So is it good? I've been thinking of picking up and it's on sale for $20

So is it good? I've been thinking of picking up and it's on sale for $20


It’s axtually extremely good. I’m about to finish it for the first time. If the dialogue drags on you can just skip it but it’s sctually not terribly written so most of it is bearable and actually enjoyable at times. Pick it up it’s one of the best games of the decade hands down.

Do you like playing video games? If so, it's meh. Do you like watching video games and playing cards? If so, you'll love it 10/10.

Some would say it's mediocre, but at 20 USD it's well worth it for the polish and content.

Fantastic game

I fucking hate that game.

Fucking awful to play.

What's bad about it

tell us what games are better from 2015 onward then

Movement is terrible (even with "Alternative" so don't you dare try and suggest that).

Sword swinging feels like shit.

Dodges are shitty.

There are like 2 good signs, the rest are useless.

>the polish

The Witness
fuck even FFXV was better IMO certainly played better


Great game but you should definitely play 1 and 2 before 3

absolute garbage

typical bland aaa western rpg for pop culture flouride drinkers


It plays like shit. The world is generic fantasy shit. The quests and story are overrated shit. People only like it because Game of Thrones is currently in, MUH PRETTY VISTAS, and a baron.

this is perhaps the worst post ever made


>The Witness
Atleast try with your shit taste

Geralt is so bland sounding

>i dislike its mechanics

this, most of its criticisms are subjective and only a very vocal minority say its bad to the point of unplayability

I recommend doing this. The third game is nice and all, but I genuinely prefer 1 and 2 over it. 1's combat is a bit outdated but I played through the entire series this year and it was my favourite in terms of story.


2>1=3 (i did actually like 1's combat. controversial opinion, I know) The biggest letdown with 3's combat is that... it's just meh. I'm seriously disappointed at their lack of balance when it came to the signs. In all games, there are only one or two spells you'll ever use.

Choice + Consequence

if you're curious about the books, 1 is essentially fanfiction. 2 and 3 are closer to the novels. you can start playing at any point, but once again, i highly recommend playing everything in chronological order. you can import saves to each game and there are little extras that they've thrown in that makes it feel like a continuous story... despite the part where you have amnesia at the start of each game.

I like CD PROJEKT RED's approach to making video games. I really like how they never seem to abandon fans of their previous games. There are so many little references to the previous games, even if you don't import your saves.


Play it in chronological order. It's worth it.

its very good

ignore the biodrones who are still upset about the dragon age franchise being complete garbage

I know people who have played TW3 only because they're on PS4 but playing it after playing TW1 and 2 is completely different, the lore and backstory of the whole Witcher universe feel much more complete in my opinion

It is good, but not perfect. Sadly its biggest flaw is that there isn't that much mechanical depth to the combat or in terms of very different builds. It's solid and serviceable enough though and the game is pretty great overall. I can't really think of any other recent RPGs which can rival it in terms of scope and quality, the world/setting is also great.

Should I play it? I still haven't played 1 or 2

it's the grand theft auto of role playing games.

it kind of sucks desu. there's not much to do besides follow the boring ass main quest line and slash, dodge, slash, dodge, slash, dodge.
I honestly had more fun playing gwent and when i needed to complete more of the main quest line to unlock gwent cards i was actually bummed out.

all the famale characters are annoying.
Geralt is boring.
The enemies are lame as hell, you start fighting some water zombies, and then later they get a prefix like "savage" or some shit and its the same enemy but with more health and damage.

The graphics were gud
The combat was shallow
The story was lame

tfw ywn play the version of Witcher 3 that's about getting Iorveth, Roche, and Geralt together to form the ultimate Bro-force.

Yes so you can play as best girl



It's purdy gud, and for 20 bucks it's definitely worth it. The combat is anywhere from serviceable to somewhat decent, depending on your tastes and how charitable you want to be, but the leveling system plays well into it since you can basically spec into being better at whatever playstyle you prefer. The story isn't exactly legendary stuff, and definitely has it's pacing issues (it felt like I was looking for Dandelion for goddamn ages), but it's good moments are pretty memorable and it's not afraid of actually asking tricky questions of you or maybe some of those were in the sidequests I can't quite remember. Even the sidequests have a really good presentation to them that makes it easy to get lost in them because you've forgotten that they're not the main affair. Also it has gwent and monster hunts and shit to distract yourself with.

tl;dr it's okay/10 definitely worth 20 burger tickets

It is fairly average with and the writing is pure cringe most of the time. Get Elex if you want to experience a much better open world experience with god-tier writing (and no SJW shit jammed down your throat).

