Post your Best of 2017 lists. Doesn't need to be the same format
Best of 2017
This might be the worst list ive ever seen ever, i want you to know youve got shit taste and id like it if you got the fuck off my board
>my board
GOTY: Super Mario Odyssey
Most Impressive Game: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Best Game Discovered: God Hand
>all this Sup Forumstendo shit
I want you people to leave our board
>our board
>Sup Forumstendo
Why are you trying to push this?
Do the people who complain about Sup Forums even know what they're complaining about anymore?
>second party
There is no such thing.
This is this worst taste I've ever seen.
Please get the fuck off of me and my friends' board.
Are you retarded?
>me and my friends' board
1st party is developed by the console manufacturer, 2nd party is developed outside of the console manufacturers studio but is funded/made for the console manufacturer and 3rd party is developed by an outside studio without funding from console manufacturer and is usually made for multiple platforms
Tumblr thinks only the alt right like Nintendo
It's a purely colloquial term. If an IP has its ownership shared, it is not second party. If a third party is commissioned to develop for an IP owned by a first party, it is not second party. If a first party commissions a third party for development of an exclusive game that is owned by the latter, it is not second party. There is no such thing as second party. The console manufacturer either owns the IP or they don't.
2017 has been a good year for games
It's about developer and funding, not ownership. You're retarded.
ay thanks for actually posting a list
It’s an attempt to make Nintendo fans seems outright evil instead of just kiddy.
you sir are mah nigga
needs more jpg
Why would I have shit like favorite ongoing game, local multiplayer, animation, advertising, first party, virtual reality or platform? Like especially advertising and platform seem to be fucking retarded, I buy games and I'm not fan of a fucking piece of plastic.
You can do what the other guy did and cross them off. Ya know, instead of pointlessly whining like a bitch
hope Nintendo pays you well
I wish they paid me. I gave them several hundred dollars this year
>pls get out of my safe space