How good are you at fighting games

How good are you at fighting games.

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Good enough to not drop a game because it's hard, but not good enough to drop a game because it's bad I miss you USF4

I'm local good bottom 20% tourney good.

>can FADC into ultra in SF4
>can reliably tech hit in VSAV
>can YRC/RRC/PRC in Xrd
>can land 1f links consistently
>can UoH into Super

You must have dropped USF4 pretty quickly then.


pretty fucking good. played for a little over 10 years, i'm an upper-mid level player at alpha 2, alpha 3, and 3s. i'm okay at super turbo, mvc2 and cvs2.

i wouldn't know how good i would be at new games, i quit fighting games when sf4 came out.

Play a game for fucking ages.Feeling pretty good.Play with a regular friend.He stomps me,he wasn't even trying,
"you still haven't learned shit"
Now I want to kill myself.

Good enough that once someone beats me a few times I learn how to overcome that tactic. It helps that the few friends that play fighting games tend to stick to 1 character for a very long time. My buddy only played as SOL in GG for about the first month we owned that game.


Not as good as back when I had time to actually play on a daily basis.

This ____________________much

"Button masher" bad. I just don't have the talent for vidya.

I'm objectively terrible

started with SFIV 4 years ago and managed to get to around 3k PP towards the end of USFIV's lifespan. I'm stuck around 13k-14k right now in SFV, so Diamond/Ultra Plat in that.

overall I feel pretty decent at Street Fighter. I've only really started branching out to other fighting games this past year.

I'm fucking garbage, which is unfortunate because I do like playing them but it's super unrewarding to play against me because if I win it's because I'm just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

I stay on the defensive and when I see an opening I do a kick or punch. Sometimes I can combo but it's very, very rare.

I can usually win if no one is playing the other character.

I can reliably hit my super arts in SF3. So not very.

why even say you can fadc into ultra if you can hit 1 frame links consistently? you talking 30 or 60fps 1 frame links?

Kinda good on some titles (stretching it a bit), absolutely horseshit at others, I'd say about average, not terrible, but not particularly amazing either

Really bad

I'm very bad at them and play them for the cute girls.

I've played something like 400 matches in SFV, and I'm still a Super Bronze scrub with lmaoRyu.
It's the first fighting game I've actually tried to get into, and I think if I could just get to Gold, I'd be satisfied. How long would that take me? Is it even possible now?

Good enough to beat all my friends
Bad enough to not even stand a chance against someone who actually knows what they're doing

400 matches is really not a lot at all. it took me years to finally feel like I was a better than average player in SFIV and I imagine SFV wouldn't be much different.

Gold is that 'better than average' territory and if SFV is your first fighting game and you've only played a few hundred matches then it's certainly going to take some more time but of course it's not impossible.

shit just takes time. a lot of 'getting gud' for me was learning about fighting games outside of actually playing them.

>how good are you
Terrible, I'm a button masher who has only played SC2 and the original MK. I like stuff like this though

Why would you be good at a dying genre?

>a lot of 'getting gud' for me was learning about fighting games outside of actually playing them.
Guess I'll have to do that, then. Any good resources?

I can play king in tekken.

I was decent enough to get on the top 8 in my city
does that count?

i place evo every year

Pretty bad at them, I have no idea how to learn either.

owned a ton o fighting games but not very good online but my favorites so far have been


I'm good at tekken

at this point I'd just say youtube. there's so much content out there nowadays it won't be hard to find some good general knowledge stuff as well as some character specific stuff.

learning about frame data and how to utilize it will also be pretty beneficial.

>learning about frame data and how to utilize it will also be pretty beneficial.
Is it even worth bothering with this sort of thing if I'm still absolute garbage at zoning?

it's a pretty easy concept honestly, but it's certainly not necessary to know. there are plenty of good players out there who don't really use frame data, but it will help you better understand advantage/disadvantage in terms of fighting games.

I'd say getting the basic fundamentals down is more important though, so yeah maybe come back to it when you're a bit more familiar.

but also,
>zoning in SFV
zoning is pretty weak in general in SFV and Ryu isn't particularly good at it this go around like he was in SFIV unfortunately. I'm not saying don't toss fireballs, Ryu just doesn't really have the ability to keep people out with fireballs right now so I wouldn't put too much emphasis into that part of his game.