Bruh Elex is trash

Is it good? Yes. But it's probably the most overrated RPG ever made. Quest design is retard proof with the "FOLLOW THE MAGIC RED LINE" game design, the open world is dogshit with nothing to find other than random loot chests, and then you get Ciri who is the most insufferable pile of shit mary-sue in recent memory but waifu fags defend her because they think she's pretty.

Great game, absolutely overrated though.

pretty meh. buy it you've nothing better to do. I'd go for Witcher 1 or 2 if you're interested in learning about the setting.

I'm lvl 8 and at the Bloody Baron quest. When/where can chance my hairstyle/beard?

giant city on the northern side of the map has a hair salon on it. It's on a hill, can't remember exactly where. Been over a year since I last played.

anyone else feels the devs laid on the cockney dialect a bit too thick? It's so heavy its comical, kinda hard to immerse yourself when something bad is happening and someone does an exaggerated impression of a chav.


I hate those fucking village peasants who spit and snort all the time it's so disgusting

Reeeee the game is shit!! You can't even jump on a hat to jump even further!


It ruined every RPG for me because nothing is as good.

I love the pulpy but serious story (which is perfect for a video game), the world-weary but likeable protagonist, the memorable characters, the gorgeous graphics, fun card card game, genueinely interesting side quests etc.

I put 150 hours into Skyrim and could probably name 10 characters. The Witcher 3 I can remember at least 50 off the top of my head. It's a great game, don't listen to anyone who says it isn't.

Also blood and wine expansition might be the most beautiful world ever created. I would turn the game on and just wander around the woods aimlessly

Reminder that there are people on Sup Forums shitposting right now that start sagas at the sequels, not just with The Witcher but plenty of series.

So go chronologically?

It might seem like a hassle to go through 1 but it is worth because it's the entry point to the universe.

I have all of them but kept hearing bad stuff about the 1st compared to 2 and 3

If you don't like reading don't even bother.

combat is meh but the story is great.

Man, if only they keep the sword style gameplay from w1, keep the preparation stuff from w2 and also keep dice poker as another mini game that you can play, w3 will be a lot better

like I'm gonna play some shitty game from fifteen years ago that looks and plays like trash just so I can boast on Sup Forums about how dedicated I am

Is it good? According to most people, yes.

I can't stand it, though. Geralt is a cat-eyed Mary Stu who has Spider Senses, sleeps with all the m'ladies, and literally goes around saying "m'lady."

Personally, it feels like Twilight for neckbeards—Geralt is the ultimate neckbeard fantasy insert and it's kind of gross.

The only positive is that the environments look good. Otherwise it's cringeworthy with shit dialogue.

Disregard my opinion because 90% of players disagree. But maybe they don't shave their necks.

Not extremely eloquent but completely true.

The game is really like a movie-game where you run from cut-scene to cut-scene.
The combat is usually short and consists of dodging (which gives free invincibility frames) and then slashing till you see their attack animation then dodging again.

The main game's story line is atrocious.
The DLCs have much better stories. I think Witcher games do a good job on vampires so Blood and Wine and a few mainline quests involving vampires are a must to complete.

In truth, the game is worth around ~250 hours of gameplay, and for 20 bucks there is nothing worth more bang for the buck.

But if you want an honest opinion of the game, its just ok. 250 hours of gameplay will mostly be boring and monotonous but there will be enjoyable parts and thats what will stick with you.

Also the mini-game gwent is nice too.

just finished beating the witcher 3 tonight.

i completed 1 and 2 as well.

From a technical standpoint the game is a master piece.

One of the best games I've ever played for sure. Story is really good and well written. The dlc is also really good with new and interesting stories with the 2nd dlc being set in a while new place with different environments.

People who think TW3 is overrated are Biodrones? That doesn't seem likely as TW3 and DA probably have many overlapping fans.

My opinion: DAO was good. DAOA was fine. DA2 was shit, and then I quit the series. Never played TW1 or TW2, but TW3 was unfun, boring, and had insufferable dialogue.

I honestly don't understand why people praise this game. I guess it's personal taste. To me, the mechanics felt clunky. Not fun to play. The quests are boring because you just follow a line and fight some monsters along the way. The main story seems somewhat interesting but I couldn't get through more than 10 hours.

How does the first hold up?



