Xenoblade 2


What an amazing soundtrack.

Other urls found in this thread:


One Last You > Drifting Souls

Announce the release date for the soundtrack already, Mitsuda
Let me buy it, I can finally afford things


Only one XB2 thread allowed at a time now lel

I warned you idiots to not make 5 new threads every hour but you didn't listen

Relax bro. Stress leads to hair loss.
Let's not turn that fivehead into a sixhead.

If Sheba is meant to be a lesbain why does maxing out her trust let her affinity chart say "Do you wish to join our entourage, too?" when her driver can be male, and if they were the females she'd already let them be part of her entourage. Was that a mistake or is she bisexual?

that's a low blow brother

Post your favorite tracks youtube.com/watch?v=cHOVDqCeStI&

Is this really a matter of contention?

I'm onto you Takahashi. I know you've been using each Xenoblade game to train and prepare Monolith Soft for a new truly ambitious game.
I know you made X to get Monolith Soft used to HD development and what better way than to make a open world game to push the console to it's limits.
I know the reason X2 has so many guest artists is because you used this game to finally learn how to properly convert artwork into 3d models and to animate facial expressions and cutscenes. I know the next game is to expand the studio and to make something different to widen their experience.

The implication is that she ends up loving her driver so much that she doesn't care anymore what gender they are.

I wouldn't be surprised if the spamming was done by someone who had something against XB2 so that a punishment would have to be doled out.

How is that bad.

Not gonna read posts in this thread because of spoilers but I just want to say that I'm on the second Titan and so far the soundtrack has been completely derivative and unimpressive. Every other song seems to be specifically made to resemble a song from the original Xenoblade, whether it be Gaur Plains, Makna Forest or Engage the Enemy, and none of them are as good as the song they are imitating. Worse yet, the sampling is in many cases terrible - straight out of PS2 MIDI music and with heavy compression. ACE phoned it in.

The Mitsuda songs (which can be easily identified from their liberal copying of his earlier works) fare better and have good instrumentation, but it's still rather jarring to hear what is obviously the Chrono Trigger opening jingle all the time.

I expect there will be some great songs down the road, but as with the game itself, it was a mistake to discard the bold new direction of X and try to make a clone of the original instead. It's all "been there, done that", with less polish.

And Shimomura had the best songs in the original anyway.

You mean Eric spammed and reported the threads so that people couldn't escape his faggotry anymore


>On fucking Sup Forums
You poor poor newfag

>Stage 1

>Shimomura, the best at anything but plinky plonky title screens.



I'm really feelin' it!

Shit taste. Shimomura's worst work was in Xenoblade


>there's a sorter already
>doesn't have torna blades

Mor Ardain and onwards is where the music really picks up. Mor Ardain, Leftheria Archipelago, Tantal, etc. It all goes up from there. Also, I gotta say the battle themes in this game are my favorite in the series. XC1 and XCX had some amazing battle songs mixed in with meh ones, but for me XC2's battle themes have all been hits,

Fuck off, kevin.

Sounds like you're the new one. They deleted a xenoblade thread a mere 20 minutes ago because only one allowed

And completing their daily one act of moderation a day they crawl back to their IRC holes to be seen tomorrow

>This incredible song finally got uploaded


>And Shimomura had the best songs in the original anyway.
I almost took you seriously, but you had to end it with this.

But I mean, could you imagine just being a regular guy and getting Dahlia out of your first core? Like, you're just some random Gormotti guy struggling to keep his family off the streets, and then the Ardanians show up to recruit drivers. So you're like fuck it and grab a core and fucking Dahlia appears. And there's just this stunned silence from the crowd and you're trying really hard not to stare and oh shit that smile she totally saw you looking. So then you get packed into this tiny room for the 10 day trip back to Mor Ardain and it's just you and Dahlia the entire time but you're too scared to try anything because is that even legal in Mor Ardain and you an't risk getting sent home. And you keep getting harassed by the other recruits because all of a sudden Murakumo the 1 crown axe guy isn't looking too hot. So FINALLY you make it to Mor Ardain and report in and all your superior officers and drill instructors are fucking shocked but you're trying to power through it and be a good soldier you know? But then they're teaching you all the lines you need as a soldier but Dahlia keeps saying 'Yer dun, hun." and your CO keeps giving you shit because that's not the line. And then you start doing weapon drills and all the other drivers are like doing their fucking katas with their swords and spears and whatever and you look at Dahlia and she hands you a fucking football. So you're practicing your dribbles and passes and kicks and busting out the Dragonfly like Hiruma and Agon and somehow all of that is healing the rest of the squad so you get promoted to field medic and it's really cool because of the pay raise so you can send more money home. But all of the corrupt senators keep randomly finding reasons to come up and talk to you and they keep staring at Dahlia and making this jokes about haha what a shame it would be if you died in an accident ahaha I guess somebody would have to inherit that core crystal hahaha. Like what would you even do in that situation?

Feel like something went wrong and Poppi A got lower than I wanted.

I've seen this post before
6 times in fact

>That part at 1:29
>Cutscene cuts to the part with the artifices falling out of space in slow motion
My favorite part of that cutscene

>So you're practicing your dribbles and passes and kicks and busting out the Dragonfly like Hiruma and Agon and somehow all of that is healing the rest of the squad so you get promoted to field medic and it's really cool because of the pay raise so you can send more money home
Every time

>MFW Newt is the only rare blade without a single piece of art
Not even a shitty doodle, someone fix this shit!

