be, especially if you're on 11.3 or lower

that's not how it works
load the image from twitter on your PC/phone
Then scan with your 3DS

I did it today for the first time and it wasn't so bad. The card I received was switched to the wrong setting when it arrived so that threw me off for a good half hour. It took me another half hour to finish the rest. The process seems safe as long as you follow the guide.

go to his website and scan the qrs from there

Doesn't matter, you can unban yourself in minutes

>those speedlines
>this nigga just swerved back to avoid being slapped
This VN looks like kino already.

It's one of my main emulation devices. I bounce between it and my phone with roms.

>from online games
Playing just about any fucking nintendo game online is a god damn chore. You aren't missing out on anything.
>I've heard stories about....
Just read all the instructions a couple times before doing anything.
>I have to download a ton of shit and
Most of it comes complete as a single torrent and a few downloads.

Link best guide pls

I did the same but I found out the best games are old DS games. Most 3DS titles aren't that good.

You lazy shit.

I don't even own one and I can play every 3ds game I want

because I don't have the time or energy to play 1000 ds titles

Enjoying those 12 frames per second?

How to play ds games on a 3ds? I have RXtools and yakareando. I bought the 3ds hacked so i don't know shit about hacking or hombrewing but i have fbi and freeshop.


>not handheld
>can't play comfy games in bed


Flashcart, loading DS games from SD is possible but absolute shit
fucking kek

Don't laugh and tell me what and how to do

Loading from SD tends to be a bit laggy and some games still don't load at all.
Just buy a flashcart from a reliable seller. Flashcarts from certain sites are "time bombs" that stop working once your system goes past a certain date.


I used to follow that nigga's guide but it became a pain because he modifies the files and edit his name and some codes into them.
Just follow the basic 3ds guide

It's well explained

so are all the games on the eshop free? or do you have to download roms?

oh wait I read that wrong, buy and update your R4 or another flashcart. That's it.

I heard the DS emulation is not worth it

>some games
*nearly all games

It isn't. Nothing works.

Because it apparently requires another 3DS to do it and I don't want to buy another one just for that and have one lying around uselessly forever.

I just setup freeshop and I'm not seeing smash bros. Just the demo versions.

Wait for real, a friend of mine had that problem and downloaded every firmware and tested them one by one until it finally worked

I did the same and nothing worked.

Wait, addendum. Pokemon Diamond worked but had substantial load time for lines of text, movement from one zone to another, animations. Mario 64 DS had up to a minute of loading for each level.

I just finished Fire emblem awakening and it left a hole in my soul now that it is over.

What should I play now?

What are some must-have 3ds games that are easy to get into? So far I have Metroid and Mario Kart 7 and enjoy both of them.

Fire Emblem Birthright

Devil Survivor

I will take this, since I never played a SMT game.

is it worth it
i just want to play mhxx in english

do it fgt

>US shipping

>i just want to play mhxx in english
>is it worth it
To be fair, right now its the only way to do that. I guess it depends on how much you want to play the extension of Generations.


>literally why haven't you done this yet?
maybe it's just lack of experience, but I fundamentally don't like how 3DS games look. it 's the same way I feel about a lot of PS1 titles.

>too low res and low poly for 3d but they try anyways
>2d games that are actually appropriate for the hardware are lacking

if it was just a bit higher res it might be fine, but the idea that it's lower res than even a PSP which came out in 2005 always bothered me. oh and the battery life is shit and the 3d adds nothing, it detracts from the whole system.

I would get more use out of a switch.

Stop everything you're doing and play Symphony of the Night for the PS1 if you haven't already.

He didn't though.

>hacked vita and 3ds
This is almost better than having a gayming PC