Hey guys I'm trying to play the first Witcher but it keeps crashing and saying it stopped working

>2's combat better than 3

I've tried 2 over 4 times and just end up giving up because the combat is a slog. I can't imagine how bad 3's is if you're saying this.

3 is good

A game could have the best story in the history of everything ever, but if it plays like shit it ain't worth playing.

You're right. That is why MGS V is better

It is objectively a fantastic game, but I didn't really like it and I was glad when I finished the main game.

New Vegas is my top pick for games, but I unironically agree that MGSV is better than Witcher 3 purely because the gameplay is so much better.
It's a balancing act of a huge number of variables, but how a game is played just matters more.

Damn I haven't played New Vegas in so long. I should go back

Witcher 1 > Witcher 2 > Witcher 3
In terms of everything combined.

yur muva sucks dwarf cawk!

I wish could fucking get Witcher 1 to work


>you can import saves to each game and there are little extras that they've thrown in that makes it feel like a continuous story... despite the part where you have amnesia at the start of each game.
it is a continuous story you fuckwit, and it's the same amnesia in W2 as in W1 - he gets over it by W3

Should I just settle for the ps4 version? Want to upgrade my PC but every chance I get something bad happens and I have to spend my money on something else. Last year it was my teeth, this year my car.

My pc is old. Phenom II old. I am hyped for anno 1800 but will have to upgrade for that aswell.

It works well on PS4.

I enjoyed it, but my enjoyment was pretty much completely dependent on the characters, world and dialogue (and the way these things tied back to TW1). The gameplay itself is at best passable, and when I say the world I don't mean the open world gameplay but more so the setting and looks.

are you someone who bitches about a relatively simple but amusing swordfighting system? then dont get it.

if you dont mind -that- much but like good story/animation/sexy booty/good adventures and choices that matter (even stuff you did in the previous game, you can import your save)

then yes.

you will get about 100 hours out of that 20 bucks if you dont rush but also dont play it overly long. the DLC is worth it for this game, especially the second one, but if you are going DLC, get both and play them in order.
(it has the save vibe at the end as the end of edzio's trilogy, the im now old and done and get to retire vibe, hng)

People love to rush over to a Witcher 3 tread just to call the game mediocre.

This game drives me fucking crazy as someone who doesn’t want to miss a thing. I gotta let go to enjoy.


Geralt's English voice actor is really bad.

If you're the type of person who thinks Skyrim is fantastic then it's good. Otherwise just avoid this game, it's not for you.

I hate Skyrim but like TW3

then also try reading the books. i know they are not that brillant and the english translation is supposed to suck( i read the german version) but it made the whole story so much better. I always hated how Witcher 3 lets you search for Ciri but you don't really know who she is for Geralt.

Same, hate skyrim. Witcher is the best game since 2015

when do you start getting decent looking gear/sets? I'm lvl 10 and I look like a fucking rodeo clown, yellow chest armour, bright blue pants, orange boots.

Once you get some maps for witcher gear and craft it

>he doesn't want to be a rodeo clown

Which school is best school?

Wolf and iirc cat are the only book canon ones

has someone the pasta of the quest? The one

How so? It's like 90% the same game. Is it that the more cutscenes and even fewer RPG elements make for a more streamlined, casual experience and that's easier for you to appreciate?

combat is horrible.
map is horrible. Literally marks X spots with any points of interest on the map.

Story is shit if you haven't played Witcher 1 and 2, who are both horrible games with even worse combat and no open world.

It's not surprising that ppl say the card game is better than the actual game, since the game itself is not hard to top.

You can jerk off to naked scenes and fuck around with women. The graphics are good.
The main character tries to be guy, if that gets you hot under the collar.

>Literally marks X spots with any points of interest on the map.
Which you can turn off
>Story is shit if you haven't played Witcher 1 and 2
Well whoop de fucking doo, it's the third game in the series, would be stupid if they weren't connected storyline wise at all
>even worse combat

I've put more time into skyrim and I don't think i can name ten characters.

Because Skyrim doesn't have memorable characters. I can only name
>Jarl Balgruuf
I guess that's it, rest have really forgettable names too

>You can turn off a horrible feature and that means the horrible design magically goes away with it.
>It's good that it's on by default
Defending shit to the death.

>Well whoop de fucking doo every game requires you to play previous games to be enjoyable DUH
>Playing through horrible games in order to enjoy a single story sounds like a good idea
Retardation, take it to the max!

Combat is subjective, yes.