Wait, no, I was listening to youtube.com/watch?v=nwB6-voFrW4 and mistook it, whoops.

How casual am I?

>no pnuema

>"It has no meaning. All it represents is the ego of those who named you."

Most kino line in the game.

Doujins with Nia suffering when? I can imagine shitloads of scenarios
>Forced to watch
>End gagn where pyra calls her to heal a drained asbfuck rex
>Vanilla that turns to be just a dream
>Cucked masturbation

I didn't include Pneuma because there's still no official art of her.

>Counting Poppi as 3 different characters
When will this meme end.

>tantals overworld soundtrack

A few threads ago someone posted an OP as fuck Morag build that wound up with something like 50%+ Crit on each Blade and could compete with Poppi QTpi.

Anyone got the details for that? I don't wanna spend 10,000 hours playing Tiger Tiger

Guess this is the XC2 thread now

Are common blades any good?

I like how poppi becomes less.robotic with each model.

They're useable

What is her hair made of?

only for field skill and merc mission slaves to be euthanized for overdrives and boosters

>Poppi QTpi

Whatever KOS-MOS' hair is made.

I used a common wind fist on Zeke the entire time I had him for its topple effect and easily breezed through the game.

They're serviceable in the short term, but rare blades are better for the long run. If you get stuck on a fight, don't be afraid to bust out a common of the element/class you need.

Orb mastery blades are pretty OP for post game

4 stars commons can actually compete with rare blades, but the work required to get a proper one makes it not worth it.

Pre-release and before that one story trailer I was hoping the third form would be like a mech but what we got is great too. Alpha is still the best though.

Re-purposed Nopon fur?

>Blade Nia
>Poppi QTπ
Tied for 4th

It's not a Takahashi game without a mecha-musume

Maybe it's just me but I believe Tora specifically tried to make her similar to Mythra/Pneuma so he could have his own Aegis.

Hello my sort of brother

plumies get out


Finally, some tas-
>floren that high
never mind

I used him throughout the entire story. As a way to keep Vandham's memory alive.

Why do you hate cute girls?

why? he looks neat

How the fuck do you get past the faggots at the end of chapter 3? I manage to get them down below half ezpz but then the Malos starts dishing out fuck-tarded damage and kills everybody in two swings.


IWas it just me or did they *bleep* out some of daddypon's japanese dialogue when he was trying to convince Tora to make a tiny poppi during the QTpi quest?
Wonder if she was implying she could climb into people's assholes or something.

Min-maxing autist.

>I manage to get them down below half ezpz
No you don't. The fight ends when you get one of them down to 1/2 HP.


US or EU? I'm yuro and it happened in mine too. Bizarre.

>Her face when Rex tells her she's gonna get /ss/'d

Have you tried gitting gud?

You're right the fight ends, because Malos goes ape shit and kills me

If I recall it was because Ant-Man. And JPN is anal over copyright

This corporate garbage is so distasteful.

So, can anyone tell me if I'm reading this right

>Pyra is willing to share Rex with a girl she considers literally her sister
>All three of them engaged in lewd handholding at the end
>And specifically has a team up animation/attack about sharing Rex with Nia, both taking one of his hands and working together
>Yet she never invites Nia into the harem
>Nia has to stay in the cuckshed, listening in as Rex impregnates two literal demi-Goddesses.

What's going on with that?

US. Guess this explains it


The more I look at her design the more shocking it becomes.
>That cleavage
>Thigh high boots
>No pants
Shit like this is what gives me a motive to get good at drawing, under rated waifus need justice.

>And JPN is anal over copyright
That's weird.
Jap manga have constant references to real stuff like Mario, Megaman and so on.


Rare blades have art?

Well Ant-man technically is Disney property.
And if anyone's going to get anal about anything, it's the mouse.

>and busting out the Dragonfly like Hiruma and Agon

Top quality reference. You and me are now friends.

>And JPN is anal over copyright
Bleeping or censoring things that are copyrighted out is a super common joke in japan.

Well yeah, that much I can see.

We can go further

Was Jin /ourguy/?

Who am I kidding, /ourguy/ is Mik

>Pyrafags are the ones to always force the cuck meme
>Even though Pyra/Mythra and Nia are actually really good friends
I swear you guys get more obnoxious by the day.

>Vanilla that turns to be just a dream

Oh man, that brings back memories

>That sweet Vanilla RE:Zero doujin with Rem and Subaru living a happy life together
>They're getting on day to day, having beautiful loving sex
>She surprises him at the end by telling him she's pregnant, he's super happy
>Just as they're hugging she wakes up, and realises it was all a dream. She chose not to go with him that time
>Turns over, crying sadly

Good times, good times.

Niafags are just as bad if not worse, especially post-launch.

Japan absolutely hates piracy as well and they have plenty of laws against it. I'm surprised Sup Forums likes them so much, considering that people here are quick to sperg the fuck out about the subject.

Heartwarming Alter:Version where they did run off together though

No, they really aren't. Pyrafags literally cannot handle people saying anything bad in regards to their precious boring waifu. They're always antagonizing literally everyone.





I refuse to choose only one