I intrinsically pick up frames of fighters while playing allowing me to dominate poking games but I am unable to consistently do long combo strings

How do you defeat Sadistic Sea lion?

Retard Alert

There was a time when I was bretty gud at Tekken Tag 1 and KoF 2000/1/2 at the arcade. That was a long time ago

Pretty terrible. I bought SFV two weeks ago after having not played since 2, and I can't even clear all of the trials or beat Normal Survival mode with anyone yet. Should I just an hero?

>can YRC/RRC/PRC in Xrd


This was literally me for years. At some point or another, you'll get tired of losing matches solely because your combos aren't as long or as damaging or as meter-building as the other people. Combos have more utility than it seems at first, and spending some time in the lab just getting down your bread and butter meterless combos is just step one. But that first step is so satisfying when you have strong fundamentals that you'll want to learn more and more combos eventually.

Tl;dr: if you have good fundamentals, start learning combos already faggot

>can FADC into ultra in SF4
Is this supposed to be hard?

Pretty sure half of those words are made up.

they are all just basic mechanics that are not hard and dont reflect level of skill in the slightest

this happened to me but with mk3. never felt so humiliated

Bad enough to not remember combos and not have the reflexes to pull them off consistently.

The only times i've done decently in a fighting game is shit like Xenoverse, and I barely consider that a fighting game at all, much less a decent one.

ok i guess

Good enough to beat all my friends at pretty much any fighting games but not good enough to avoid getting my ass handed to me by some 14 year old at my local arcade.

I'm considering getting more proficient in fighting games, after spending a good chunk of my life playing them semi-casually.

The problem is, I've started to see just how obsolete gamepad feels compared to a good arcade stick, so I want to ask Sup Forums for a little advice on which one to gift myself for New Year

I'm currently tied between:
-Mad Catz Street Fighter V FightStick TE2+
-Hori Real Arcade Pro 4 Kai

I'm not big into technicalities, but people say that button manufacturer is quite important, and the winner in that regard is madcatz with its Sanwa buttons. Then again - I've never really tried out playing on a stick so I have no idea how important it really is. I'm actually more oriented towards the fact that my stick will have to be quite heavy so I could put it on my knees while I'm playing, Hori is around 7 pounds and I don't know how heavy TE2+ , but I assume a bit heavier thanks to the metal base.
Which would be the best one to get?

Damn son u must be the most skilled person in this thread

I just spam buttons because I suck

You'd be surprised at what some people find to be "hard"

I was a lot better during the SFIV and BlazBlue days when all my friends still played on XBL. The only two games where I made the effort to learn all the characters and matchups. I still watch streams and follow the FGC and know what I'm talking about but It's hard without a friend group now though. Last one I really got into with a buddy was Ultimax but even that didn't last long. Now I buy every fighting game and drop it right away because I'm lonely. Injustice 2 was a lot of fun until the same thing happened. Went to WNF once but my SAD was bad back then and I just stood around for a while until some guy asked to play some SFV sets. Was too spaghetti to enter the tournament. I want to get into DBFZ but PS4 is back home and I only have a Switch at uni.

I did okay when we played EFZ back in school.

im ok at them

I can eventually git gud if I focus on one game and even put up a fight in pools, but I don't know how people dive balls first into multiple fighting games at once and at a tournament level.

I can taunt jet upper.
just kidding i can't even electric half the time

Sorry, that sounds like something I would say. If you like it, keep playing and getting better. But if it just makes you mad, I recommend stopping.

Jesus fucking christ this is pure cringe

>I can do a baby mode input in a baby mode game look how good i am
This is the state of Sup Forums

I get it now.

And the FGC wonder why we all laugh at them.

