Was 2017 the worst year for PC gaming yet?

Was 2017 the worst year for PC gaming yet?

Fuck, it really was that bad, wasn't it?

Divinity Original Sin 2 is more good exclusivity than the PC has gotten in years though. It reminded me of a time when PC gaming was more than just playing the multiplats better and timesink games like WoW, PUBG, and League.

No, was great. Tons of amazing stuff not represented on that list you posted either. Darkwood is one of the games that will really be recognized in the years to come, that didn't get nearly its due of attention in 2017

And nothing of value was lost.

Not as bad as the consoles

there's like 2 ACTUAL pcbro games on that list

Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Mario Odyssey, BOTW, Samus Returns, a lot of the best games of the year were only on consoles/handhelds. The rest were multiplats and Divinity OS 2 for PC.

consoles had tons of great shit
i can count the pc games i liked this year on one hand

PC is a fucking joke.

Enjoy your multiplats and grafix circle jerk.

>survival horror
what makes it unique from the five hundred other survival horror games on pc that are essentially identical to each other

the only good game you named was divinity 2 though

does it look like any of those games to you?

Buddy I'm an idort, I'm not trying to start a console war here. I still play every multiplat on PC, I'm glad I own my PC, but you're seriously trying to say you wouldn't like PC to have real exclusives again?

it looks like a top-down version, other than that it doesn't look particularly distinct

fuck him, i'm op and i'd love some decent games, that's the whole point
this year was fucking disappointing. there were some solid titles last year but this year was just disappointment after disappointment.

no, who gives a shit about exclusives? fuck if i care that someone else gets to play something on their system of choice.

you should consider how thoroughly you evaluate games based on what you think their apparent qualities are judging by the graphics. in this case you'd seem really foolish to compare it to any other game

that's why i was asking what made it distinct because it's not immediately apparent from the steam description and screenshots

Maybe if you people didn't pirate everything devs would be more willing to put stuff on PC.

Reap what ye sow.

>not playing on PC to pirate everything

i don't pirate everything

I have better shit to do then pirate games I won't play.

I don't buy new games. I'll probably buy some of these in 2018 or 2019 for $5 or less. I can understand why you guys would be mad about metascores of 80 or 90 when you pay $60 for fucking everything. Maybe try not doing that next year.

You seem to be combining a lot of platforms. Also p5 and botw can be emulated on pc. And you cant play all those games you listef on one platform.

His point is that they weren't on pc, but I guess reading comprehension is hard.

His point is you cant play all those games on ps4 alone so pretending consoles are a single platform with all those games wont work here.

then pirate games you will play

You'd have to be a retard to genuinely think this. It was a pretty bad year for PC.

So who cares if consoles aren't a single platform? if you just stuck to PC this year you were missing out on a lot of good games. That's literally what OP and are saying.

When did PS4 even come up?


>Labeling wolf2 as garbage
Assblasted drumpftard soniger detected
Opinions disregarded


>if you don't like this game you're a nazi
Lmaoing at your life