It's shit

It's shit


Its better than bloodborne

You're shit

It copied everything from bloodborne

>It copied everything from bloodborne
The only thing it copied was the Lady Maria fight with Sister Friede.
Bloodborne cucks need to die.
"Muh Soulsborne xDD"

Yeah it's the worst Souls game but it's still fun and better than a lot of other games.

Which copied everything from dark souls you dingus

Which copied everything from demon souls you silly goose

Which copied everything from King's Field you dork

Which copied everything from kings field you sausage

Bloodborne was too adjusted for the fact you aren't supposed to use the shields, you got a fucking ranged parry, that shit is op. Dark souls 3 without a shield isn't that hard, but it's way harder than bloodborne anyway.

1 > 3 > BB > DeS > 2

Saying it's shit is a bit too far imo, but yeah it was disappointing.

Kill yourself

1 == BB > DeS > 2 > 3

every boss in Dark souls 3 goes down in like 10 fucking hits, compare that to blood-borne where you actually have to stay on your toes for the duration of the fight. You're actually required to know the movesets of a boss. I can one shot bosses like bloodstarved beast and vicar amelia because I've grown to memorize their movesets, compare that to Dragon armour or fucking vordt where I kill take them down not because I've necessarily memorized their movesets, but because they go down so fast that you barely have time to appreciate them

Dark souls 3 is stupid easy compared to bb, mostly because it's just bb but SLOWER


I respect your opinion assuming you have no interest in co-op or pvp because that's the only reason someone would ever rate 3 that high.


And the dog enemies, and a lot of beastial enemy's attack patterns, and reused the color pallet, and reused BB's art style in general...

Fuck off

Well, I'm having fun.

Only acceptable list

even the stuff it didn't copy wasn't nearly as exciting as what other soulsborne games had to offer.


Demon Souls is not good. Someone who starts playing the series now will not consider DeS better than any of the others because it's aged like shit.


BB > 1 > 2 > DeS > 3

and yet better than DaS2.

I liked DaS2's PvP. People actually used more than 2 or 3 weapons.

I strongly disagree.

Demon's Souls has some of the best weapon movesets and upgrade paths in the series. Builds in general in DeS are extremely strong and therefore more interesting then builds in other the other games.

I've been waiting for about 5 games now and nothing has been able to top DeS blessed greataxe regen builds or morion blade+CRR firespray hyper mages.

I never touched PvP.

After all the tryhards and shit in 1 I stopped trying.

>I liked DS3's PvP. People actually used more than 2 or 3 weapons.
>I really appreciate that they got rid of soul memory

>People using anything other than a dark lothric knight sword or demon scar

funny joke


Fixed it

This game did a ton of awesome things, so much so that it's shocking DS3 wasn't a better game
Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Demon's souls > Dark Souls 1 = Dark Souls 2

That's your mistake, not the games

you can't out tryhard people who fucking cheat.

I hit a guy and his HP didn't even go down.

You could at least backstab or kick them off ledges in 1. Good luck with that in 2 or 3 though.

the problem with dark souls 3 is that compared to bloodborne it just feels unpolished by comparison. I mean you look at shit like the huge variety of trick weapons in BB and the combo potential they offer, and then DS3 just has like 50 weapons where in reality there's around 8 and then all the others just have adjusted stats. Yes the weapon arts were alright but they just don't offer much when you put them against stuff like the Whirligig saw, bloodletter, or amygdalan arm

>funny joke

I think Dark Souls 3 is better than 1. Better story, atmospheric, bosses and areas. DS1 has better non-linearity though. They're all great though. Except DS2. Couldn't get into that one.

3 > 1 > BB


lol this

>every enemy is a fucking Bloodborne enemy that necessitates straight sword spam from start to finish
Getting really pissed off every time I want to try a new weapon is the best
Greatswords have gotta be the fucking worst in this regard. Consume twice the stamina at half the speed for the exact same damage, by the way your recovery frame is longer than it takes for the enemy to recover from your hit and dish out another attack!

I've played shit and this wasn't it. If anything I was just tired of the Souls formula by the time this rolled around and it felt the need to retread a lot. Had some stupid fun with pvp at times.

no it's not shit. the only people who say it is shit are people who were setting themselves up for disappointment by believing this was going to be Dark Souls 1.5 (aka, the hubworld interconnecting with all the levels in the game instead of the hubworld being an isolated area) Being more linear doesn't make it worse. It has the best customization out of the series, the most weapons, the most armour, and great visuals and great levels. What is not to love?

Dark souls 2 is the best while BB is the shittest

you just don't understand- it's the dark souls of the dark souls series

It's already universally agreed that it's the best Souls game.

>Dark Souls is the most overrated shit ever

>way harder than BB
How can anyone think this? DaS3 has the easiest bosses of the series. Only hard bosses are Friede and Midir. Friede is hard because she is a horribly designed fight that drags on way too long and forces you to slog through 2 easy phases every time you try. Midir is well designed and learning his patterns and positioning yourself to hit his head is very engaging.

That said, neither of those bosses took me anywhere near as long to beat as Gascoigne, Amelia, Logarius, Gehrman, Ludwig, Laurence and Orphan.

Out of all the copy past threads, I actually agree this time.

It isn't "shit" but it is mediocre as fuck. BB>DeS=DaS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS2/3