I'm more than good, but frankly they're just not challenging enough. Sometimes I'd get interested in a game, spend six or so weeks learning a character or two, then I'd be untouchable. I'd challenge people on GGPO (now FightCade) and sometimes even go to a local, if appliccable, and sure I'd lose a round or two but very rarely actually lose. I've ripped through Alpha 3, Third Strike, SF2, Melty Blood, Guilty Gear Xrd, Skullgirls, SF4AE, Darkstalkers, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, Killer Instinct, Divekick, King of Fighters 2006... The most interesting one was Melee, but after only two months I had more or less hit the skill ceiling. There's something about fighting games that's easy. Maybe I'd compete in tournaments for a living if I didn't absolutely hate flying, but I'm more than secure trading BitCoin's/Elysium and miscellaneous botfarming (TF2, PUBG, Minecraft, etc).

And everytime I post, I get a dozen people looking for a match, and every time, even in games I'm out of practice for, I sweep. Just give it a rest. I've moved onto more challenging genres: Quake 3, Roguelikes, 1CC Danmaku. Danmaku is japanese for bullet hell, which at least supplies me with decent enough visual kei that I can excuse the rest.

holy fuck what's that and why he makes 3 gorillion inputs?

OK, furfaggotry aside for one minute, why the fuck would anyone want to promote himself as the 5th best DoA5 player?

pretty shit desu senpai

unless ssb counts

He's literally just mashing all 4 buttons like a maniac and the game has such lenient inputs the entire throw chain is coming out

i can't chain combos for shit and meter burn mechanics totally elude me. my fundamentals are pretty solid though

I'm better than I though, but not actually good.

To show people that DoA has at least 5 people playing it.

I'm alright. Been playing them for so long that I can pick up a game I've never touched and be comboing people who own the game within a few minutes. Never went to tournies though, always played locally, so I'm probably trash (although I'm a competitive Melee player, so I have experience in tournaments). My bane is remembering which buttons should cancel into what for the longest combos, since the first fighting game series I took seriously was MvC, where I could kinda button mash early on.

wow you can do basic babby shit, proud of you! we all start somewhere.

the best on Sup Forums bar none

Just good enough to understand how much I fucking suck.

post your friend code bitch

i started in 08 in anticipation of SF4.
then played SF4 on and off until halfway through arcade edition 2012
now i am a weekend warrior playing SFV in Silver league (around 3000)
i have multiple arcade sticks and i buy most fighting games.

i am not that great at them but i fucking love them and they are my favourite genre, the only reason i dont play MORE of them is because of Work and the fact that not a single one of my friends is interested in the genre.

Garou is my favourite Fighting Game

Post your Fightcade ID

The game can't register more than 3 buttons at once with the exception of Ki Charge. Since you can't Ki Charge mid string it instantly reads it as the correct 3 buttons for that chain grab. Good news though mashing 1 is the correct break against that.

I'll get back to you once DBFZ is out, compadre

>People mad that tekken is the best selling fighting game franchise.

Sure EVO numbers aren't the greatest but still raw sales baby.

post yours and i'll determine if you're worthy of my time. pc ps4 whatever. if you don't have at least 2000 hours in a game you don't get to challenge The King

>best selling fighting game franchise.

i would play that game if it was 2v2
learning 3 characters and picking 3 DBZ characters i like is too much for me...
i will still probably buy it.

Not especially. Lately I've been more and more prone to anger over trifles in everyday life, you could probably imagine how livid fightan makes me. It's just not fun anymore

good enough to start at an intermediate level on any new fighting game
and good enough to think of combos on the fly during gameplay

Sorry you aren't worthy of my time, I dont play with casuals serious players only please.

Complete and utter shit. I am trying to get good at GG currently but it just makes me feel like a brainlet. Without even going into stuff like cancels and dead angles, I can barely string together a combo and get way too stressed and confused in an actual fight. Having a single-digit IQ sucks.

it takes you 2000 hours to get good? pshh, kid you aren't worthy of even getting double perfected by The Death Killer (me)

It's a "throw yourself at a stress situation enough times you can do basics on autopilot" kind of issue, user, I believe in you and your average-to-high IQ

i know how to qcf+2 and d+4,2,1+2 as paul

Then di random select, wait 5 minutes in training mode and hope right in to online ranked.

You could also just puck one and be on those 3 vs 3 where 5 guys play in one match

Good enough to learn a bnb or two and have decent fundies so I can casually enjoy them but not much above that.

is this bait


Of course its bait

Say something nice about my son
